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Combined post of all Epic 1.5 Info (will keep updated)

Started by LyonoThundercat, September 17, 2004, 06:18:03 PM

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What about Water Ice and Vapor.  A word play on Tawer, E'Ci and Povar.
wolverine9981 - 58 - Beastlord - The Tribunal

Bainee   - level 52 Shaman - Aggramar
Anduhar - level 48 Hunter    - Aggramar


Also the questions seem to be moving back in time... the moon to kedge keep to.....?


Quoteperhaps the answer is..... water, ice and steam

Ice cream!
Grimgrey Dorfeater
Troll Wildblood
Undivided Faith


Is there any lore on Treants?  They are wood and they can splinter.


what about the Triumvirate of Water: Tarew,  Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr

QuoteTarew Marr, keeper of water, The Fathom Lord, Ruler of the Triumvirate of Water. The Fathom Lord or, as he is known in the divine tongue of Influence and Nature, Tarew Marr, is the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is the sole lord and commander of the plane's most abundant form of the element. The people of Norrath know little of him, and his relationship to Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr is a source of constant debate amongst their followers.
He is believed to have given physical form and intelligence to the influences of Love and Valor in the personages of Erollisi and Mithaniel Marr, respectively, and given them power over their namesake planes.

It seems we're talking about water there...
Kylaz - Feral Troll
Main Entry:lizĀ·ard
Etymology:Middle English liserd, from Middle French laisarde, from Latin lacerta (Date:14th century)
1 : any of a suborder (Lacertilia) of reptiles distinguished from the snakes by a fused inseparable lower jaw, a single temporal opening, external ears, and eyes with movable lids; broadly : any relatively long-bodied reptile (as a crocodile or dinosaur) with legs and tapering tail


there are a lot of ways you could take splintered so I would do it litereally. i.e. branched - like the elves branched off of each other.

I do have an off topic question. I have killed the sphinexs hundreds of times for the SK epic (i think it was SK). So how do I get faction back with them or has all that been changed?
Tygereyee - Emarr


The other day, a guildy said in /gu "Hey, why are there 3 different NPC's named % T, but in 3 different zones?'..

unfortunately this was said before I had heard this riddle, so I payed little attention to the name.  If memory serves me correct, at least one was in UPlains.  They were definately mobs new to OoW.  I will definately be asking when i see him on again.


Man/human/mankind has issues too, as they didn't necessarily split into 3, but actually into 4...Barbarians, Humans, Erudites, Heretics(AKA Evil Erudites).

Not disputing that it might be the right answer, but almost every story which talks about humans splitting in EQ lore also includes the Erudite split as well.
Terjyn, Retired Feral Lord on the Povar Server


But the Heretics split from the Erudites, Mankind itself split into Barbarians, Humans, and Erudin...regardless, tried and doesn't work :)
Volsykat Litterbox
66th Feral Lord of Solusek Ro
Sun Clan of Warriors


-------------ANTONICA------------ should be the answer.

Then all the races/zones came and Antonica was divided into:

East Antonica
South Antonica
West Anonica
Greyseer Skullbasher


Antonica has been tried and doesn't work, check the thread compiling tried and failed terms.
Volsykat Litterbox
66th Feral Lord of Solusek Ro
Sun Clan of Warriors


Someone suggested the Zeks and I didnt see it on the lists.

Also in the lore - is there anything about triplets in any stories? was just thinking you could consider a triplets and being splintered apart. I knew i should have kept the books that came with the games.
Tygereyee - Emarr


I think the other key word is "they" ... indicating possibly requiring the 3 part answer .. this, this and this...  or at least a Race that could have 3 factions (splinted inspires thoughts of civil wars and heated battles)..It really doesn't seem to indicate a place, or a thing.

Um... Giants?... old world, pre velious?  Hill, Fire, Ice?

*** Edit.. Nvm .. been tried...

Officer of ADS - Bertoxxulous