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"The Needy" ac 20/220 hp ring!

Started by Stumps_Bertox, March 19, 2006, 10:47:10 PM

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very easy to get, the quest is "The Needy" and it requires you to collect/kill in Arcstone. The missions starts in Relic with Borso, and I duoed the quest in about 2 hours for both toons.
1. 10 riverbed mistwalkers (although ANY of the Mistwalker mobs count towards totals) and turn in 4 water vials  .Mobs proc a stun with minor dd, and spawn a "reflection" that hits for ~350. mob max hit was around 800.
2. 10 tanglefoots (any of the root mobs will work, lesser etc) and collect 4 seed pods. Mobs proc a nasty ae root with dd, fully slowable. max hit was around 800.
3. 10 Firetails (any of them) and collect 4 hearts, firetails also spawn a mini which hits for ~350.
     **of note, while clearing these be on the lookout for Shekar (drop BP mark) and Embra (drops Leg mark). These named arent any harder than the normal mobs from my experience, just a few more hp.

Turn in your items for melee ring or caster earring

Khylan  70 Draenei Mage of Malygos
EQ Toons (retired)
Gogbuk Beastlord of Bristlebane
Gogsbot Druid healing machine


Just gonna post this here:

"A Shopkeeper's Delight"

This mission also starts in Relic shopkeeper area from Borso.  The task stages are...

Kill 20 Supply Runners 0/20
Loot 4 Supply crate for tellen from supply runners 0/4
Steal from Tellen 0/10
Deliver 4 Supply crates for Tellen to Borso
Deliver 10 Tellen's Trinket Chest to Borso

You will see the supply runners (they look like elementals or the fire things in rss) walk towards Tellen's store from time to time.  If they get to his store they depop.  We sat in a clear corner, across from the store, and pulled them as they approached the store.

All supply runners I came across were partially slowable.  They do have special abilities based on the model.  Fire has an ae, one has a slow, etc.  They were fairly gimp, hitting between a measly 800-1.2k.  One thing to keep in mind is that the scrykin and guards will add, so be careful on your pulling.

Once you have the supply crates it is time to steal from Tellen.  You will see a small chest that randomly appears on one of the four counters of his shop.  All you have to do is click it.  However, if the guards are too close they will aggro you and they do hit rather hard.  This part is doable solo if you have patience and just wait until the coast is clear.

Reward is:

Borso's Prized Earring
Weight: 0.6 Size: SMALL
Slot: EAR
AC: +17 Str: +11 Dex: +6 Sta: +8 Cha: +8 Wis: +11 Int: +11 Agi: +6 Fire Resist: +13 Disease Resist: +14 Cold Resist: +7 Magic Resist: +12 Poison Resist: +7 HP: +215 Mana: +195 End: +195
Classes: Berserker Beastlord Ranger Paladin Shadowknight Bard Monk Rogue Warrior
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 8


Borso's Prized Ring
Weight: 0.6 Size: SMALL
AC: +16 Str: +13 Dex: +8 Sta: +12 Cha: +9 Wis: +8 Int: +8 Agi: +7 Fire Resist: +12 Disease Resist: +7 Cold Resist: +12 Magic Resist: +8 Poison Resist: +13 HP: +195 Mana: +200
Classes: Cleric Druid Shaman Wizard Magician Enchanter Necromancer
Races: All Races
Slot 1: Type 8
And another quest:


This quest is given in Relic from G'kil Zon, also in the shopkeeper area.

Task stages are...

Kill 15 Fallen Spirits (0/15) - Arcstone
Loot 4 Arcstone Spirit Dust from Fallen Spirits (0/4) - Arcstone
Kill 15 Spirit Stags (0/15) - Arcstone
Loot 4 Spirit Stag Hoof from Spirit Stags (0/4) - Arcstone
Kill 1 the Master of the Herd (0/1) - Arcstone
Deliver 4 Arcstone Spirit Dust to G'kil Zon (0/4) - Relic
Deliver 4 Spirit Stag Hoof to G'kil Zon (0/4) - Relic

The stags are extremely weak.  I could solo them easily and hooves are common drops.  The undead guys are harder, and I did take a healer with me for them but I suspect they also are soloable.  They have some kind of snare that they proc.  I'm uncertain if it has another effect.

The Master of the Herd is over near the fire guys in Arcstone.  He has three companions, which are pretty much regular stags.  I tried to pull him single but his friends came anyways (linked?) so we just killed them all, focusing on the master.  I have seen them mezzed before so that is an option.

Reward is a 55 hp/mana/end aug.