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UF 2nd release AA ideas

Started by Khauruk, November 29, 2009, 09:19:43 PM

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hmm, a passive AA, that let the warder take the hits for us, sometimes?
Feral Protective Instincts
Like a 15% chance warder will take the damage, or some of it...instead of us, while meleeing.

Would help on those hard hiting UF mobs, as our pet heals ar far better than targeted one :)


What about an upgrade to suspend minion to allow a second pet to be suspended?


My picks would be (based on what we got in UF round 1, and hopefully the idea that it would be easier to convince them to give us new ranks of stuff over completely new AAs)

Things I could see happening and wondering how you guys feel:

-Destructive Cascade - increases dot crit damage, necro/shaman/sk have it (why don't we, actually?)

-Burst of Power//Double Attack//Flurry - I think this is the best way to up Beastlord damage. We have low caps in all these skills compared to other classes and I think a little raising wouldn't hurt. It isn't like you see OMGWTF@Beastlord dps all over the place.

-More ranks of Paragon/F. Paragon- I really, really want people to want this buff from us. I end up casting this on myself 99% of the time because nobody asks for it.

-Jolt, durr, why don't we have one again? I pull aggro over our berserkers/rogues/rangers all the time and it is starting to feel silly. I don't think our dps is so  :mrgreen: that we need to be limited by aggro at this point.

I feel like our AAs are probably going to need to be more dps focused, personally, with the exception of paragon. Our utility should be spell-based, as our utility spells are pretty damned weak and I don't want to go grinding out AAs just to make up for it (and it sounds like Eldiroth doesn't want to get up in his coworkers business).
Hamtarro Baconator
<Grey Horizon>
Tunare Server


Quote from: Hamtarro on January 11, 2010, 07:53:40 AM
I feel like our AAs are probably going to need to be more dps focused, personally, with the exception of paragon. Our utility should be spell-based, as our utility spells are pretty damned weak and I don't want to go grinding out AAs just to make up for it (and it sounds like Eldiroth doesn't want to get up in his coworkers business).
We did ask for double/triple/flurry etc in beta, were turned down.  Paragon was upped from what it was, I kind of doubt he's willing to go further with it this expansion (focused, maybe).  Frozen venom was changed from no recast to 4.5 sec because it was too much dps... not Elidroth's decision but it seems they are content where our dps is.

Utility being spell based is silly, there are plenty of utility aa's, and it's unlikely (well, I've heard nothing) we'll be seeing new spells with the additional AA, so you're basically saying no utility additions til next expansion.  Elidroth not wanting to step on Rara's toes I think was more specific to Ferocity and people asking for a group fero aa.

Not saying I wouldn't like some dps stuff, but when I look at rangers and what they have in their utility toolbox as a fellow dps hybrid it just blows me away.  I know, I know, go make a ranger Kharthai.


Sorry, I didn't clarify correctly, when I was talking about double attack/triple attack I really meant Bestial Frenzy/Burst of Power AAs, which we receive a decent number of ranks in round one, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't at least ask for more ranks in round two.

I'm not trying to come off as one of those gung-ho let's turn the beastlord class into dps-only. Although, I was under the impression that the reason Frozen Venom was given a 4.5 second cooldown wasn't because it was too much dps, but because it was too much dps relative to our other spells, which would have caused us to just chain cast Frozen Venom over our older cold nukes/dots in some cases. I could be wrong, though, I didn't follow the beta as closely as I should (I got into beta maybe a week before release  :|)

I just am not sure what all more utility AA we really could use (when I think utility, I think a skill/niche that you bring to a group/raid/whatever that said group/raid/etc. would find an asset, perhaps that isn't the correct definition in this context). I mean we have Slow, Raven's Claw, Paragon/Focused, SE,  I don't really see off the top of my head anything we could really go for in that area, other than perhaps a feign death but if it isn't on a short cooldown I don't see it being much more than a once in a while gimmick until a year or so down the road when they give us hastened feign to sell the next expansion. I'd love more utility, not knockin' it, I'm just not sure what we could ask for.

As for utility being spell-based, I'm really not sure what you mean by it being "silly." Sure, we aren't expecting new spells with underfoot 2.0, but we should at least keep trying to get Ferocity bumped up to something that is useful. I can sure as hell promise you it won't happen if we don't.

One idea I had the other day, and I'm not even sure if EQ's code could allow for it, would be a new uhhh, well I want to say "Focused Focused Paragon"  :wink: but basically I was thinking an AA that gives a 10% chance per rank (perhaps up to 30% max?) for our Paragon/Focused Paragon spell to also have a Promised-Healing like effect that goes off when Paragon expires, that gives X% of the mana/hp as an instant heal.
Hamtarro Baconator
<Grey Horizon>
Tunare Server


 some good thoughts,
some way to Dump agro be nice altho FD i personaly wouldet like. i would like just a simple jolting kick type thing. look at all the aa's alone to goe with FD to make it worth while spell FD hasted fd better FD FD to FD.. the list goes on.


The original incarnation of Frozen Venom was doing almost 5000 dps with 7th and a glyph going.  That's a once a night sort of potential, but it would have been an astronomical (and overpowering, imo) upgrade to our SoD burst dps.
Beastlord Community Round Table representative.  Feel free to PM me or contact me in game (Drinal.Hzathz) about anything you think needs attention.


Quote from: Hamtarro on January 11, 2010, 11:08:31 PM
As for utility being spell-based, I'm really not sure what you mean by it being "silly." Sure, we aren't expecting new spells with underfoot 2.0, but we should at least keep trying to get Ferocity bumped up to something that is useful. I can sure as hell promise you it won't happen if we don't.

I didn't mean we shouldn't try and get fero useful, I mean, I'd love it to be.  Or that utility in spell form is silly, just that we shouldn't exclude the possibility of getting some through AA's.  I agree that it's hard to say what exactly we could use, part of that is being such a generalized class.. we step on someone's toes no matter what direction we go.  And if it requires new code well.. good luck :(. 

I think we have a strong case for some form of fade/fd/etc, being the only melee dps class who can't drop aggro now.  And our def disc hasn't been upgraded ever.. but beyond that yeah, I don't know.  It just seems we get shot down a lot asking for dps.

And I like the paragon idea.


Yeah, I see what you mean.

As far as utility goes, I just don't really see what kind of utility we don't already have, what are you guys thinking about in regard to that? I like the idea of extended protection disc, but I also kinda think that if only we would stop pulling aggro a bit too often maybe we wouldn't need our protection disc nearly as often ;P (at least in my situation, I only use it when I pull aggro in a group / raid). Otherwise, I feel like most facets of utility (aside from single pulling) are pretty well covered by us.

I agree, we are such a generalized class that we step on toes whatever direction we go in, but I mean, hey, we SHOULD be stepping on people's toes. They need to get over it (imo). [Edited some ideas out -- forgot this was an AA discussion]

But yeah, short of stepping on people's toes, I would like to become even stronger and fill a niche with paragon/focused paragon with our other utility on top of it.
Hamtarro Baconator
<Grey Horizon>
Tunare Server


We aren't too bad in groups imo, or solo (aside from pulling).  But raids is where it seems we lack a bit. Anyway, some ideas ignoring realism and considering that these days monks/rogues mez and berserkers fade, the land where anything goes..

- Some sort of Beast+Warder or group buff that reduces rampage/ae rampage for a couple minutes.

- Stun- make gorilla smash stun mobs up to the same level enchanters can.. physical resists in UF raids would need fixing first so it'd land.

- Long recast (hour or whatever) single target super paragon, 20k+ mana (at once, not over time)

- AA heal for beastlord and warder, preferably instant cast

- Short duration (1 min ish) high aggro, high hp pet for temporary offtanking, maybe a lion model or something that hasn't been previously used, no aggro transfer when it dies/fades.. preferably with merc aggro rules and not pet, i.e. can work with melees in range

- Group swipe proc

- Group Cheetah buff, either runspeed increase or temp. immunity to snare/root

I still think focused paragon should be instant cast, too.  Seems lame to have to request a quickened focused paragon, but :p

Anyway, /shrug


Quote from: kharthai on January 13, 2010, 06:06:59 PM
- Group swipe proc

Mebbe I'm just tired, but you meaning something so that when we hit feral swipe, the group gets something beneficial on them in ST buff bar?
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Quote from: Kanan on January 13, 2010, 08:05:34 PM
Mebbe I'm just tired, but you meaning something so that when we hit feral swipe, the group gets something beneficial on them in ST buff bar?

Sorry, meant something along the lines of shaman lynx (higher recast) but physical damage.


Self only version of focused paragon, it can share a timer and be identical as long as it doesn't change my target.  As often as I focused myself, it gets real old having to F1 and retarget.
Beastlord Community Round Table representative.  Feel free to PM me or contact me in game (Drinal.Hzathz) about anything you think needs attention.


How about aa to give us Tracking?  maybe capped where bards are?  We should be able to track animals at the very least!

I'd drop 30 aa's on one that would make warder auto back off when mob enrages myself   8-)


if we must post about this, my ideas are of the following.

1. a way to drop agro, fd or a fade line would be nice. a few examples have been listed thus far so no need to explain futher
2. i liked the fero line that will add to stam regain.. or a group buff/aura that will add to stam regain or lower stam loss
3. i have asked many an expantion for this and saw something close to it posted yet again. give us a once a day group full paragon (full hp and manna once every 24 hours not able to be mgb casted). or a target 25kmanna and hp once per hour or 2 super regain.(great for when a cleric dies)
4. we need more double attack.
5. we need more tripple attack
6. we need a flurry
7. have a passive chance to proc more pets on yowl. maby keep the 3 pets but change to a passive 3% chance to proc the max number for every level up. can make these aa's in area of 6/9/12/15/17/20/22/25/27/30 that would increase our dps.
8. passive ability to have all pets (from a proc or yowl or aa swarm) last longer. up to 50% longer would help us a lot. can even make it in steps of 5% per level and 10 levels deep
9. small chance of twin cast(can even work on yowl)
10. need our disc to last about 100%-200% longer.. 12 sec just really aint all that long now days.
11. passive ability to proc a pet type from our own weps. maby call it savage clawing. love % chance of proc 1%-2%-3%-4%-5% and a mid line cost 6/9/12/15/17
12. give us a unique ability that is usefull in groups and in raids. maby add a group dis/aa/aura so that all abilities are increased for duration of fight or 1 min like 15 - 20min cooldpwn. can add to healing/dots/nukes/mele damage/damage midigation/spell midigation. this ability can be set at a low level and can increase maby max out at 20% and 10% for raids.
13. make growl last 100% longer no aa's needed.
14. option to take wurine illusion off like you can take group beastal alignment off
15. option to take the beastal alignment illusion off like you can on group beastal alignment
16. make mobs drop more beasty/monkie weps on raids. we are tired of new content coming out and not all of our beastys/monkies from the guild have gotten their weps from the raid progression of the previous content.
i have nothing else i would like to see. some i have listed are kinda out there but i think they are not tooo overly powering.