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Rake.... Your thoughts

Started by whiskaz, February 20, 2006, 07:35:19 PM

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heh.. I'd dumped the slowed key a long time ago.

And hitting a key ever 30 secs isn't an issue at all for me.  I've had kick tied to my spring look key (5 on numpad) jes about since I started playing.  I spam that key so much, out of pure habit, that I can't have anything else in that hotkey spot (I've broken invis a time or 20 by not getting off the front pad & re-centering my view ;p)

I really like the method someone else recommended, tying all 3 keys to one kb key, just having feral swipe & rake on different hotkey bars (ones I never use anyways ;p)  Yeah, I'll still get spammed, but I've trained myself to hit the key for feral swipe pretty regular too.  At least that one should be changeable ;p
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Hear anything new or have any progress with those stubborn developers tastian?


Why couldn't they have the abilty look at total attack?  If you have 325 worn, have that be whats used instead of 250.  It would be like a bonus to those over the cap.  Most at the high end are well above it anyway I am guessing, even while focusing on other mod2s.  This would offer some sort of scaling to it.  I am only at about 150 or so worn attack because of where I am in the game... Hakaaba because of his gear and where he is may be 75 over tha cap, a difference of 175 attack on the abilty (while maybe not as much scalablity as we might like) may offer some.
Lvl 70 Beastlord
Steel and Honor
Saryn server


After a lovely fifteen hours in Devastation I finally picked this up.  After some messing around with it in groups and during a time clear I must admit that its nice...but could be alot better.  Tast I believe the suggestion given above is probally the best way to scale this ability.  Also I like the way the ability works (30 sec reuse with its base damage) I don't see any need to change that around.  They do, however, need to add either scaler items like monks get with +flying kick or mod it with some other stat (again the suggestion for attack power is a good on).


+Rake damage gear isn't opened to everyone though and I myself dont wnat to have to be a "cookie cutter" class and wear all the same stuff my other fellow beastlords wear to get the maximum performance out of my character.

recoil silverclaws

we allready do for the most part tho lol

i mean if you want a pet focus item your prity limeted on whats avilable to you wether its a time ranged or boots (CoA qvic est.) unless you get the Redfang focus belt thats prity much all the options you have. (unless thay ever fix the type 12 aug for pet focus heh)

I just used those as options off the top of my head thay could probly add it to other items tho. Those just seemed to make the most sence sence their bst only items and ones that most bsts tend to allways use because of how valuable thay are so it would make sence to add + rake to them.
-Elder Recoil Rahl-
    -- of ctv --
a prexus guild
-Hissar Spits-
   --of twinky alts-r-us--


add it to them tho, and the magi & necri would have to be given something special on them as well.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


"add it to them tho, and the magi & necri would have to be given something special on them as well."

That sounds a lot like the logic that leads to items that see us gaining less than others that aquire them.  I'm not saying that some items couldn't be tweaked or that all items couldn't, but if they decided to add +rake dmg to items that have ferocity does that mean something extra has to be added to help rogues and monks? 


Quote from: Tastian on March 31, 2006, 04:17:05 PM
"add it to them tho, and the magi & necri would have to be given something special on them as well."

That sounds a lot like the logic that leads to items that see us gaining less than others that aquire them.  I'm not saying that some items couldn't be tweaked or that all items couldn't, but if they decided to add +rake dmg to items that have ferocity does that mean something extra has to be added to help rogues and monks? 

Alot of monk gear allready has +Flying Kick on it,  Rogues allready get backstab mods.


Good point guys.  Guess that would work... tho given that, I would like it on more items than just the pet foci items.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Items with +rake damage is just more reason for a new beastlord to jump ahead 6 expansions in a game and not build a guild from PoTime+.  I still stand behind making it scale with your weapon damage which will forever be evolving in the game and easier for every other beastlord to upgrade on.  Makes all beastlords happy.


Quote from: whiskaz on April 04, 2006, 01:06:07 AM
Items with +rake damage is just more reason for a new beastlord to jump ahead 6 expansions in a game and not build a guild from PoTime+.  I still stand behind making it scale with your weapon damage which will forever be evolving in the game and easier for every other beastlord to upgrade on.  Makes all beastlords happy.

I believe a way to avoid this Whiskaz would be to add the +rake damage onto the armor sets from each expansion and increase them with each expansion.  This is how it was done with monks and the such.


"Items with +rake damage is just more reason for a new beastlord to jump ahead 6 expansions in a game and not build a guild from PoTime+.  I still stand behind making it scale with your weapon damage which will forever be evolving in the game and easier for every other beastlord to upgrade on."

The benefit of +rake damage would be so minor overall though and all rake does is dps.  If someone wants to jump ahead for dps then they'll jump ahead for dps whether that means pet focus, weapons, or some +rake mods.  They could also be added retro style, but *shrugs*

Also, as has been said many times weapon damage isn't a feasbile way of scaling rake damage.  2h weapons, better ratios, proc weapons, etc.  There are points in the game where your melee dps increases, but the actual damage of your weapon goes down.  By tieing rake to these weapons you create more screwy beastlord itemization issues where weapon_A  is better than weapon_B, but almost no one knows it or understands why.  Suddenly instead of bst looking for procs or ratio or whatever they are looking for high damage or dusting off a 2h weapon and wasting several AAs they already picked up.  Those are just a few of the potential problems with tieing it to weapon damage. 

I'm also still not sure if there is a way to actually tie a +mod to a disc like rake has, but that's about three problems down the road.  8P


kill unlocked AA? e.g. Quarm = 1 level, Tunat another and so on.


Quote from: jitathab on April 04, 2006, 12:14:07 PM
kill unlocked AA? e.g. Quarm = 1 level, Tunat another and so on.

Tieing an upgrade to progressive keys is sort of bad, considering backflaging rates now and seriously are only helping the people who went through progression rather then dragged through it.