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All you need to know about: Suspended Minion

Started by Xalmat, January 02, 2004, 10:20:33 PM

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Credit goes to The Magician's Tower for the original information posted here.

Ability: Suspend Minion
Cost: 5 AA points for Suspended Minion I, 3 AA points for Suspended Minion II
Pre-req: Planes of Power expansion; Suspend Minion 1 requires Level 62, Suspend Minion 2 requires Level 64
Description: This ability allows you "Suspend" your pet, that is put him into a special hidden mode.  The ability has two levels.  Level 1, your pet will be suspended with its current HP only, any weapons or armor you have given him will be "forgotten".  Level 2, your pet will be suspended with his current HP and all his currently equipped items and buffs.  To Un-Suspend your pet simply cast Suspend Minion again.

Brief Q&A

What happens to my pet when I suspend it?

Think of it like this, your pet goes into a magical "pocket" you carry with you.  When you have your pet in your pocket, you can do anything you normally would without a pet i.e. invis get CoH'd etc and not affect your suspended pet.  The only restriction is you cannot cross zone lines with a suspended pet.

Can I become invisible while my pet is suspended, does this kill the pet?

Yes you may go invisible and not affect your pet, a suspended pet is not actually in the game world.  Therefore it cannot be seen, attacked, targeted, the pet HP bar disappears etc.  For gameplay purposes, essentially you do not have a pet, he cannot be affected by AE's or melee attacks nor can he defend you.

I had a cleric cast Ageo on my pet, if I suspend it will it still have Ageo once I unsuspend it?

With Suspend Minion Level 1 - the let will not have ageo.  With Suspend Minion Level 2 - the pet will still have ageo

Can Suspend Minion replace Pet Hold? Does it clear its aggro list?

No, similar to the spell Summon Companion, you cannot suspend your pet if he is on an NPC Aggro list

When a pet is Suspended do NPCs keep beating on him and if so, does he "unsuspend"?

See the previous question

What is the cast time on Suspend Minion?

Cast time is 4 seconds.  Spell Data from Lucy: Suspended Minion I, Suspended Minion II

When you suspend a pet, can you summon another, thus having one pet up and one in quick reserve?

Yes, you may have one pet suspended, and then summon a new pet effectively "having one in reserve".

When I unsuspend a pet does it remember previous /pet hold or /pet guard commands?

An unsuspended pet does not remember any previous commands.  It acts just like a newly summoned pet and is initially in Follow Mode.

Special Note: Summon up a Monster Summoning pet and then suspend it.  Un-suspend it and it will have a new model, you may cycle through the pet models in each zone this way.

[65 Arch Convoker] Sage Xalmat Lunaire (Human) <Enshadowed> ZONE: brellserilis
[65 Archon] Eiyana Lunaire (Gnome) <Enshadowed> ZONE: brellserilis
Lead Librarian/Moderator of The Magician's Tower


would a lesser succor make fluffy go away?  if I send kitty to his room before succor goes off.  Like in Sirens Grotto,  get pet up buffed etc then lesser succor across zone.
65 Kitty Beastlord
Stormbringer Legacy
Test Server


Sweet ... not only do I get a pet .. but I also can make him into an " Action Figure " and put him in my pocket to play somewhere else lol

57 Beastlord
Tallon Zek

PS thats right .. you noticed my level went up lol
Borenu Olaf-63-Beastlord-Tallon Zek


Succor will make your suspended pet go away, it is like zoning.  Anytime you see the "Loading Please Wait..." message, you are in fact zoning out and zoning back in whether a lessor succor or not.

-- Are these diamonds in my cat litter?


Thanks for the post Xalmat. I have always been curious as to the exact workings of these 2 AA's. Great information!
Wildcaller Kanj
Vah Shir - Wildblood - Bertoxxulous



If your in zone and being ressed, make a pet and suspend it before the res.  Ressing in the same zone will not kill your suspended pet.

Res effects and no mana, but a fully functional friend immediately :D

- Claw


Silly question.... if I go LD with my Warder suspended is he gone?
Kinash Kattar
Level 66, Khati Sha Apprentice
Tholuxe Paells (Bertox)


Quote from: KinashSilly question.... if I go LD with my Warder suspended is he gone?
Anytime you get the "Loading please wait" message, pet is gone. If you get TPed/Succored/Rezzed without that message, suspended pet will be available.

If you have this AA, make sure every invis caster (and especially BARDS) know you need 5 seconds between the "otm invis" and the actual landing of spells on you. Best, tell them NEVER INVIS ME, PLEASE. All old players know that, of course, but in pickup groups, you nowadays find level 65 players with less than a few hours played....
Kylaz - Feral Troll
Main Entry:liz·ard
Etymology:Middle English liserd, from Middle French laisarde, from Latin lacerta (Date:14th century)
1 : any of a suborder (Lacertilia) of reptiles distinguished from the snakes by a fused inseparable lower jaw, a single temporal opening, external ears, and eyes with movable lids; broadly : any relatively long-bodied reptile (as a crocodile or dinosaur) with legs and tapering tail


Another tip... if your warder has enraged you can refresh enrage by suspending warder and unsuspending him again.



I am considering this AA now that I got a few of the essential AA's out of the way <MGB, Paragon, etc>.

My question is, Having Suspend Minion II can I keep suspending my warder as I move around? Ex: enter zone buff warder, suspend warder, invis and go to first camp, engage target when done re-suspend warder invis and go to next camp etc...




That's probably the biggest use for this AA.  The ability to invis and move through a zone and summon/suspend the pet as needed.


Something else worth adding is that you can use suspend minion to avoid having your warder killed by Call of the Hero being cast on you.  Great for things like Coirnav and the Rathe (Xegony too, since it works on intra-zone rezzing like someone else mentioned), or even LDoN adventures occasionally.


Damn, assumption is a mother..... :twisted:

I have been assuming that interzone rezzez and CoH would wipe my suspended pet, didn't even try it out.

TY !  :D
Misser - Veredi Arcanum CT


I have a question I did not see listed on top on the FAQ.

When you suspend your pet fully buffed, are the buff durations in effect while pet is suspended?  Lets say I buffed pet and I suspendend him for 5 hours, would he still have the buffs?