The Beastlords' Den

Everquest 1 => Library => The Beastlords' Companion => Topic started by: Goradana on October 19, 2005, 08:11:52 AM

Title: AA pet?
Post by: Goradana on October 19, 2005, 08:11:52 AM
No idea how people feel about it, but i havent seen it discussed (maybe benn gone trough erlier, sry if i missed some old post).
Nearly all classes have some kind of extra pet now, and all pet classes i belive have one or more pets to temporarly help out by hitting a mana free AA button, excpet beastlords...
I havent gotten the DoD spell yet, but has understood that its very short, and costly on mana. At least its a spare pet to pull when needed extra DPS, if hes doing any decent damage in his 3(?) ticks.

Necros archers, shammy wolfpack, mages miniongang etc.... Now even my druid bot has gained a bear, that costed 3 AAs, recast of 22 minutes, and in his 30 seconds i he lived did 3390 damage on a pretty high RCoD mob.
That may have been luck, and havent tested him enough, but druid boards says bout 2k damage per rank (3 ranks total).
That 3k manafree damage, and i always liked the looks of something extra to pop up.

My thought for next set of AAs coming would be something like

AA with similar cost of mage/shammy/necro pets, in 3-4 ranks or so
If doable (would be class AA with racial effects) im a barb and have my wolf now.
First rank toss up a cat to, second a cat+bear, etc for the full AA to give us one pet of each type.

To damage/duration etc, i would have to check the other classes, it must ofcourse be similar recast, damage and duration as the other petclasses.

We are a pet class.... why should we be only class without AApet?
Title: Re: AA pet?
Post by: rdahl on October 19, 2005, 11:31:16 AM
The other half of that coin is all the others are casters while we are melee.  Hybrids always get the short end of the stick having to get both melee and casting AA/Foci.  We just happen to get the shortest stick of everyone.  I knew that going in since this is my second "main".  I don't expect an AA pet pack to come anytime soon.