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Worst group member stories

Started by Dasquid, August 09, 2004, 02:49:04 AM

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One chanter made me HATE the idea of "Levels > all".  Level 65 chanter lfg in BoT and ours left, so we snag him (it wasn't my idea, he had a stupid name and I try and avoid those people).  We start crawling thru the water side (not a particularly strong group - this was pre-opening of BoT to levels) and we get to the point where a pull will likely bring 3 mobs .. the puller asked the chanter to pacify and he says "we can take two".  "There will probably be 3 .. pacify plz".  So the chanter runs off to the puller, spends a minute there and comes back.  Puller pulls and 2 mobs come (2 kriegers) to which he says "wtf mez one and assist me".  Chanter start yacking about "I must have missed one" for a few seconds and the puller says "MEZ ONE".  "I don't have that spell yet".  "CHARM ONE" "I don't have that spell yet".  Anyways, hurray for the level 64 pet as I managed to move the 2nd one away and offtank chaining heals.  He's part of the 2nd "top" guild on my server well into time etc.

Playing one of my alts (necro) in LDoN (Mistmoore) back in his 30s I got into a pickup group which had two healers, a druid and a shammy.  The shammy never canni'd ("when I cast it, I don't get any mana") and was always OOM after nuking everything (typically mezzed mobs) and the druid cast her healing spell as soon as the tank got damaged - wasting easily 1/2 her mana.  Then she'd move in the melee with her 5 damage weapon and before the next pull, would say "OOM hold pulls".  Now, not everyone knows how to play so I was suggesting doing things differently in a very civil manner.  Really, try to canni for more mana - it really works.  Don't overheal .. keep the tank at 90% health if you want to conserve mana, and med during the fight instead of meleeing.  They got hostile that I was telling them how to play their classes and then the druid said "aren't you a necro?  give me mana, thats your job".  I didn't want to fail the mission but I FD'd and said "afk a min I'll give you mana once I'm back".  The rest of the group continued on and after 10 mins (made coffee, some toast & jam) I started soloing a part of the dungeon the group skipped over.  With 15 drops to go when I started, I managed to pick up 10 and we won with 3 minutes left.  The shammy was 65 and in a mediocre raiding guild but the druid was now in the same guild as that chanter previously and last I saw, very much time-equipped.


Gronker...buddy...PM me with their names...gimme the gossip!  (And the fair warning!)

Game on,
EQ: Predator Jaede Antemanx -- 68 Vah Shir Beastlord on Kane Bayle, Retired
EQ2: Lenon Cartney -- 23 Half-Elf Troubador on Befallen, Retired
WoW: Grishnakh -- 60 Orc Hunter on Malygos, Retired


I've been in several bad groups before, but most of the time I group with people that I know just for the sake of avoiding them.

However, I've been in several groups on my main (shaman) with these two sux ass beastlords named urim and rhaynne.  Now, having a bst alt, I know what one can do so these two really appalled me.  Whenever something would be pulled they would just sit there and try to slow and tank the mob.  I'm like "WTF.. i'm the shaman, you just sit back and give me SA or something".  And urim always died cause he's even more of an agro whore than I am.  rhaynne just spends 95% of her time cybering the tank or talking about how 1337 she is with her shiny new totem.  One time we pulled three and I kept telling them two to root park them but they kept saying some crap about now having root.. i don't know, i wasn't really paying any attention to them, but in the end we all died cause of it and they wouldn't heal me.  Take my word and never group with either of the two ever.

Not to mention I heard something about the migtly Hardcore Exploiters beating up on the poor defenseless Beasts in FF last week :)


Ok Mr. "Boohoo, I have to buff everyone".

btw... HB is maaaaaad right now cause they added 15 avoidance and 2 shielding to my new cloak and he didn't bid.




I've been soloing for a while, so disside to take a break and group... I get an invite to a Nro LDoN.

Full group... Bst (me), Enc, Clr, Paly, Monk and Wiz.

We get a Rescue mission... hey fine by me, I'm happy to try any missions, I get a little sick of collections all the time. Well the Enc chucks a hissy fit, refuses to do the mission and disbands and leaves. Now we are down to 5 ppl.
The Cleric (our leader) goes on about how lame the Enc was for leaving and that the Enc sucked anyway.
So we get another mission and head to Oasis. I'm standing outside the quicksand pit, with the monk and start buffing the group as they show up. The Wiz runs right passed and zones into the dungeon. Doh! We all zone, quickly buff and start pulling.
Well the monk is not the best puller and brings back 5 mobs on the second pull. The Paly bites it and the rest of us make it to the zone. Paly is rezzed and we try again. Cleric calms and the monk still brings back adds. The Cleric goes LD in the middle of the fight and we never see him again.
We kill those 4 mobs, without the Cleric and try to carry on, but it's just not working. We keep getting adds, Wiz is complaining about getting agro, due to her three wave 600DD rain spell (well duh!), the monk is getting beat on by the adds... it goes on and on.
I'll give the 3 others that stayed, props for trying to stick with it, even when we all knew we weren't going to win, at least they were willing to try as for the Cleric and Enc, well they are on my "Never to group with again" list.
Baron Whiptail "Mr Whippy" Warclaw
Iksar Savage Lord of 62 seasons.
Drinal server.
- Created: October 09, 2003.
Bringing ice-cream to the people of Norrath for the last 62 seasons...

"The only thing worse than one Beastlord, is six Beastlords, in a group, in the same zone as you... We'll try and leave you a few mobs."


Ok, here's my worst group-member story. This was a loooooong time ago (in a galaxy far, far......ok nm  :wink: ) back before even the Kunark expansion. Anyone rememer that far back?

Anyways, Unrest was one of the "places to be" for hunting. It was train central at that time. I get into a group as my rogue. This was when lvl 20 was hard to get. The group was around lvl 24 or so average level. This bard joins us. Since he joins us we can't figure out why we keep getting adds. (I'm sure you know where this is going). My shaman guildmate says to me that the bard is using his AoE dmg song. I say to him "nah, he can't be that stupid to use AoE in a packed mansion with tons of mobs around." Well, of course he was using it!

The shaman proceeds to mention in /group that "hey bard, stop using AoE its aggroing the whole house." The bard says "no it's not, but fine I'll stop using the song." Ok... no biggie.... One of the casters asks the bard to play the Jacksons Jig 'O Vigor song (back when some fools thought it gave you mana) and the bard flips out saying "jeez, I'm the bard not you guys, I'll play whatever I want, stop telling me how to play." He then goes back to his AoE and like a smart rogue, I get a sow from shammy partner and get rdy to jump out the window and make a B-line for the zone on next runner. As luck would have it, the moron pulled a few other camps when they repopped and trained the whole group, sans my shammy friend and I. We disbanded, and hunted elsewhere that night.  :D
Dedlee Beatdown retired
Troll Beastlord of Lanys T'Vyl
(moved onto WoW - Mannoroth server, same name)