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Topic: BST H8rs

Started by sarjent, January 09, 2004, 10:22:33 PM

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Kahir Rhom

Quote from: ShkahlSo... he felt the need to jab at us why?

Guy was a typical troll, that's why. I read most of the first page, and it was just him firing back at everyone else telling him how stupid he is. :p


I read the first page of it.

Basically this post just further proves my own personal conclusions that class envy/flaming/etc are basically methods for very bored people to get their blood flowing again.  It never proves anything, it never helps anything, the end result is an extra 100k or so added to the forum's databases if the mods don't outright delete it.

A flame is a flame is a flame.  Read it, roll your eyes, and move on.


Not even gonna read this.  A shaman was my main for the first three years I played EQ...I love my shaman...I now love my beastlord.
Shaityn Stormweaver
65 Ogre Feral Lord
The Insane-Antonius Bayle
My Magelo
The Beastlords Den-Home of Everquest Beastlords


My main was a magician, I quit before the canni nerf, but still surf the boards, ever since the canni nerf, A good chunk of the topics have been whining.


I love threads like that ..

will post a comment made by a guildie to me in tell later when I crop the pic .,


Well, seems the original poster is an ignorant ass with a chip on his shoulder. Even better he's being flamed by arrogant pricks, who think that just because they're on higher level content that everyone who isnt is a retard.

If that thread is any indication of the rest of the community, I'll keep my shaman alt /anon permanently for fear of ever being associated with them.

Dorrogtr T`A

I laughed at the original poster... he's sooo funny... almost like Bracy, yeah. I laughed even harder at that sig.. its friggin hilarious!  :lol: I actually think that's him IRL...

Damn it feels good to be a Businessman!

Dorrogtr T`A

Wow.. stupid double post


I ignore that stuff. I don't even go into the Rants here.

As a beastlord, is there any class that I am supposed to hate?  :P
Lady Jillianna Silversoul and Cody
71.181 Halasian Feral Lady - Morell-Thule... erm, Erollisi Marr
Faveo Sulum Ipsemet Ascio



ROFL, I have not played a shaman fulltime in over 2 years, and I STILL know your dont freaking sit.  CaniDance is so 3 expansion ago.  Everytime I read the crucible, I am reminded at just how good the shaman in my guild really are, and how many Ftards are still out there - EQ will have a long life indeed :)

And F Wildaar, he don't start no threads, he suxxorz.  I hate to tell him with his Dec 2003 join date, that everything worth being said was said back when he was still a necro ;)
                  Ghoat! The Relentless - Cazic Thule Server           Fat Troll


LOL, Ghoat.

I havben't played a shaman as my main for ...hell....a long time.

The Shaman Crucible USED to be one of the best EQ forums on the web: great information, friendly people....great atmosphere.

The info is still there....but the people suck.


Well, I've been an active and appreciated member of the shaman community since I first started EQ, but I'm serious when I say, that the Crucible itself has gone downhill dramatically.  I used to feel that whenever I got on there, I would actually get some real information out of it.  I used to parole the boards and soak up everything that I read.  Now, it's a disgrace.  I've gotten to the point where I physically can't stand even reading it cause it is usually nothing more than crap about one person hating on this class.. or this item.. or this thing.. and starting a flame war about it.  

I'm proud of my shaman.  I'm proud of who he is and what he has done.  I'm proud of what I've managed to accomplish in the game personally, and what my guild has done.  And it is with this pride that I can say, the state of the shaman community has gone downhill.  I consider this a direct result of two things.  1)  the creation of the beastlord class and their abilities.  2) the release of PoP.

It's late, so I will explain briefly.  Alot of shamans that I know are upset over the beastlord class, because they feel that you are superior to them now.  They feel that they should have gotten a mana regen spell and the ability to melee.  I'm not with them in feeling this way (like i said, I love my shaman and wouldn't change anything about him).  They feel that your slow is "good enough" to be used instead of the shamans, and that with your better dps, you are more valuable to a group.  In some cases, this can be true, but in others, it's not.

Second point, was that PoP kinda ruined the state for shamans.  Here, it made shamans are very highly desired class.  To be in a group now, you need someone that can slow.  Shamans are the best slowers, so now alot of people created shaman twinks.  There is nothing wrong with this.  However, it is out of this that brought on a whole new generation of people playing shamans, and therefore increased the shaman community.

Being an active member of the shaman serverwide channel, I hear alot of people whining about how overpowered this class is and how underpowered this class is and whatnot.  But, who cares.  I get sick of it, so I've tended to start ignoring it.  One thing that was said by Gurck (and i'm sure he'll smile when he hears I'm agreeing with him for once) is that the general population of EQ has taken a downward spiral in age and ability.  When I ask a question in the crucible.. at least I know I will eventually get an answer, although it usually comes after a joke or two.  Now, if I ask a question on the beastlord serverwide channel, the first words usually are "what a newb".  This is just an example.

Last thing i wanted to add.. since the original post was locked, is this whole elistist attitude that supposedly rampant on everyone that is in a guild in Time or EP or whatever.  I'm time flagged on my shaman, and my beastlord is very twinked out.  That doesn't mean that I won't stop myself from helping the random person that I've never met finish a quest.  This doesn't mean that just cause my gear is better than some of yours I don't die just as much as you do.  All that it means is that I've made the decision in my life to put forth with maximum 100% effort, 4 - 6+ hours a night, as many nights as possible, to be in a raiding guild that can let me see and do everything in EQ that I wanted to do.  I love just as much as the next person at getting that next AA.  I love doing small quests for things that I don't even personally need just for the fun of it.  I love seeing the smile and joyment out of someone when you buff them up and don't take their money that they offer (if they do).  I love playing my shaman and just running around with him looking at things that I didn't dare do or see when I was that level 30 shaman peddling my wares of sow potions, just hoping that I could sell a few more and by that nice shiny new spear that would have given me 10 hps more and 2 more to dmg.  I play EQ because it's fun, because if it wasn't fun, I wouldn't play.  I don't play EQ to hear people whine and bitch about how they think that they were wronged in whatever way for whatever reason.

I'm sorry if I offended any of you.  This was not my intent.  My intent was just to let out some personal frustration over some issues and events that have seen to be happening more than normal lately.


I agree, it used to be a GREAT board.  Almost everything I learned about being a shaman came from there - ac/hp over wis, the old cani dance, how to kill that damn bear for totemic helm etc... I used to be very active  on that board as Brat.  But he board is not what it used to be.  I was upset with the spells the shaman were getting when Sol was about to come out, and frankly so much of the we suck we suck started to take hold and I lost a lot of interest in my class, due in part to the mood over there.

I have been on that board since Jan of 2000, and man has it changed.  The better shaman (or a whole lot of them) have moved on, left, quit or just stopped going there & a lot of the slime has floated to the top.  I'll cruise the board now and again, but I just cant take it on a day to day basis! I think I have only had liek a wopping 30 posts or so since the board was wiped back in 2002 hehe.

The shaman board has been whinning about the state of shaman (with SOME justification) since Kunark came out & necro surpassed shaman in dots, and druids in healing.  The advent of the beastlord class just gave a lot of the worst trolls of the lot something specific to point at instead of general bitchin'.  If not for beastlords, it would be the same amount of we suck we suck, but just w/o a strawman to use in the argument.

There is still some good info for young, and even older shaman there, but damn, you gotta go thru a lot of frog threads to ever find a prince anymore :(
                  Ghoat! The Relentless - Cazic Thule Server           Fat Troll


This whole issue of class envy/hate is really starting to wear thin. I have to pretty much give props to the Beastlord class as a whole for not falling into this trap.

I can't help but notice that most people bashing on the Beastlord class also have a Beastlord alt. and use that as a reason. Play the class you like and don't worry about what other classes have that you don't!

I feel sorry for the people who only want to be Uber! I'd be willing to bet big money that if the most Uber class/race in the game was a Jackass Jester wearing a pink tutu we'd have a million of them running around in a week!!   :roll:

If you don't like your class try changing it, but for God's sake don't bash or try to tear down other classes just to make your's better.">Kaspur Ghostpaws
Vah Shir Feral Lord