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Bst item in Time

Started by Tardar, October 26, 2004, 01:32:04 PM

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Wasn't' sure where to put this, so figure I would try it here, and if it's wrong, it will get moved.

We just defeated Quarm last night for the first time.  Each class has been given the opportunity to "reserve" 1 item from Time for their class only.  As the Beastlord class leader, I have had a real hard time finding an item that I could justify holding for Bsts only.  There are only 4 of us.  

I considered trying to reserve Shinai, but how would I justify it?  Now that our caps have increased, the old H2H argument doesn't really hold.  The monks have reserved Ton Po's pouch.  Wouldn't surprise me if a monk wielding a Shinai could do 3x the DPS as we could.  Do Monks prefer to DW at high end, or do they have 2HB AA that might make them choose that over H2H or 1HB?

Pants of Furious Might have been reserved for Warriors for now.  Any other ideas?

Thanks for your time and thoughts.  I really appreciate it.


Pants for Wars?  Our pants from Time are dru/monk/bst.  Not sure I follow you.

But as for asking that one item from Time be allotted to bsts first, yeah, Id have to say Shinai.  That or the SoAS because the upgrades for pet focus are few and far between(I know crap about OoW so dont keel me if there are more now).  The rest of the items in Time IMHO are either druid/monk/bst or something each melee will want.  The belts wind up rotting quickly.  The boots and pants(both ele and from p5) are rather quick to get passed out.  The p3 arms are abundant as are the rings from p1.  Heck, even haste items wind up with casters before too long, although we only have the one hat while the rest have more than one.  But you can make up for that with the ear, shoulders, or Q belt.  The only other thing that I would have personally asked for(were we given the opportunity) would have been the ring from Bert with ext duration on it(Pulsing Onyx Ring) because of the rarity of good items with ext duration on them.  Since we dont get scrm or reduced mgb timers we are at a small disadvantage.  The extra time for Fero is really quite nice.  As well as for hastes if youre not grouped with an ench or sham.  The ring is the one thing from Time I wish I did get that I never did.  The rest are easily replaced somewhere down the line(yes even the pet focus if you arent anxious).  Pet focus is either way, you want the upgrade now or you can wait for something else like Ikk3 raid aug or Qvic boots.  But I dont know of many ext duration items that you wont be looking to upgrade once you start doing Ikk raids.

So in summary IMHO, ask for Pulsing Onyx Ring, then Shinai, then SoAS.  But your mileage may vary.


Pants of Furious Might  
Slot: LEGS
AC: 38
STR: +30 STA: +10 CHA: +15 WIS: +18 INT: +18 AGI: +25 HP: +200 MANA: +185 ENDUR: +185
Avoidance: +25 Attack: +20 Regeneration: +2
Required level of 65.
WT: 1.5 Size: TINY
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8

My idea would be have the classes that can actually use the item get it before classes that can't.  8P


The pants are a decent option. I would recommend one of the following:

Talisman of the Elements

Has +atk and a very powerful mana conservation focus. A hybrid item for sure, and a very very good beastlord neck that you won't replace for a _long_ time.

Wristband of Icy Vengeance

This wrist item is arguably better than Qvic armor for a beastlord. The focus is of marginal value to us, but it comes in handy for things like slows and heals. Best wrist item out of PoTime for a beastlord.

Pants of Furious Might

Best leg armor you'll see until Ikkinz raid trials, and the Runed Flesh-Banded Leggings seem somewhat rare. Can't go wrong with these; they have extremely good stats.

You also could gain a lot from the Elemental leather BP pattern, unless lots of you already have the Fennin vest, in which case Elemental isn't necessarily an upgrade.

At any rate, those are my suggestions. DO NOT request the Shinai; it is not a particularly good Beastlord weapon. Ethereal Destroyer + Epic will outdamage ED + Shinai or Shinai + Epic (1.5, I'm talking about) easily. The best possible weapon combo for a beastlord coming out of Time is ED mainhand, Epic 1.5 offhand. Hammer of the Timeweaver would be decent, except that its proc sucks. It is not a good weapon for a beastlord, particularly given the general ease of acquiring Epic 1.5 with a Time-capable guild.


Pants of Furious Might are leather only, did you mean Greeves of Furious Might.  As far as leg slot goes I won't worry to much about reserving Time legs since there are better in Ikk1, which since you have betten Quarm should not be to far off for your guild.  

hmm... 1 item...  my choice would be Wristband of Icy Vengeance.
Hierophant Zendernor <Forlorn> Natureguard
Venerable Zenderous <Forlorn> Feral Lord


Ttony Ttiger
70 Vah Shir Beastlord
Raeign Foraeist
65 Froglok Cleric
Pyin Tupanger
57 Half Elf druid


Silver hoop of speed.. aka Quarm ear.... Shinai is going to rot be easy to get..And ther is a clicky that adds like 180hps that one is uber and rare also... would go for one of them...
Pink,Lord Skarx - 65 - Beastlord - Luclin


Some of you are asking for some of the top items in the zone.  Its unlikely that some of those are not already reserved or up for grabs because of other reasons(mob that drops it, focus).  Of course everyone wants the great items.  But beastlords tend to be allocated towards the back of the pecking order so asking for the Q ear/neck might seem a bit out of reach.  But without the original poster chiming in, its hard to know.  I just wanted to k.i.s.s.

Btw, Shinai seems to either be very common, or very rare for guilds.  The ED always seemed rather rare in my experience and it also might depend on your aa selection to which weapon will give you the most dps.  As well as the role you like to play in your typical groups(main slower, off-tanker, etc).  Keep the ED's agro in mind.

As far as a wrist item, there are quite a few out there to choose from.  Meaning that the competition will either overlook the available ones, or eat them up quickly so you can have yours cheap after.  Wrists have so many options out there.  I do agree with the neck being great, the focus rocks and necks that good arent that common.  But like I say, youd have to say if Q items are available or what other classes have asked for as far as the zone loot list.


Well Damn, sorry about the pants mix up thing.  Yes, the Warrior only pants were the Greaves.  

All very good suggestions, and thanks again for your ideas.  Now the hard part, getting all of us to decide on an item.  LOL, that could be tough.

Man0warr - Runed Flesh-banded Leggings, marginally better than p5 legs.

Runed Flesh-Banded Leggings
Slot: LEGS
AC: 38
DEX: +20 STA: +25 WIS: +20 AGI: +20 HP: +215 MANA: +195 ENDUR: +195
Avoidance: +25 Attack: +25 Regeneration: +5
Required level of 65.
Focus: Fury of Solusek
WT: 2.0 Size: LARGE
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8

Slot: LEGS
AC: 38
STR: +30 STA: +10 CHA: +15 WIS: +18 INT: +18 AGI: +25 HP: +200 MANA: +185 ENDUR: +185
Avoidance: +25 Attack: +20 Regeneration: +2
Required level of 65.
WT: 1.5 Size: TINY
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 8

The attack and regen dont matter to me, ikkinz have 5 more resist and 15 more hp, same avoidance tho :D
rathe.Battlesaur Robotindisguise
Legend of Marr - The Rathe


That and the focus, which is decent (30%) until you get Epic 1.5 or Dumul's BP.


SoA's have dropped a TON for us.  Every monk and bst, even recruits have gotten the SoA.  Ya we been in time for a while.  But about 16 of those have dropped.

Same for the SoT..

I would lock horns on Quarm loot if you could.

Silver Hoop of Speed
Prismatic Ring of Resistance
Talisman of the Elements

These items are harder to ungrade.  Both in GoD and OOW.  Weapons are easy to get mostly, and once you go into Qvic, so are common armor.

Plus once you got Q down, hes cake.  Long as you have the numbers at the end of the raid (1 or 2 day raid) to take him down.

My rings, and earring still are the hardest items for me to upgrade.  My guild is DKP, and those items are always spendy.
Feral Lord


Quarm is much easier than Innoruuk, actually. Assuming your raid has generally decent resists, which you will after farming Time for awhile, he's pretty much a wimp.


The problem is that once I take an item to the guild for restriction, I then have to justify it.  Unfortunately, most of the stuff that has been discussed here presents no obvious advantage to a Beastlord over another class.  The Pulsing Onyx Ring may be the only item I have seen so far that I could possibly justify given the lack of SCRM and the ridiculous short duration of SA, Fero, and Paragon.  On the other hand, they may laugh me out of the guild  :P

Quarm neck is super nice of course, but I would have no justification for it to be Bst only.  

Anyway, thanks all for your help, at least I have an idea now of what we can do.


Well, you can't justify any item from Time as being best for a beastlord over another class. The best chance you have for that kind of argument is the Quarm bracer; the Avoidance and Accuracy scream melee class, and the focus screams caster. Given that beastlords are the only hybrid of the three classes that can use the bracer, that's your best bet.