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Started by Sathlir Clawsharp, August 07, 2004, 05:32:57 PM

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Sathlir Clawsharp

I have found this to be a great zone to solo in.. Just make sure you are playing pet cleric...  The undead mobs hit hard and summon often.. You see few true caster mobs but ALOT of mob's that HT..  You can find several named spawns within easy reach.  The worst mob's to solo will be the golems.. They hit harder than most anything in the zone and have a TON of HP's..  Just take your time and let pet get good agro before you nuke..  I find after buffing my pet I usually only have to heal him about once druing a fight..  I actually soloed into my friend in the shops where the Soulscream Belt drops when I was 63...  Granted that took alot of heals..  Since I dinged 64 I find that I can keep all 4 place holders and named if they pop cleared from the Ballroom and joining area..  I can usually gain about 10 to 12% regular XP per KEI..  AA's come at the rate of about 2 to 3% per kill..  Love this zone.. If ya see me there just give a shout..
Venerable Sathlir Clawsharp 65 Feral Lord, Druzzil Ro

Sathlir's Equipment


I've wanted to solo here but on my server there's this guy who tries to keep Veksar to himself...he has this druid bound there (or nearby) and he comes in and trains anyone that's close to a named pretty much almost necros solo there since they can FD, he's wiped out lots of groups...

He's been reported many times but he never says anything but "oh no train watch out"...and GMs just can't get convinced that he's doing it on Veksar is pretty much empty on KB.  Pretty sad...

Game on,
EQ: Predator Jaede Antemanx -- 68 Vah Shir Beastlord on Kane Bayle, Retired
EQ2: Lenon Cartney -- 23 Half-Elf Troubador on Befallen, Retired
WoW: Grishnakh -- 60 Orc Hunter on Malygos, Retired


I partner there with a Pally fairly often, nice zone, good drops, definately worth checking out.


I wonder about soloing here at level 60. Can you get past the  mobs in the tunnels leading to the underwater tunnel with invis? How do you get back there without fighting all the way?
Vahtigre Clawandtooth
60 Beastlord
Karana server


You will only beable to get passed the live gobbies at the entrance then you will have all undead until you get to the courtyard where the golems are.  You will need some kind of IVU potion or IVU click item.

The only undead mobs that see thru IVU are the ones in the theater area this is where the dragon spawns.

Just getting passed the live gobbies and then crawling thru the halls will be good xp at 60.  One great thing about the undead is they dont run at low health so no need to worry about snare.
65 Beastlord on Luclin


where the (bunnies) is Veksar?


Veksar is located at the bottom of Lake of Ill Omen in Kunark...
Xev Server