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GoD Beastlord-only AA Discussion

Started by DiosT, January 07, 2004, 04:41:28 AM

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news Murkk,

but that is a direct violation of the Gates of Discord Beta NDA and should NOT be posted here.


Just so you know.


I'm thinking with the 30 aa's that alot of people will have and of course the lack of information

Feral swipe, warders fury 1, warders alacrity 1, bestial alignment 1, persistant casting 1, mastery of the past 1 (I use tainted breath as my taunt spell - so no fizzles on that is worth 3aa's) then perhaps runspeed 4 - saving 1 point.

Theres no point waiting for info before spending since any aa's you earn could not be spent towards gods aa's.

I really hope the aa's go up linearly and not 369 as that will be really nasty.

Pet affinity is hopefully misprinted and actually means any spell cast on you will also affect your pet.  I really can't see clerics paying 20 aa's for the honour of their mgb hitting your pet.  20 aa's is still very steep - its going to be very difficult saving up all that for the marginal benifit it will bring.


Ississ, I dont think that is Murks screenshot, just one he found as he states "or if it is real".  I really hope that it is not real, because for that AA to cost 20 points, the way that i read it, it only works for YOUR group spells.  So if a shaman has not spent the 20 points to allow their group spells to affect pets, our pet will not get that shamans spells.  20 points is a whole lot to ask for someone (especially classes like clerics) who does not actually have a pet, to spend just so their spells land on other peoples pets.  I dont see many of the other buffing type classes buying that AA.


And even with 20 aa spent by every group caster, nothing in the description makes us sure that MGBed spells will work on our warders  :(

Maybe there will be a "Mass Pet Affinity" AA for only 48 AA points...
Kylaz - Feral Troll
Main Entry:lizĀ·ard
Etymology:Middle English liserd, from Middle French laisarde, from Latin lacerta (Date:14th century)
1 : any of a suborder (Lacertilia) of reptiles distinguished from the snakes by a fused inseparable lower jaw, a single temporal opening, external ears, and eyes with movable lids; broadly : any relatively long-bodied reptile (as a crocodile or dinosaur) with legs and tapering tail


Few if's of course, but if that is what goes live I'll be buying testing feral swipe/warder's alacrity and then picking up mastery of the past rank 1 just for frenzy/invis.  

I still don't get icy grasp at all, but again it's still very early.  Of course I still want swarm pets so maybe pack rat is rat pack!! yeah that's the ticket, swarm of rats, giant old world plague rats!!!  Next few weeks should be interesting either way.  8)


Personally I think they really need to re-think the pet group buff AA if thats what ends up going live.  A better idea, in my opinion, is to have one AA that you buy.  If the owner of the pet buys it, then group buffs works on his pet.  This will prevent every group spellcaster from having to buy this AA.

The other concern I have with it, is that currently when Im in groups and get buffs I dont want, I can just click off so I have room for buffs I do want.  This isnt an option with kitty.  So if my kitty gets full up on buffs like seasons, acumen, etc it may screw with not being able to toss haste buffs, etc on it.  I really would like to be able to click off the pet buffs.  This may be possible, but if so, I dont know how.


If true, pet affinity for 20 AAs is nuts especially the way the description is currently written. The pet owner should be the one buying the AA for it to be useful and even then I would only get it if it was alot cheaper.



I think I would eventually (being the keyword) get pet affinity, just for the idea that my extended paragon would also land on my pet.

Hell, between that, the hasted mending that I have and the regen pet has from DPoC, I dunno if I would ever have to use a pet heal spell again.  



Icy Grasp - I see only very limited use for this, eventually when soloing non summoning (if those exist in GoD) highlevel mobs, otherwise useless, I might as well use my crappy Hobble AA, they should have added improved hobble

Feral Swipe - sounds interesting, hope this extra attack does some significant dmg and doesnt grey out my normal kick

Warder's Fury - nice hope it increases my warders dps by 3 , how about an AA that gives my warder the chances to crit nuke (proc)

Warder's Alacrity - hope this is another 3 dps

Bestial Alignment - guess I wont have to fero myself anymore, neat for low mana situations, too bad alot of my dps comes from procs / spells / warder so even with 3k atk there is only so much gain to get out of atk for bsts

Pet Affinity - so every cleric / shm / druid / enc whatever group buff class needs to have this so their spells land on my pet ? and its not even sure if it works with MGB, wonder why beastlords get this, so I can SD and SV other peoples pets ? really odd hope its costs not more than 1 AA and even then I doubt many will get it, really sad
Choppin Lethal
Feral Lord


20 seems too steep for one AA, I don't expect on seeing many people with that AA.


Quote from: Zorthar20 seems too steep for one AA, I don't expect on seeing many people with that AA.

I was imagining a group full of mage fire pets getting VoQ, SD, POT9 .. maybe they'd (well the pets anyways) be able to nuke for more than one fight ...


Hmmm.. Pet Afinity.

I suppose I can see the reason for not making this an innate ability of group spells since the power potential of a pet with HoV, Fo7, etc etc is pretty high, so having to make it so that one has to earn the ability to have that power does make some sence.

However, making every shaman/cleric/enchanter/etc get it instead of just the owner of the pet does seem kinda screwy, mainly becayse VERY few people are going to see this as a necessity since most of them are unlikely to understand the power of pets since they either don't have one or the one they do have is fairly weak.  Thusly I doubt most all Enchanters/Clerics/Paladins are going to get this AA after this have most all of their self improving AA, or after about 15-200 AAs or more.  
In other words I expect to see these spells landing about once or twice a month at most even after awhile for people to get the points for it.

I'll almost certainly get it since I tend to cast Spiritual Brawn on my Kitty and Spiritual Vigor is much easier and much faster casting, plus it'll land on all my team mate's pets.


I doubt there won't be any very good bst only AAs and I bet it will turn out to be like this:

-Feral swipe sounds cool, but it will be crap dps wise
-warder flurry and crit AAs are going to be just an eye candy
-bestial alignment is going to be useless in raids because it will prolly wipe shrink, but got a little bit of kewlness factor (I'm sure non raiding bsts will be excited)
-icy grasp will be totally useless

I hope SoE will prove my suspiciousness incorroect and AAs turns out to be fantastic. I just wouldn't put too much hope on them.   :roll:


One of the real drawbacks for the raiding beastlord is that in my guild on many occasions the pets are not even brought out until after the mob has been engaged.  This is  well after the MGBS have already been fired.  If you have suspend it is less of an issue but trying to talk our clerics out of 20 AA so they have the honor of buffing my pet should be interesting.
Farcloud Stormcaller
65 Beastlord~KB
Scarlet Sun


One class that might well get affinity as it stands (or might make affinity worth 20 aa's for us) is bards.  30% overhaste is very powerful indeed.  With the current pet its the equivalence of 9dps.  With aa'd pets it might be even higher.  It will be a very nice hike in power if bard song can finally at last hit our pets.