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Role of a beastlord.

Started by Mazame, August 01, 2009, 06:50:00 PM

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We have been asked about new aa's and new spells that we would like and a few of the post I read I agree with but other I just have to LOL about.  What I would like to see more before they add new spell / aa is for our class to be defined.

What is the role of a Bst in the following?

I played many MMO over the years and one thing I seen is when they balance the char the game dies. all class end up becoming the same and in the end their little to make them stand out.

Currently what makes bst stand out ?
Paragon. Now with out of combat regen and the high HP/Mana caps it almost to the point that it not adding that much and went from being a high request on raid to some thing that most the time no one even knows we cast it.
      Maybe as a fix and End regen.  Or up the mana / hp so that it makes an impact.

   Fero. This is a line that when first came out was wonderful. It help with both DPS that wanted the boost and tanks that wanted resist. I remember using it not only in raids but in group all the time. I would love to see it return.
      If  it returns I like to see it do some thing maybe add Resist that go over the cap. That way it can have it use back with so many player max resist the resist it adds is nothing  so going over cap will add back that use for it.  As for DPS add enough attack that you can see the effect on a parse. I don't think it need to be a big improvement but at least something that can be seen. Maybe  5 more DPS would even be worth dusting off this classic.

      Pet. Our pet went from being one of the top pets in the game to almost as gimp as the non pet classes. I would love to see our pets improved.
         Gear) Mages pets are summoned with gear. Often on a raid my pet will die and now my pet is ½  what it used to be when fully geared. Asking a mage mid fight to regear  my pet is not going to happen.  An idea to fix this is maybe an AA / spell that will let us scavenge gear that we can use to gear our pets. I not saying it need to be better gear then what mages summon but something on par that we don't need to find a mage every time our pet dies.  If they feel that it taking away from mages then give us a line that is just under the current line for mages. After all some thing is better then nothing.

                          Wader) Mages / nerco have different types of pet they can use in different  ways. War pets to tank / Rogue to dps / monk to stun / caster to nuke. Ours tends to be an all in one  where it used to tank dps and then proc to get the stun and nuke. The problem I see is that over time our all in one has gotten small upgrades where Their different pets based on what they want it to due is now by far out performing. I again am not saying that we need to have the best pet but I would like to see an improvement.
      The Idea I have to fix this is the pet buff line. Rather then just giving us a stun dps  proc of our pet how about adding a few others that will not stack but that we can use to define our pet to what we want it to do.
                           Example (Rune / AC proc )  This would remove the damage proc and the stun effect but give the Pet AC and a rune so that it can tank better.         
            ( Damage proc) Rather then a damage / stun proc how about a proc that is a lot more damage that way we can pick if we want to have the stun or the extra damage.             
                                                  ( AE stun ) maybe add an AE stun that done no extra damage but would be used in times.

   The goal of this is to not over power our pet but to more so make it useful. As a beast lord  we work side by side with our pets you would think that over time we would focus in on our warder skills and help bring out their talent.

   I think working on these 3 things  Pet / Paragon / Fero that are class defining abilities for a bst that it will help improve our class and help add meaning into our role in groups and raids. With the new Hard mode for raid each class I feel need to have a key role and I feel bst are slowly getting pushed out  so If the CL are able to help that is what I would like to see give us some thing that says lets get a bst in here for _________ we could use really use that. 


QuoteParagon. Now with out of combat regen and the high HP/Mana caps it almost to the point that it not adding that much and went from being a high request on raid to some thing that most the time no one even knows we cast it.
      Maybe as a fix and End regen.  Or up the mana / hp so that it makes an impact.

While I would love to see endurance regen added to our para line I have to disagree with the rest of your statement. Whle ooc regen has been a huge help to all of us mana users, during combat is when Focused Paragon shines, at least on a number of the mobs we raid it is a huge help to clerics and other mana users, but primarily we use it on healer classes. On some raids we have specific people we feed constantly as soon as it drops and other times its when asked. To say though that it is something that no one even knows we cast means to me that its not being used to its full effect on your raids. MGB para is also something that has been extremely helpful during least thats how I see it.


I'm perfectly content with the role I play on a raid and in groups.  I'd rather not give up current durability of our class to have stronger pets.  I'd rather not give up current DPS roles to have stronger pets.  If your pet dies constantly on raids, you are doing something wrong.  If you want to have a pet that can tank or out DPS most classes, play a mage.  You want to FD, play a monk or an SK.  You want fade, play a bard.  You want to heal, play a cleric.  You want to port, play a wizard or druid.  Getting my point?

If your guild doesn't know the power of PoS or fPoS, then get off your butt and educate them, or find a guild that will utilize you in the role the beastlord fills. 

We have a role, stop trying to change the class to fit whatever you want to see done.  You want to be the end all, be all class, go play Diablo or Morrowind.

/rant off


The problem is, for some guilds, paragon just isn't really needed much.  The mega-dps guilds like Triality or CT kill many of the mobs so fast, that there's far less use for the ability.


Thanks to the abysmal expansion we're in clearing tower is not anymore a highend guildy privilege, it is actually done by all highend and most middle game guilds nowadays (on my server its farmed by 4 guilds and another 2 will do soon). That means that the equipment level evens up and is generally so high that paragon is next to useless. No fight takes long enough to make it usefull nowadays except to keep my own dps up on events of 4 or more minutes. Healers in general do not have a real mana problem nowadays, quite a few clerics in my guild even load up nukes and their hammer pet to dps a bit during their main-heal job.

Fero is a really sore issue as many melee dps still ask for it, however parses show it is more effective to cast yowl than fero even the best melee dps you have. It was acknowledged to be useless a few years ago allready by prathuun in a house of commons chat, and he admitted to just add a new version every expansion because he doesn't have a clue what to do with it. Since Underfoot is not a level raise expansion i rather hope we will be spared a new version.

DPS in general is okay, we could use some minor tweaks like much increased neg hate abilities and a higher dps warder, however i would not like to see a nerf in personal dps to favor our warder, especially if its survivability lags even farther behind than it does allready (a fully mage equipped and raid buffed warder has around 29k hp, that is considerably less than what we require for silky apps).


if you watch, a lot of other classes have utility and dps top
so why we dont have utility and top dps at same time.
slow is overrated, like fos and a few hp buffs also. a crappy heal that you need to cast 10 times to be at full hp.

monk have fd/pull tools and dps
magician have coth and ds shields, summoned stuff and top dps
ranger have harmonized arrow lot of dps aa and tankablity and good dps
rogue have smokebomb and quite some other stuff and top dps
necro has fd/snare/root levitationgroupbuff  groupmanasteal, and top dps
there can be a few more examples

i mean why would we be a utility class with lower dps?
what do we have  for uber utilities that for example mages can easy do a few k dps more.

stand up for your class and see the bigger picture that other classes have utility and dps at same time.
we should be at least at ranger dps and the gap with mages need to be much smaller then it is.


Beastlord Community Round Table representative.  Feel free to PM me or contact me in game (Drinal.Hzathz) about anything you think needs attention.


Quote from: rhaug on August 02, 2009, 10:40:31 AM
we should be at least at ranger dps and the gap with mages need to be much smaller then it is.

Aren't we now? No ranger has out dps me so far nor monks. However every bit more dps is welcomed warmly.

What comes to utility, I'm not sure what to request for utility. Maybe somekind of splitting ability with longer recast like mages have. Tracking ability would be awesome add on in my book. More pet utility would be great to have. Make pets able to taunt mobs off from PCs like they used to (in Kunark) so they could off tank. Maybe somekind of mez proc for pet (change steeltrap from slow to mez proc eg.). I'm not having huge aggro issues, but I guess more deaggro would be ok to have.

Buffwise I'd like to see bst buffs boosted somehow. SE is getting lesser and lesser good, so is paragon. Focus is rather useless in raid environment and in most of grps.
Fero is pretty useless, make it boost DPS classes special attacks like BS, frenzy, flying kick, kick etc and make it group buff, innate AA or aura. I'd like to get long lasting group haste or make it innate AA. Make cure portion of pet heal cure beastlord aswell (I don't want any more targetable cures).



Quote from: Razimir on August 02, 2009, 03:02:11 PM
Fero is pretty useless, make it boost DPS classes special attacks like BS, frenzy, flying kick, kick etc and make it group buff, innate AA or aura.

I like this idea, as an aura.  Add XX dmg weighted per class.


Why should i be forced to give up anything for a better pet? We are fine, it's our PETS that arent. Fix the broken PET. Its been almost a year now, as usual. And nothing has been done.

Anyone saying we as bstlords have to give up something for a stronger pet is falling into to a mage's image of what a bst should be and that's just NOT what a bst is.

We need to make up our own minds of who we are, and not let mages or any other classes do it for us.

Personaly i coudn't care less if i step on mage toes for stronger pets, we need them as much as they do.

Shamans? for better utility? TOO BAD. Then find or create something that is our own that doesnt suck past 4 expansions. Shaman are part of our heriatage, yet our stat buffs are redundant.


I think our pet problem is if they boost our pets dps up we would most likely be the most powerful hybrid and or melee  class at group level if they did mage pet level dps or even half of it, no other pure melee or hybrid would be close to us this is only at the group level where they seem to balance everything from. I believe we are balanced around at least other hybrids dps and utility wise and not around mages so in order for our pets to be increased we would have to either give up some personal dps or stagnant some personal dps they will not let us be top dps class at the group level, now tanking for our pet they maybe could boost up some but how do we get them to do this?


Someone has to be the most powerful hybird in a group, why shoudnt it be us?


This issue with increasing the power of the pet is that they view the pet & ourselves as a single unit.

They take into account our total dps output in optimal situations.  If they decide the max dps gain we get out of an expansion is 500 and we request a massive pet increase and we get 400 for the pet.. that only leaves us with 100 remaining for us.

Take this into account when making requests.  When the pet dies, we can keep going on, dpsing, summoning another pet if we can or choose to.  When we die, we float or go to bind and have to wait on someone else to get back into it.

Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Quote from: jitathab on August 03, 2009, 12:51:28 PM
Someone has to be the most powerful hybird in a group, why shoudnt it be us?


Sorry. But i dont agro with decreasing our personal dps for a pet thats useful. There's more then enough room to fix our warders without hurting us as individuals. I see mages and other pure melee cranking out 2x my dps on burst fights and sometimes on sustained fights. Maybe they get all the goodies aka suport classes like bards and sham, cus i know i don't usualy. It's just frustrating to be a dwindling class i once cherished.

EDIT: We wouldnt be in this situation if the warder didnt progressively slack to begin with.