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Paragon of spirits/ Focused paragon of spirits

Started by Gnore Alla, May 12, 2008, 05:12:27 AM

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Gnore Alla

Ok, right now im a 77 Bst, my one questions ive thought of was kind of simple and at the same time i think key for all beastlords whether its grouping or raiding.  My question is when should i use paragon of spirits while grouping? it repops every 15 minutes, but do i wait for a big pull, or have cleric/healer wait to tell me... some clerics may never need to use so im just curious when would it be more effective to use?

Thank you.
Gnore Allahkazam
Guild: In Motion


It'll differ by group/situation, but it sounds like you've got the right questions.  I used Focused Perf all the time on myself (rarely others, only if they mention a problem, or I can see a problem coming), and group paragon on rezzes/etc, as you mentioned.


The sooner you click it, the sooner it refreshes, which results in more mana gained in the end.

I personally try and click mine about 10 kills into whatever I'm doing, and just chain it until the group has to stop.

Focused Paragon just stays on the cleric unless I consistently hear they're FoM. Then it goes to me!


I also just spam it. It's not doing anything unless you use it.


I tend to save the group version of paragon of spirit for times that are most beneficial to the group as a whole, such as when there is a caster group that is low on mana during raids, save mgb paragon for critical times during raids, or when the group has to deal with/recover from a large pull or difficult monster.

For Focused Paragon of Spirit, I either chain it on myself or on a cleric, depending on what the situation calls for.
Icekracker - 80 Beastlord of Bertoxxulous


Most groups you have to play by ear. It helps to have good communication within the group to know what you need to use your paragon for. I usually announce that my paragon abilities are maxxed out as soon as I join the group. Most high end clerics (at least those wirth a damn) will be able to figure into their healing when they need a feed. Having a cleric of my own I have an idea of how mana usage goes. Also it helps knowing if there's a necro in the group who can also feed and if they will feed.


/grumble.. wtb clerics that don't expect feeders to read their mind and actually send tells for the feeds.  tbh, its been a problem our guild's had for years.. every crop of clrs that were getting trained by the necros to use their hotkeys got burned out and left.  I'll admit myself... I won't feed em w/o a tell.  IMO, making a hotkey ain't that hard to do.  Clrs don't have that many spells they really need to be using on a raid, so they have room in their hotkey bars for a feeding key.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


I pretty much follow the same pattern Inpha does. I just chain the group para and keep focused on whomever needs based on usage.

As far as raiding, focused para follows the same pattern, Group para I use more sparingly based on what mobs we will be fighting. MGB para I only use when the GL calls for it, since its normally known in advance if that will be necessary.


It depends.  If you are outside and all the casters are mounted and spend most of their time in ooc regen, I would save it for big pulls.  In a dungeon or if you just don't have to time ooc regen at all because the puller is just that good, then I would chain it as soon as it refreshes.

Duoing, I save it for problem fights.  Makes a difference when both the mage and beast pets are offtanking while I try to burn something down.
Savage Spirit Sharrien Dreamstalker
Primal Elementalist Ravingronn Blazewarden
Maelin Starpyre


I fire Focused paragon as often as i can, on myself or if a priest needs it

Group Paragon i tend to keep in reserve, as i only have it at 7/10, so it's only good in a pinch for me
Steamslayer Tabar Amastacia
Quellious Server


Interestingly, I have yet to be asked for focused para. Which is ok cuz I either pump my dru or myself

Gnore Alla

KK, i had an idea about what to do, yet i'm still pretty new to playing a beastlord, but just trying to become stronger and more helpful with guildmates and also during groups.  These two AAs i know are very effective and very important during raids, especially since ive been raiding through CoA, it helps out a lot during fights with OMM, AMV, ture (if clerics chain heal), and the jelvan event. 

I thank you guys for the post, someone I'm really looking forward to is myself gettin stronger mentally and knowing more about beastlords.  Plus its also helpful to do research outside of the game, for everyone.


During raids, we have a beastlord channel and set up Focused Paragon assignments.  We'll each take one to three clerics and rotate paragon on them during the fight.  We generally know which are going to go LoM fastest and make sure they have a BST assigned.  Depending on the fight, some clerics might not get any BST assigned.  Or we might not bother with a rotation at all, in which case I just use it on myself.

I also listen in on the healer channel for mana checks and so forth.


Sounds like you both need higher AC tanks :)


Quote from: Khauruk on May 14, 2008, 06:23:20 PM
Sounds like you both need higher AC tanks :)

:) Well, just to be fair to our tanks (I used to be one, so I gotta stick up for them!), it's mainly longer fights that are cutting edge (for us, heh) that we use a planned rotation.  It helped a lot on recent Daosheen attempts.  And during recent Vish and Ghost fights with low numbers.