The Beastlords' Den

General => Report Website/Forum Problems => Topic started by: Aneya on December 16, 2004, 04:00:04 PM

Title: Some comments on the new board.
Post by: Aneya on December 16, 2004, 04:00:04 PM
Two points.

1. Can we get a low brightness theme. IE something that doesn't use a lot of fully saturated colors like white, light blue, light grey etc.

2. It seems that I can't overwrite the default color of the text. However, it is possible to overwrite the default background color for text boxes. The result on the default theme is that I get black background and black text because my desktop UI has background set to black and text to green. Mind you I haven't tested all the themes so maybe one theme allows for text colors to be overwritte.