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Old content solo AA help

Started by drunkensamurai, June 04, 2010, 08:30:37 PM

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Im currently starting my bst up again and am now 62 with very few AAs. Since I last played it seemed a lot has changed, namely the lack of prereqs on many of our AAs as well as mercs. With all of these additions I was wondering what would be the best AAs to start getting to allow me to solo some of the old content for fun. Currently Im going to ND/CA 3 but Im slightly lost after that. Oh and I would prefer melee dps AAs since that's the role I would like to fill. Thanks


I'd start with filling out most of those Luclin era AAs under archetype and class tabs.  The only ones I find of dubious or no value are Natural Healing and Frenzy of Spirits.  You could skip quick buff and fear resistance too if you really want.  Bestial Frenzy and Feral Swipe, when available, are the best bang for the buck melee dps AAs we get as well.


I suggest slippery attacks and tactical mastery when you have the level for it. Also grab weapon affinity. Combat fury (or whatever the current melee crit aa are called)


Read the old threads on the subject. Sure, a few pre-reqs have disappeared, but in general the advice remains good. Your level excludes most of the newer AA's, so we don't need to talk about those. OOC regen devalued mana and hp regen, so you can leave those for a while. Cleric mercs devalued healing AA's, so you can skip those for now.

High-value dps AA's like Bestial Frenzy usually come first. After that, remember that in the general case, the earlier expansion AA's have a bigger bang-for-buck than later expansion AA's, even in the same line.

For soloing (with or without a merc), you're going to want defensive AA's, since you ARE the tank. I'd buy at least CA8 and CS8 early on.

For grouping/raiding when there's a better tank, then dps AA's become more significant. Of course, if stealing aggro is your style, then you'll suddenly find yourself needing those defensives again.

If you do both, then you have to decide how you want to balance things between the two roles. In the end, of course, you want it all.


Great to know. Thanks for the help, now to go grind out some AA's and levels.


If you have a silly-low number of aa's when you hit 75, you can get a vast amount using lotd and taskadds from omm missions. ~ 15+ per mission.

Professional Mad Bastard.


Wait, sorry I never got that far into the game, what are lotd/taskadds? 15+ per mission sounds too ridiculous to not grind quickly to 75.


lotd = Lesson of the Devoted.  It's the first year veteran reward, you gain veteran rewards based upon the amount of time entitled (paid) on your account.  You claim them with /veteran in game.

taskadd = Being added to a shared task before the tasks ends so you get the reward from the task.  People sell taskadds via general channel for all sorts of things.  Some of the tasks give very good base rewards for experience which scales up massively at low levels and low AA counts (there's an experience bonus for low AA characters now, also).
Beastlord Community Round Table representative.  Feel free to PM me or contact me in game (Drinal.Hzathz) about anything you think needs attention.


Awesome, that would explain what all those people yelling that they want certain tasks and are willing to pay are all about.


That would be them. If you're in a decent guild, you may find TA's offered to guildies rather than being "sold".
At 75, you can join a group doing the tasks, they're basically monster missions where you're shrouded down to 50 and have to select a char and do Guk / Sol events. You can find a hotkey for Lesson in yoru aa window under the "special" tab once you've /veteran 'd your account prvided its had > 12 months paid time.

Professional Mad Bastard.


Lesson doesn't stack with taskadds anymore, for those not in the know.  With an almost 0 AA toon, it's 8 AAs/mckenzie mission.


or to put another way, taskadds don't stack with any exp-increasing agent.

Professional Mad Bastard.


EQ force multiplier.......BEASTLORDS, the other white meat