The Beastlords' Den

Everquest 1 => Sony Beastlord Correspondent Information => Old Correspondent Information => Topic started by: Mewzee on February 22, 2006, 11:38:34 PM

Title: Tastian - New ideas for Devs
Post by: Mewzee on February 22, 2006, 11:38:34 PM
Hi to everyone :)
Special hi to Oiingo /waves


I had an idea a good while back, and I don't really know if it will
fly with the devs, but I'd like to at least share it and see if you
can pass it along. This idea is mainly for high end beastlords, but
I think it can help casual players too if you apply the idea in the same
manner but for lower tier items, such as Tacvi, GOD, OOW..

I read about how beastlords always have problems with our items and especially
our focus effects. I've been experiencing problems about choosing items for
a very very long time as well =P.

When DON came along, the focus effects that were added with type 7 and 8 slot choice
was a really great idea, and I think it helped alot of beastlords out.

But for the high end beastlords, its not that great when you sacrifice hps/mods just for a simple focus effect.

The point of my idea was this, Anguish augments, while their hps and mods are great, I thought it
would extremely beneficial, if they also had a focus effect added. Mana preservation,
entended buff enhencment focus, extrended range focus, spell haste focus...these are the really
hard to find focus effects for our class, and they are extremely beneficial to us as a hybrid.
Not to mention its great for casters, priests, and other hybrids as well. =P

If you had these on augments such as Anguish, and maybe other augments from past expansions,
maybe add some 50hps or so to the DON focus augments? That would be helpful to alot I think.

Another idea was to fix the focus effects of past expansions such as GOD, OOW, and even
up to now. When Planes of Power was out, we had really great straight focus effects, such
as mana preservation for all spells ect, This kept going with Plane of Time, but then after
that, the focus effects have really sucked.

Now we are stuck with focus effects that are for "beneficial spells only", or "extended range
for beneficial spells only"....What happened to just normal extended range for all spells?
Thats far more helpful than extended range for buffs only...I need extended range so
I can nuke from a good distance, if a raid mob is a ranged fight only, rather than for my
buffs....Same with mana preservation for beneficial buffs only...what happened to
it effecting all spells? I know beastlords rarely go out of mana, but still every little bit
helps if I need to spam spot heals within my group, or heal my pet due to AEs or hits
from mobs.

I think fixing these past issues, might help alot in the long run.
I do agree with everyone on the itemization for beastlords with items from
Anguish, DON (Vish), and even Demi-Plane, not being thought out
as well, it would definately be helpful to perhaps add a focus
effect like spell haste to the arms of forgotten artist armor for bsts.
They are great arms, and yet have no focus, and almost the rest
of the armor does...

The DON Bst only neck, aye, a better clicky, such as maybe
free SA? or free pet summon? Or shrink companion?
Maybe the ancient nuke?

The Demi-plane range item, why the heck does it have to be range item lol.
Choose a ring, or earring, or maybe a face item would be better? Or heck
just add the focus to an exisiting item in Demi-plane?

Thank you for reading, and your consideration.