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we must rebel against the itemizers !

Started by Fightclubx, January 14, 2007, 03:38:19 AM

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What it wrong with these people? Next thing you know they are going to give Clerics a Mind Wrack clicky. Or, hell, Paladins gonna get something like Wunshi.
Wildblood Kroshx - 75 - Beastlord - Drinal


Naa, theyll just add attack to brells, add hp regen to the clarity line and phase us out completely. :roll:

our proc         their proc
poison (-75)    cold (0)
0 proc mod     75 proc mod
200-575 dmg  500 dmg
100 regen      500 heal on proc
2 mins            2 mins

I'm assuming if they have a recast, it's the same.  I'd say theyre arguably equally powerful and it beats the fook out of another nuke click~ Or better, a DoT click!!

Not to mention the  necro actually has to be using a pet.

Arch Animist of Bertox (Saryrn (Mithaniel Marr))



Were beastlords a mistake when they were first introduced? Is this their way of trying to correct the mistake? By making us all play zerkers or something?
Wildblood Kroshx - 75 - Beastlord - Drinal


soe loves screwing us over dps wise its nothing new


Quote from: Kroshx on January 14, 2007, 11:47:30 PM
Were beastlords a mistake when they were first introduced? Is this their way of trying to correct the mistake? By making us all play zerkers or something?

Nah I think we are the class rangers were able to convince the devs we were mistakes, they are trying to do that with zerkers right now.


A minor pet DPS upgrade to necros has you all up in arms?  What's more, it's on the RAID version of the BP, and most raiding necros absolutely HATE this clicky, since they don't use their pets at all when raiding.

Rarely, classes will get each other's abilities, like the old Thurg BST BP with druid DS on it.  Anyone considering giving another class an older BST pet proc as "farming out our essential abilities", especially when the pet proc in question will find only incidental use by a tiny subset of necros, is barking up the wrong tree, IMO.
Wildblood Lupic Wulfsib:  Member of Memento Reejeryn, The Seventh Hammer (Lanys T'Vyl)
Sugar Daddy: Berrew, Archon of Brell Serilis


It would be more in keeping for the beasts to get the DD clickly proc and necros get the dot proc.  Of course the opinion of somebody who has played since original EQ came out has little bearing on this topic  :-P
Spiritclaw Sadiablo
80 Beastlord
AB Server


Quote from: Rarrum on January 14, 2007, 08:36:00 PM
Draton also has Autocast Prism Skin.

Actually it autocasts a spell called prism skin that is a 500 point heal, as i said.

Arch Animist of Bertox (Saryrn (Mithaniel Marr))


Quote from: hakaaba on January 15, 2007, 06:46:23 PM
Quote from: Rarrum on January 14, 2007, 08:36:00 PM
Draton also has Autocast Prism Skin.

Actually it autocasts a spell called prism skin that is a 500 point heal, as i said.

So, which of the two skins is more useful: 500 heal, or 1-hit Rune?
Wildblood Kroshx - 75 - Beastlord - Drinal


I'm more annoyed about the tunic focus. I'll be keeping my DP tunic with beneficial mana preservation and another item that has 60% to all heals, including the pet heal. Losing the beneficial preservation would be a much bigger blow to my healing abilities than I would ever get back with a slightly impoved heal, and I don't like focuses that only work on a single version of a spell. Even with this tunic I'd still have to keep my other healing item to cover pet heals, and with a limited number of armor slots I cannot be wasting them on redundant focuses.  Its hard enough as it is being a hybrid and having to keep melee focuses (fero,cleave) and all the caster focuses all at once.  You can't lose any of them after you've played having them all, they are missed too much.

And since the topic wasn't just about the tunic, it was general itemization...... WTH is with the lack of mods on TSS gear !!!!!!!!   Ya ya, lots of HP, big deal I have 15k unbuff now, I had more mods when I had anguish gear =( /cry WTB more shielding !!!


I would agree terroz.......the pure lack of focus's in general from TSS armor and the tier'ed armor is of now I see most people keeping demi armor for focus's and waiting for another expansion's day SoE will put focus's more into play


Quote from: Spiritclaw on January 15, 2007, 05:12:51 PM
It would be more in keeping for the beasts to get the DD clickly proc and necros get the dot proc.  Of course the opinion of somebody who has played since original EQ came out has little bearing on this topic  :-P
With BP clickies, I would *much* rather get an ability that I cannot duplicate with spells or effects, if that ability is one that will be upgraded in future spell sets, or (as would be the case here, and has happened to many in the past) is already upgraded.  Nothing is more useless than getting an obsolete buff clicky*.  Yay, I saved mana casting something that I don't cast any more!

I used the Thurg BP for years (literally).

*Edit:  Yes, I know that the PoR buff is situationally useful.  Still, I would rather have a clickie like this one that is more generally useful, and won't get outdated.
Wildblood Lupic Wulfsib:  Member of Memento Reejeryn, The Seventh Hammer (Lanys T'Vyl)
Sugar Daddy: Berrew, Archon of Brell Serilis


Quote from: Kroshx on January 14, 2007, 11:47:30 PM
Were beastlords a mistake when they were first introduced? Is this their way of trying to correct the mistake? By making us all play zerkers or something?

Well, if you look at EQ2 you can see your answer pretty clearly.  Every single one of the 16 EQ1 classes was ported over.  Every last one of them.....except beasties.

Oh and they give other classes the ability to turn into tigers that look a lot like our big kitty AA, but doesn't wear off.  The Vah Shir there are butt ugly, but that's neither here nor there.