The Beastlords' Den

Everquest 1 => Epic Discussions => Beastlord Epic 1.5 => Topic started by: Skullet Crossbones on October 27, 2006, 07:47:53 PM

Title: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Skullet Crossbones on October 27, 2006, 07:47:53 PM
Im on my 6th try for the final fight of 1.5. My guild is to small to come up with enough people to offtank each warder and an extra for the DDA. I have read and heard he is still splittable. When we have tried a Bard aggros the group then I try to tag the DDA off him, problem is everytime the whole group turns towards me instead of just the DDA singling, what are we doing wrong? Any tips would be greatly appreciated  :-D
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: maxawesome on October 28, 2006, 06:55:06 PM
Bard aggro's all, SK follows bard. Bard runs to zone out with the whole mess of them, SK snares the DDA. SK Feigns Death. Bard zones out. All mobs start heading back to their spawn point. DDA moves slowly from snare. If SK snare wears off, SK snares and FD's again.

Once mobs have returned to spawn point (except DDA), the rest of your guild, who were patiently waiting on the other side of the zone out, now zones in.

Your group of guildmates then proceeds to hand the DDA his ass, and you get your 1.5.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Khauruk on October 28, 2006, 11:36:19 PM
Cleric tags all, runs out a long ways away.  He gets CoH'ed back to kill spot (outside of ZunMuram Volklana's room), somebody tags DDA as he's heading back (runs at different speed than the adds).  All of the strats in last guild involved cleric for pulling, actually :).
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Lorash on December 30, 2006, 05:21:58 PM
We had a sk tag the lot, and run to the zl and fd. All the adds wandered off, leaving just DDA and his warders.
He stood up, and got the agro back, and i used highsun on the warders one by one, leaving only DDA, and then he was a peace of cake.
2x 75 mage
70 bard
66 shm

Btw, we did try and snare the DDA, have the sk feign, but the warders didnt wander back :(
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Timberghost on January 19, 2007, 08:22:49 PM
Quote from: Lorash on December 30, 2006, 05:21:58 PM
Btw, we did try and snare the DDA, have the sk feign, but the warders didnt wander back :(

I'm pretty sure these are treated as pets and stay with him unless they've been high sunned like you did.

Can't say for sure, though, cause we just tanked em all back when I did mine.  Even a sucks tank can tank the warders.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: dainfrol on January 20, 2007, 07:14:08 AM
I did mine a couple of weeks ago and what we did is had our monk tag a pet and run out of the tunnels to the north.  then our MT stayed in wait by the entrance to the tunnel and when the monk ran by the pally tagged the DDA and ran him south to our camp.  we ended up with just one pet and a respawn.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Vidyne on January 21, 2007, 02:34:47 PM
With con changes and 75, its not really a problem at all tanking the pets anymore.  However in the past, we usually had to have bards split over large distances with highsun/whatever else they use.

Now, we just take all 6 of them at once.  Long as you have 2+ slowers, a tank for each mob, and a few healers, its not particularly hard :)

This can vary with gear of course.  But a level 75 with weaker gear and aa(slightly weaker) could probably outtank a 70 with AA/better gear.  To an extent.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Farinea on February 03, 2007, 12:36:05 AM
Have raid force on the stairs to the right as you are facing hallway down towards where DDA spawns. Clear trash mobs before bl spawns the DDA. Have ranger or bard pull adds AND DDA....have SK tag and split DDA as he is turning the corner going away from raid force -  bring him to stairs - adds follow the ranger or bard...take down DDA...its called the Dain peel method....worked for FoD on the 7th Hammer Server 4 times...if you can keep him off the wall - its cake. Good Luck
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Vidyne on February 03, 2007, 05:53:10 PM
We tried that twice, both times all pets + DDA turned on the peeler and killed him.

Still have only seen a bards and monks able to split these after lots of work.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Rippuku on February 20, 2007, 01:12:34 AM
Just did it last night with 7 total (2 mages, necro, cleric, shammy, druid and beastlord).
We saw many things that were different from previous strats, so want to post updated info here:

1.  DDA and the 4 adds are all NOT snareable - get the "This mob is immune to movement speed changes."
2.  None of the mobs see invis (very helpful!)
3.  We pulled the mess to the Bloodfields zone.  The mobs never pathed back at any time (waited at least 5 minutes), they seem to stay in place now.

We ended up with all 5 mobs at the zone, and they wouldn't leave... and couldnt be snared.  (Note:  we did not have a Bard available to try High Sun)

What we did was start ping-ponging the mobs around until they split.  Necro would run them out the tunnels, then I would come tag and train back to zone (zone out to clear aggro).  We quickly split 3 away from the DDA, then decided to pull them in and kill them.

After that, we brought the DDA and one more (Bear) and took them down.  Ran out of mana at the end, but pets + shammy canni for more nuke mana did the trick.  Not that hard - mage pet tanks FTW!

BTW, we are all basically TSS geared for reference.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Vidyne on February 20, 2007, 03:51:16 AM
High sun is resisted alot, but does work.
They do corpse camp, yes.. they won't wander back home.  I personally have never seen them wander back /shrug.
They are root/snare/mezz immune yes.... always have been to my knowledge :)
There should be 5 pets with him... not sure how ya only got 4.

And thats generally how we used to split it... the bard would run around with fade and/or monks would fd over long distances.
Title: Re: How are you splitting the DDA?
Post by: Fuzzyclaws on February 20, 2007, 07:00:24 PM
Or find a CoA+ geared SK and tank all six at once =P burn the DDA, of course heheh

What I did -shrug-