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Combat Fury(3) negligible? Then what about Fury of the Ages?

Started by Stromgaard, June 09, 2004, 09:17:01 AM

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"FoA is a better return than CF2 & 3"

When I say "return" I'm speaking in terms of dps per AA point spent.  FoA gives the same boost as CF2 & CF3, but costs less.  Sorry if that wasn't clear.


QuoteTastian wrote:
FoA is a better return than CF2 & 3, but still no where near what CF1 is. Also you have to get through CF2 & 3 to get it. Overall the return is very low and there are a LOT of other AAs (almost all of them lol) that will return more damage per AA point spent.

Derrict wrote:
I disagree. I parsed CF2 through Fota3 0.5% per level with max dex

Errm, what exactly are you disagreeing on? We already knew about the 0.5% per level rule for CF2 through FotA3. Tastian is talking about the return per AA point spent, which means his statement is 100% true.
Elder Coprolith III
Trollie ferrul lawd of 65 levels (retired)


Talisman isn't the only guild on Tunare or any other server that requires Beastlords to have Combat Fury 3.

Some go even more anal and require Flash of Steel maxed and Planar Power 5. Wtf?

Personally if I was a guild leader of an UBER guild I would *require* the following aa's for Beastlord.


Spell Casting Reinforcement 3
Spell Casting Fury 3
Combat Fury 1
Combat Agility 3
Combat Stability 3
Natural Durability 3
Mental Clarity 3

Mass Group Buff
Paragon of Spirits
Pet Discipline
Suspended Minion 2
Physical Enhancement

PoP (both categories)
Lightning Reflexes 5
Innate Defense 5
Bestial Frenzy 5

Pet Affinity

That progression path will result in a very powerful and useful beastlord for the majority of purposes (not just raiding). So many people underestimate the utility from having maxed defense skills (yes even the 20% mitigation helps a lot) on raids. Without EP gear (just VT/Ssra/LDoN) I am currently at 7.9k hp raid buffed and my guild raidleaders use me as a offtank/rampage tank all the time simply because they know I can soak up some damage without keeling over in 0.33232 of a second like some of my brethren who havent bought any of their defensive AA's yet. I have lost count of the number of times i've been assigned to offtank duty on the emp fight (having an offtank who can slow is pretty useful there).


I saw some uber guild, forgot which but a Quarm farmer anyways, require Body and Mind Rejuvenation for Beastlords. That requires both MC3 and Natural Healing 3 as pre-reqs, hee hee. I remember going through a lot of top guild's required AAs and seeing a lot of guilds that had AAs I didn't have at 280 AA like PP5, CF3 and other junk. *sigh

If I remember correctly, I was actually tagged into my old Time guild a bit before I had MGB, and I definitely did ND2-3 as a recruit and not before.


Yeah the thing that amuses me is the combat fury 2&3 requirement just for the record.  I know some guilds that just require 200+ aa's or whatever.  They just want to see the time investment, the work, dedication, whatever.  However, combat fury is a purely offensive boost of which beastlords have access to many other better ones and that's why it always struck me as funny.  It's like "oh yeah clearly I want this person evaluating my app he probably thinks my weapons are in the wrong hand too" hehe.


CF2 and CF3 cost 10 points total.  Wouldnt Ambidex be much better damage for 9 points?
65 Beast
Terris Thule




I like the minimum number of AAs just to show time investment too. As far as what should be required for a raiding bst, I'd have to say:

Pet Hold
Pet Affinity

Then whatever the hell you want. Those four abilities have such a great impact on the rest of the people in the raid (or can have if you don't have pet hold for instance), I think they should come first. But thats just me.

I know this is about AA, but a pet focus item really should be listed there too. No reason a lvl 65 bst should ever be without one IMHO.
Tkyn - 70 Beastlord - Veeshan


Its like what the other person said.. Its cause some guilds dont want someone  that is still new to the class... and before GOD we had to put a big list of AA up....In my guild on luclin we ran with hell like 7 beastlord mains.. these are time flagged beast.. SO for a new beast to get in they have to be great and have massive time spent on ther char... aka every aa that we have just about... we all have like 300plus..  So you CF3 you going to need...
Pink,Lord Skarx - 65 - Beastlord - Luclin


The Beasties in my guild, all 2 of us, put together this comprehensive list of AA's required

Beastlord: MGB, Paragon, SCR3, Pet Disc, LR5, ID5

We belive firmly that the longer you live the more damage you do. This is especially true in GoD. DPS IMHO is a huge fallacy. I would much rather have my "DPS" classes doing 150 DPS for 120 seconds than 250 DPS for 3 seconds. Oh, as an aside, our clerics wholeheartedly support this stance as well  :wink:
Jataan Sixclaw
65 Feral Lord


I would agree... but avoidance and mitigation are argued alot... so thats why I just put it as recommended.


I agree with Jataan on the live longer policy. Considering how hard it is for us to lose agro, DPS inhancing aas are sort of a step backwards. There are times I spend half a fight with auto attack off so warriors can taunt mobs off me after my slow lands. Thats pretty pathetic. Why would I want more dps if I can't use it?
EQ Aneya 70 Beastlord Tarew Marr
EQ2 Evalin Swashbuckler Mistmoore