The Beastlords' Den

Everquest 1 => Recruitment => Topic started by: Leyka on July 23, 2007, 05:25:44 PM

Title: Coyote Moon recruiting
Post by: Leyka on July 23, 2007, 05:25:44 PM
Hi there !

This thread is to inform all the beastlords and all the non beastlords browsing the forums that Coyote Moon is actively recruiting on the test server. Coyote Moon is a 2 nights a week raiding org ( looking to increase the numbers of raids per weeks as the raiders goes up ) with a possibility to raid an additional 2 nights with another raiding org ( allied to CM ).

Since I know most of you play on a live server, power leveling sessions will be available to level, gear you up to a raiding status and beyond. Note that this is a form of help I and some of the guild members are willing to give to help the new members. This must not be taken as a thing that has to be given to you.

Some infos you guys might not know about the test server:
- Perma 2x xp in every zones from every mobs ( added to the hotzone extra bonus xp )
- All expansions are free ( you must download the files but doesnt have to buy them )
- All veteran rewards given on all the toons you make
- 99/1 vflagging rule applies to every zones that requires a flag vs the usual 85/15 on live ( keying zones are not included )
- /test command allows you to start at level 25 with a noobie gear set, all spells up to 25 included and most of the skill abilities starting at 130

You MUST be raiding minded if you decide to come over and ask for a PL

Guild website:
Minimum level to raid: 65
Classes needed: All and every
Raiding content: DoN / Anguish / Tacvi / PoR
Guild Leader: Gherig

Contact Leyka in game for more infos or if you have any questions. ( can also reach me from live using cross tells command --> ;tell test.leyka )