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Target Ideas...

Started by drunkdrood21, July 15, 2006, 05:55:46 PM

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Hello everyone,
                         I'm new to the forums but the past few days I've been bored and can't seem to find anything of intrest for me to do on EverQuest. My main ATM is my druid for guild, since he's main healer, he's Anguished geared, and my brother a shadowknight, second best on server in hp/gear wise. Also my beastlord which I occasionally box ATM ( not a huge fan of boxing all the time ) which is anguished also.

As of lately we've been mainly duoing, " Druid and Shadowknight "  on highend targets and were maybe looking for someone to toss around some new ideas for us. So far with just the Druid and Shadowknight duo we did.

1: Sontalak ( Western Wastelands )
2: Innoruuk ( Spawned Version, Naddox )
3: Cazic-Thule ( Plane of Fear )
4: Thought Horror Overfiend ( The Deep ) - This was an interesting fight that lasted nearly an hour.
5: Rhag 1 ( Ssra Temple )
6: Evolved Burrower ( AC, 2 weeks and finally snagged that sucker )
7: The Burrower ( The Deep, Failed but got to the 7th Wave before druid went to 20% Mana )
I came to the conclusion that he's possible if I box my beastlord, seeing as my brother was able to tank every mob including other waves spawning over top of remaining wave.
8: Terror ( Plane of Fear )
9: Klandicar ( Western Wastelands )
10: Some Named Dragon in East Wing ( ToV )
11: Grieg The vengifulics ( Grieg's End )
12: Overlord Ngrub ( Torgain's Mine, lol )
13: Several 1.5 Epic Mobs for kicks
14: All BoT Tower Bosses and Wing Bosses
15: Glykus or name? The guy that spawns the piggies ( Tactics )
16: The Diaku Overseer ( Tactics )
17: Several Names in Arcstone ( 2 different level 70 guys and a Dark Blue one )
18: Some snake guy in Ilisuian or however you spell it that drops 69 and 70 DoDH spells. ( Red )
19: Venril Sathir ( does he count? lol )
20: Servitor of Luclin ( Does he count? lol )
21: Overlord Banford Paffa ( CoD )
22: Grummus ( PoDisease ) Beast was box'd for Rampage.
23: Arammin the Spider Guardian ( PoDisease )
24: All the names in MPG.
25: Shadowhunter, Discordling Warfiend, Seether dude in WoS
26: Some level 70 guy in Bloodfields that spawns adds.
27: Vex Thal guy that drops the key to the palace ( Took FOREVER to kill, boring lol )
28: Rumblecrush, Zelenthiak and Doomshade ( UP )

Those are the ones on the top of my head that I can think of that we did so far. Any suggestions on mobs that are " Strong Group or Raid Type Targets that would possibly be in our league to do " maybe not hitting no more than 1800's would be nice, lol.



Also would like to add, a Drachliche in Plane of Fear, the dragon guy, tons of hps also. And also looking for names that drop clickies. Right now I'm after THO and Evolved burrower for the range/neck clickey for druid, assuming they both stack. I never really use KEI, hassle to bother getting so I usually just use self buffs and click's for when we duo stuff. Also goes the same for my brother, he uses his huge bag of click buffage.


All of Kael, and then start in NToV possibly?


Kael done already, we did that awhile back, assume names would be much easier now since then we've made about 100+ aa each.


NToV seems to always be down on my server and when it's up neither of us really feel like killing a bunch of trash to get to a named. Also anyone know of upgraded item to Tiny Cap of Sight from VT for a MNK maybe? Thanks again.


The Dog's in RSS  THEy are a Semi long but easy for you if u can get the Evak pull just right with druid tag with beastlord and self heal/potion heal untill u can get your druid into place on the steps for healing the beasty. um. what els..

thats all i can think of atm


This thread is over a year old  :-(


Ya but its still fun and i was MIA for the longest time really.