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Focus idea?

Started by Jatrulak, August 28, 2005, 02:54:18 AM

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Was talking with a friend tonight and the subject of wanting pet run speed aa's to be added. Now, I've not seen, or looked for, what kind of aa's will be added with next expansion, but why isn't a run speed bonus of some type added to foci? Larger bonuses with a stronger focus. I don't see any major side effects this could cause for balance, and since it affects foci, it would affect all 3 major pet users, and would help with the problem of pets not being able to keep up with us without being forced to sow/shrew them.


When we poke devs for run speed, I think we always get the same response.

A run3 pet in PVP would be unbalancing as you could not dispell it to slow it down, and snares are hard or were hard to stick to anyone  in PVP.

Thats always the arguement that I heard, too powerful in PVP, so we cant have it.


If that is the reason, it's ridiculous imo. Part of the class as beastlord, or even magician and necromancer, is the pet. The ability to have innate run speed boosts should not be taken from our pets solely because other classes don't have one.
We as players are given run1-5, so why should pets not be able to benefit from it as well in pvp? Players are forced to snare us to slow us down if we have run#, so why should our pets be any different? Players themselves are most likely much harder to snare than pets in most cases anyways, unless they have some massive innate resist boost.


so make it like the damage output in pvp.. disabled when we enter that mode or on the pvp servers ><
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar