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Spread the word

Started by Roaring Stormpaw, January 02, 2004, 03:33:48 PM

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Roaring Stormpaw

Hi all :)

I am not posting asking all of us to go spamming the new URL to every EQ board but I would really like to see this board flourish.  Perhaps letting your fellow bsts know in game or posting the URL on your guild page or MOTD might be a decent idea?

Roaring Stormpaw
63 Savage Lord
Dragon Maw
Mith Marr


Would be interesting!

hello kash~


I mentioned it on, the wizards website.


Small change made to our guild weblinks page...

QuoteClass message boards (Yantis Owned sites will be removed from list)


I posted about it at Safehouse." />

Kashmiir Battlekat

Please do not spam boards with our URL. We do not need that kind of publicity :) Just tell your friends or perhaps place it in your Sig Line on other boards (subtle is good -hehe).

Emailing your webmasters to maybe add a link here would be ok too, but please dont spam anyone.



It wasn't a spam, it was a notification that Yantis had taken over EQBST, and our new home is here. The mods at SH are very strict and there's been no word of complaint from them.

They are quite sympathetic to the anti-yantis feelings, and there have been a number of threads discussing the issue." />

Kashmiir Battlekat


Changed my sigs on all boards except the old board (has a nice message for yantis in it) to point to this one, and I made a post on my guild board (this is relevant information to many in my guild).

Also,  Does SoE know we've moved.  Have they de-linked the old site yet?  Have they changed the link to here? if not, then what will we have to do to make that happen?


yeah, SoE knows, someone emailed absor and he forwarded the new addy to the devs." />


Didn't mean to spam URL.  I've been a low key, but long term (4 years+) poster on Graffe's.  Just mentioned that the old site was purchased, without naming who, and that many beastlords would be on the new site, and gave the url.


I never posted at the old site but did read it daily and came to rely on the info and experience of my Fellow Beastlords, without knowing it you all have been guiding me for a looong time ! - as a player in a small "family" type guild I am not very well connected to the goings on "behind the scenes" - but once I learned of yantis I could not support the old board any further... it took me nearly 18 months of blood, sweat and frustration to get to 65,  mostly solo - I earned every bit of what I have accomplished and I view people like this yantis guy as a big slap in the face to those who actually dig in and work for what they get. Integrity is a big issue with me, and I'll go where I see it exhibited...

I know angry words were spoken and things may be tense fora while, but its my hope that this can be set aside and the good feelings return. after all - We Are Beastlords !!! - I dont fault anyone for what happened and its now "old news" to me - time to move on !

I hope to see this place grow and become THE source for Beastlords, I will be more active here I think... I like the atmosphere  :D

As the webmaster for my guild I have changed the link over from the old board to this one - and posted a small note explaining why - thanks for your quick action and your courage to stand on principles, us "little guys" do notice !


Nitefang Dreadclaw
Proud Beastlord of 65 Seasons
Officer and Webclaw - Gathering of Ancients
Torvo server
Wildblood Nitefang Dreadclaw - 70 - Beastlord - Torvo
"Like the eyes of a cat in the black & blue - Something's comming for you..."