The Beastlords' Den

Everquest 1 => Campfire of the Wildbloods => Topic started by: Tatter on April 05, 2005, 05:33:04 PM

Title: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: Tatter on April 05, 2005, 05:33:04 PM
I would like if possible some tech's on how to take these dudes down ..

Or how to get thru this part .

I know 6 are messable .. 6 are not .. and they are all connected somehow ..

I was on a raid that tested a couple .. and from what I seen you kill one almost dead .. Mes then pull another and finish the last .. rinse repeat ..

We got thru 2 then a bad pull wiped us .. I mean walked us under hehe .

There you go . .Ideas and strats from some pro's omn how some do this would be cool ) .

Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: Katonis on April 05, 2005, 08:56:33 PM
I do not know the order of which are mezzable and which have to be tanked.  Im used to you pull the mezzable ones one at a time and beat them down to around 5 percent then mez lock them.  You repeat this for the other 5 mezzable.  You then proceed to pull each of the tank ones and beat them down to around 4 percent and then tank mez them without killing them.  They grow weaker as they lose hp points.  When you reach the twelvth council member (tank one number six), you kill him and them quickly go in reverse order and kill the other 11 in whatever the required time frame is. 

Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: Filobeto on April 05, 2005, 09:30:47 PM
My guild just beat this encounter on our first attempt and it takes a lot to make it happen. Everyone in your raid needs to be playing their A game.

You need a good number of chanters,clerics/druids, and offtanks. We had a monk/bard combo working the pulls to ensure singles.

This chart shows which are mezzable and which are not.

.............12(N) 12 the northern most middle mob

We had 2 CC teams comprised of chanties/shamans. Pulled the six mezzable one at a time to cubby where you drop down. Raid beat them down to 10%, at which point everyone but warriors backed off. Warriors took it to 2%, chanters mezzed it, stun moved it to back of cubby. Rinse and repeat 5 more times. The 2 CC teams rotated tash/mezz every 30 seconds to keep mobs asleep. Make sure EVERYONE kills their pets and UNMEM DOTS before u start this.

After the 6 mezzable mobs were controlled we set up for the unmezzable.  Each group had 2 offtanks, 2 healers(cleric/druid), shammy/necro or anyone left over. We set up across the river from the cubby. Tank for first stood where mob was going to be pulled to. Beat down to 2% then taunt mezz. Healers went into a CH rotation on tank while raid moved to next spot for next mob. When we did this all healers healed except the 2 in that mobs offtank group. They would announce when ready to take over after beatdown, ensuring they were at full mana. Have shammies running between offtank groups to keep mobs slowed and necros available to feed mana. The first offtank group may be there for awhile. We had 4 necros and that seemed to be enough but more is always better. As you get closer to last mob remember you will lose DPS and Healing. We had a mini wipe on Coucil member #11 but thankfully he didn't agro any of he other groups. Rezzed and recovered. Pull 12th council member and burn him down. At 2% on 12th mob Raid leader called it out and the other 5offtank groups re-engaged their target.

After 12th is down work backwards and kill remaining 5 unmezzable. Designate MA and take down the 6 mezzed 1 at a time. You have 7 minutes from the time first council member is dead to kill em all. We nailed them in about 4 minutes.

Once they are all dead Arbitor of earth spawns. Have a bard kite him around the island while you rezz/med/buff the raid. Arbitor of earth has an AE but we didn't worry about it too much. Raid was ready bard brought mob and we burned him down remarkably fast. I think the council members were harder than he was lol.

This raid needs patience more than anything else. Start to finish was just under 7 hours. It was our first attempt so that may account for they long raid time but was also last hit needed for Time, so we played it nice and slow.

Hope this helps
Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: Beestyall on April 05, 2005, 09:43:51 PM
When you get the 6 non mezzables in one area, can you AoE them down or is the cubby too close to where the mezzed ones are?

I realize that once you kill the first one, that's when the timer for the event starts and I'm looking for a way to maximize the time between first kill and arbitor spawning.

Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: jitathab on April 05, 2005, 09:49:08 PM
We had our first attempt at weekend and won :)

The strat posted above is correct, implementing though is a lot trickier.

We are fortunate in having full raids for Sundays  so set groups as..

1 x CC group
1 x CC backup group (cleric shaman paladin etc
5 x tank groups - 1 cleric, 1 druid, shaman, war and dps
1 x emergency tank group - if one of the 5 groups got in trouble.

first 6

Pull to opposite side to drop down point, MEZ then debuff then tank down to 2-3% then get bard to pull to CC team at the back of cave. Repeat time 6 (this is the easy bit)

Second 6

This is like spinning plates, set out the first group in far north of island, then spread another 4 groups further down. HAve a group roaming to pick up problems. Rembmer if stuff hits fan kill these mobs and start again.
This bit is very hard and as Raid Leader was stressing at number 4
Lock down 5 this way

last one pull and kill, then at 10-20% order groups to kill thier offtanked mobs.

Then head over and one by one kil each mezzed mob, breaking several at once is bad! the AE will hurt.

Have a bard or two stand up near spawn point

When last mezzed dies can then kite for as long as you like while preparing , take your time.

The final pull to the cave kill and cheer!

Final mob is really easy compared to what you have just done.

Took us 6 hours.

BTW the rusty thing on some strats is pure rubbish.

Leading this raid is very demanding btw as takes soo long and needs a lot of concentration.  The mezz debuff trick will save you a lot of tanks lives btw!
Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: jitathab on April 05, 2005, 09:50:22 PM
Dont AE the 6 mezzed ones otherwise you get 6 x 1K AE's hitting the raid at once = dead casters, unless your uber equipped
Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: Filobeto on April 05, 2005, 10:00:06 PM
You can't AE any of the council. mezzable or unmezzable. Too many HP and I just don't think it would be feasible. The timer is 7 minutes from the time you kill 1st council member to kill al 12. Once arbitor spawns you have no time limit, thus kite him and get raid ready for him
Title: Re: POEB .. The 12 ...
Post by: Tatter on April 06, 2005, 11:38:17 PM
Thanks for the ideas ) . Will report back results )