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Pulling with Call of hero

Started by Xennova, November 12, 2005, 04:11:02 PM

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Is that doable and what is the tactics......pull with slow once he hit you once you get CoH back to magician then tag ?

Will mob actually stay there or run back to his spot?


I use call of hero to pull with quite a bit.

If you want to pull mob A, but mob B is close enough to aggro as well, try this.

Slow mob B, then immediately send your warder to attack mob A. Run away from your camp so mob B follows you and start casting CoH with your mage.

When CoH lands you will reappear back at your mage and both you and your warder will be dropped off everyones aggro lists. Mob B should still be some distance away, while mob A should be where he was first hit by your warder, so just run out and tag him. Both mobs will start to walk back to their spawns points after a while but they should be far enough apart to tag if you are quick.
Bham - Cleric - Mage - Wizard - Tentrix


Unless u got a snarer in group they both will walk back. But how would it be to send pet with fetter/hobble on the mob u want to pull? if it lands he will stay a bit. Hobble may have to short duration and to low snare to work, but fetter ive read is better.

Boxing a druid tough, so havent tried


Hmm...  If you can COH, then you have a mage, which means you can pet pull.

Cast a lower level pet with mage, buff him up and send him in.  Then /pet back off, only one comes everytime, dont heal pet, and dont let him die :)

To use COH try this

Move Camp away from mobs

Cast COH
Pull with Beast, use a low level dot start the run back to camp

COH lands, but mob will keep aggro on you after next tick of the dot.  And will continue running to camp, while others clear.

Try that out, never tried it, but monk buddy of mine talks about doing it all the time.


I would imagine that if the next tick of the dot lands while all the mobs are still bunched up, all will reaggro, but I have never tried this.

Pet pulling is not an option in all zones. A fully buffed green con warder can be killed very quickly by RSS mobs, especially if thay have a DS to kill off your warder rune. Also suspending your current warder, summoning and buffing a new green con warder and then pulling with it is slower than using a coh pull.
Bham - Cleric - Mage - Wizard - Tentrix


After trying some....

I did creator and its not that easy if pet does hobble mob willl stay if not the pretty much always go back right back and fast, if you have room to run and have the HP CoH pulling can be done and can do wonderfull incredible things. (in creator once all roamer were clear i have simply just go in target name tag and run pretty much to zone in then single it instead of just clearing the 8-10 remaining mobs alive  i had to try 3 time before i was able to do it...(drop to 20%-30%)

If you have not enough room, mobs will agro you even after so prepare to die a few or have evac ready


Quote from: Utqnia on November 23, 2005, 02:49:55 PM
To use COH try this

Move Camp away from mobs

Cast COH
Pull with Beast, use a low level dot start the run back to camp

COH lands, but mob will keep aggro on you after next tick of the dot.  And will continue running to camp, while others clear.

Try that out, never tried it, but monk buddy of mine talks about doing it all the time.

Well, I saw this suggestion earlier so I decided to give it a try today while working on Alternate Access to Tactics in POS.  My druid "volunteered" for the job of risking his life (he does this a lot..really a valiant bot :P)

Ran out to group of mobs...hit one with away and get CoH'd.  Every time, the DoT'd mob would keep coming while the rest lost interest.
The Action Figure Army
Darsacat 70 Beastlord -- Darury 70 Cleric --  Nulyen 70 Druid -- Mjah 70 Magician -- Jumlum 70 Bard


Yea, this really does work well, even better if boxing so you can time it just perfect.

Not sure if it would work on a summoning mob though.  Dont you have to do like 5% damage befire he will summon you?


its like 2 or 3% actually.  Some few mobs summon even sooner.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


I seem to recall 100 damage being the threshold but that is a vague memory so even if it was true at one time it may no longer be.

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