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Steeltrap Jaws

Started by Timberghost, September 25, 2006, 06:34:10 AM

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obviously, they want us to have to cast it repeatedly.  We are not going to get them to budge on that.  If we use it as a replacement for our other slows, I find that extremely reasonable thing to do.

This is why I would like it to just have a very short duration when it is cast on the pet, not be a charged thing, or something silly like that.  The bard etc spells already show up on the pet.. why can't this be thrown into that mix as well?
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


My theory for why it doesnt work is that during beta it never stacked with any other proc, therefore BSTS requested that it stack.
Now it "stacks", but doesnt proc, perhaps this is as intended, a sneaky dev trick.


It doesn't stack with fetter, so groups w/o a snare class you can't use it in, and you can't use it when your soloing, unless you know that the mob your fighting is not gonna run.  To me this spell is situational even if it was working properly.  I really don't know what the dev's were trien to do when they made this spell but in its current or even possible fixed state i would have no problem if it was removed from the game.
Elder   Laissez Fairez
75 Beastlord Luclin Server


I haven't found a reasonable situation to use this regularly.  The only time I use it is on groupable named mobs.  Anguish aug mobs or DOD mission end bosses.........things like that.  Any mob that I think the outcome might be questionable.  It's not reliable enough for soloing trash, not to mention, slowing a mob on pull is what I'm used to.  Depending on a proc after so many years is tough.  Then there are the questions to how long it will last, when it will wear off, if it was resisted...  all of that makes me prefer slowing myself. 


I wouldn't mind if Tardar's description of when he uses it is the spell's best use so much if I didn't have to feel like I needed to click off every proc the pet has + not give it weapons in order for it to actually do its thing. I just recently dinged 75, tried it once, and haven't tried it again because my very first time using it I got the "worn off message" w/o it ever firing.

<a href="">Taiglin[/url] 70 Iksar Beastlord
Nameless - <a href="">Fools Republic[/url]


The easiest way to fix this spell that I can think of, that would leave it the way the devs seem to want it to be is to make it proc like mana flare does. Proc off the warders other procs, that way you get all 4 charges no matter what, and it still wears off every fight and needs to be recast.


"The easiest way to fix this spell that I can think of, that would leave it the way the devs seem to want it to be is to make it proc like mana flare does. Proc off the warders other procs, that way you get all 4 charges no matter what, and it still wears off every fight and needs to be recast."

Thats a dam good idea Dilgar!


Agree.. having it proc like mana flare would definately fix it, and add a bit more value to epic proc too due to it's proc rate.


I continue to try this here and there..  grouping in FC etc. I really just see no value to it ..unrealiable..hard to know if it actually wroked, etc..  like many things, created by someoe that doesn't actually understand the game


Just got this spell and honestly.. I'd rather get a new slow that I can cast.. Pet can cast all her procs and snare and whatnots.. - I like to have the control of the slow not leaving it up to random procs.

I'm pretty dissapointed with the75 Steeltrap and with the75  Fero.. I thought Fero would rock.. both their durations are WAY to short.


Savage Spirit KitKat -80 Beastlord - Quellious


Quote from: Kitathia on December 05, 2006, 03:06:31 PM
Just got this spell and honestly.. I'd rather get a new slow that I can cast.. Pet can cast all her procs and snare and whatnots.. - I like to have the control of the slow not leaving it up to random procs.

I'm pretty dissapointed with the75 Steeltrap and with the75  Fero.. I thought Fero would rock.. both their durations are WAY to short.


Completly agree Kitathia, Dev having a hard time solving this issue, they should give us back a regular slow.  I rarelly use this spell anymore, only in very specific situation and that like 1-2% of my solo exping.  It's very disapointing to see dev's keeping spell as it's, they not improving the player enjoyement, sometime i thing they try to kill EQ faster.
Boister, 75 Beastlord, Nameless


Has a thread even been started on this on the EQ message boards?  Maybe point it out to Prathun in front of everyone so it may give him some push to work it since it's practically broke.


Arch Animist of Bertox (Saryrn (Mithaniel Marr))


It has a thread of sorts on the class board.  It is mentioned in several posts on the class board.

There is, of course, no dev response there at all.  (Post to Vet Lounge?)
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


I think we should post it to the Vet boards then yeah Kanan.  Just need to provide the link to the previous class threads of course.  I mean why not call Prathun out on a worthless spell?  I pointed it out to him after he asked some spells being useless for a general thread and he ignored it straight up.  So it might not hurt to start a thread all its own in the Vet forum since they seem to ignore class boards anymore.  :roll: