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Agro - DPoC Warder vs Eternity Earth Pet - Dammit!

Started by Chubaka, June 30, 2004, 04:00:40 PM

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OK so I want the earring out of Barindu.  I head over there and there is a mage there soloing these 600-hitters with his Minion of Eternity Earth pet.  Since he wants the ring and I want the earring we team up and start fighting.

My little warder keeps getting agro from the earth pet and getting stomped hard.  I turned off taunt.  Guess what.  He still gets stomped no matter what.  He even had mage weapons so Rellic was not proccing as much.  Is the agro from Rellic so insane that his Eternity pet taunting, and prolly hitting for 92, can't out agro my Warder?

It was a little annoying.  (Of course not so annoying that I dispelled his buffs and tried spirit of snow) You thinkt hat would work?

On a side note.  These are HARD for me to kill solo.  Takes a trtuckload of mana to keep myself and the pet alive.   The Earring will ahve to wait for a few more AA I think.
65 Beast
Terris Thule



I believe that I read somewhere on the mage forums that this seemed to be due to the proximity of which the pets attack.  Our pets are closer to the mob when they attack so they get the aggro.
Level 70 Iksar Beastlord
Epic 1.5 Pre-Whiner


I'm not so sure what earring you are talking of, but this reminds me of a ooold issue that happened whe you had 2 different level pets attacking the same mob: the mob alyways tried to kill the lower level pet.

Since a few weeks, focus change pet levels, and you say the mage had a MoE Pet, maybe that's what happen again.
Kylaz - Feral Troll
Main Entry:lizĀ·ard
Etymology:Middle English liserd, from Middle French laisarde, from Latin lacerta (Date:14th century)
1 : any of a suborder (Lacertilia) of reptiles distinguished from the snakes by a fused inseparable lower jaw, a single temporal opening, external ears, and eyes with movable lids; broadly : any relatively long-bodied reptile (as a crocodile or dinosaur) with legs and tapering tail


Sorry guys. Can someone mive this to the Beastlord Companion sections where I intended it to be.  Sorry I am Ogre.

Rhyolite Tear of Thralldom
Weight: 1.8 Size: SMALL
Slot: EAR  
AC: +12 Str: +15 Dex: +15 Agi: +15 Fire Resist: +10 Disease Resist: +10 Poison Resist: +10 HP: +100 Mana: +100 End: +100  
Classes: Berserker Beastlord Ranger Paladin Shadowknight Bard Monk Rogue Warrior  
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 7
Required: Yes

Additional Modifiers:
Attack: +10
Regeneration: +1

Last updated: Mon Apr 19 15:55:26 2004

65 Beast
Terris Thule



When a mob is rooted it attacks the closest mob, it doesn't really matter who has the most aggro.  Earth pets root and their pets tend to fight pretty far away from mobs, so I would ask the mage to switch to air next time.

This might've been changed on PC, but I doubt it.  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
65 Beastlord of Al'Kabor
Visit our little Mac server at or if you have a Mac download the client and get a free cd key here.


I'd think root was one of the main issues.  What you might want to try when in the situation again is just /pet hold to bring the pet back to you and then send him in again.  Pets usually fight at max melee range, but mobs get pushed around so stuff happens.  Rellic is a lot of aggro though and I haven't done many pet aggro tests in awhile so I'm honestly not sure, but root is definitely one possibility that I've run into before.  Some pets just get closer to mobs than others and with root factored in it can cause issues.


I tried duoing Barindu with an SK...

After one mob we moved to Riwwi :P

The drops are nice but I probably won't camp it unless I have a full group or something :/
EQ Aneya 70 Beastlord Tarew Marr
EQ2 Evalin Swashbuckler Mistmoore


Quote from: AneyaI tried duoing Barindu with an SK...

After one mob we moved to Riwwi :P

The drops are nice but I probably won't camp it unless I have a full group or something :/

I was soloing there now.  It is definitly ruff goin.  With the SK and yourself you should have been fine.  You got some good shiz and more than double the AA that I have.

You all have made some good points.  I did notice that the earth pet would stay farther back than my warder.  The root may have also been the reason.  I have pulled him off and re-sicked em and it is the same.  I even let the mage kill it to 50% and then sent the pet and it still tunred on the poor litTle bear. hehehe

Thanks for the input.
65 Beast
Terris Thule



Root may have been the problem, but even with a Mage using the Air or Water pets the BST pet will generally end up tanking if it's fully buffed.  Spirit of Rellic is just too much aggro for Mage pets to keep up with.
Grimgrey Dorfeater
Troll Wildblood
Undivided Faith


If you think it's the proc, well, duh, leave off the proc. If you still get aggro, it ain't  the proc.


The proc is a lot of aggro, much much more than mage pet weapons.

I've noticed with a bard chant kiting fire mobs for me, that pet will pull aggro OFTEN EVEN WITH SPIRIT OF SNOW proccing constantly.

The procs initial hate will soon exceed the -hate part of the proc. So, considering this then Rellic with it's +hate will be a big factor of warder over mage pet aggro.

Also mage pet was rooting, so yes it was that also.


Shrink Mage pet, don't proc buff your warder and try it again. Also pulling the mob as close to the Mage pet as possible can't hurt.


Root. Thats why your pet gets aggro. Its a problem with two mages duoing also. Best bet is to use air.

[65 Arch Convoker] Sage Xalmat Lunaire (Human) <Enshadowed> ZONE: brellserilis
[65 Archon] Eiyana Lunaire (Gnome) <Enshadowed> ZONE: brellserilis
Lead Librarian/Moderator of The Magician's Tower


what skog said, keep your warder full height and shrink mage pet, hell get aggro cause of proximity, without root, beastlord with proc will off tank any other pet
Krakerz Ikmercy - Beastlord
Korriann Havmercy - Druid
< Magus Amicitia - Antonius Bayle >


Quote from: Wenianwhat skog said, keep your warder full height and shrink mage pet, hell get aggro cause of proximity, without root, beastlord with proc will off tank any other pet

The size of my pet will affect his attack range?
65 Beast
Terris Thule
