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Frantic Ravenous Beast in Maiden's

Started by Deiadrox, September 22, 2004, 12:33:36 PM

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The wording Tastian recieved seemed to indicate that it would not drop everytime, but would be more frequent that the almost non existant way is has been.

I spent over 20 hours on this and only had two spawns before the patch.  I refuse to spend anymore time on it till I hear its fixed.  I am better off doing AA than spending 4 hours a night on something that has been working not right. =/



Anyone know off hand if this dude is trackable by a druid near the DSP zone line?

<a href="">Taiglin[/url] 70 Iksar Beastlord
Nameless - <a href="">Fools Republic[/url]


Hi Everyone,

This change was eaten by goblins in the last patch, but I'm asking for it to go live within the next day or so.  

Just wanted you to have all the facts.  I'll let you know when this is complete.

Apologies on my part,



Thanks so much for posting here. And darn those goblins!!!!!

Ogre on Brell
Rhutubok Dreadpaw
65 Beasty of Brell


Excellent to hear VahlaraEQ-Dev.

Was just looking to see if there was an offical word anywhere as another 7 hours and 3 named last night and no drop....

Great to hear from you guys at Sony, keep up the good work.
Elder Jaagger
Feral Lord of PRISM
Ayonae Ro


Thank you for the reply Vahlara.  I am really looking forward to working on this quest again when the spawn is tweaked on live. =)

Anyone else feel like going on a gobbie slaughtering binge now? =P



Well after many many hours in ME in the past I seem to have some decent news. I logged in, decided to say wtf and go do this drop no matter how long it took. After 4 hours of not 1 named drop I was like of great, they were spawning to much and not dropping anything to not spawning at all, then BAM one popped. I pulled him killed him and looted the drop I have been waiting forever for. I sent a tell to 2 of my Bst friends saying it dropped. They went there and 2 and 1/2 hours he spawned and dropped another one. This seems to be the fix, instead of spawn and nothing dropping it is a rare spawn but drops everytime. I hate camping just as much as the next person but to kill a rare spawn and nothing so many times I don't mind waiting to kill the damn thing and having it drop everytime, this I like.


I think I will stay wait for official response from SOE before believing its fixed. On Tunare, I started camping it again today around 5:30pm CST - 7:00pm CST, and 2 named spawned, both empty. I decided not to waste my time after raiding tonite.

And thanks Valhar for the update. I wait patiently for your next post!
Predator Ssmellycat Meowington - Wild Blood
The lonely kitty of Tunare
and the Enchanter formerly known as,
Visionery Ssmokey Joe - Coercer


Oct 15...camped from 3am to 7:30 am, not 1 named. Total time spent here is 14 hrs . 3 kills no drops......

.....spawned at 7:36 am pst...empty

4 kills no drop total

...killed again at 8:04'ish.....empty

5 kills no drop
Jataan Sixclaw
65 Feral Lord


Reply not fixed one bit... 5 hours, 1 spawn and... NO drop (ofcourse)... /sigh

I've spent over 30 hours here now and still got nothing to show for it. Only seen 6 Beasts I think...


I have nearly 40 hours there with NOTHING!  Last night I did another couple hours without even a spawn!  Ugh!!!


Greetings Beastlords,

The changes that were intended to go in with the patch will be put on live at 3am.



Braia Wolvenguard

better late than never ! :)

[Sat Oct 16 12:24:52 2004] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: GM-Hornswoggle : Greetings Norrathians! On Saturday 10/16 at 4:45am PDT (-7 GMT/UTC) the following zones will be brought down for an update. Ruined City of Dranik, Maidens Eye and Plane of Tactics.
[Sat Oct 16 12:25:17 2004] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: GM-Hornswoggle : This update is in approximately 20 minutes. If you are currently located in one of these zones please find a safe place to exit. The estimated downtime is 30 minutes.

anyone know what the actual change is though? just makes it drop everytime?

looks like final fight change going in too then ?

Braia Wolvenguard

well back up at 4:55 apparently /shrug

Braia Wolvenguard

6:30 FRB spawns and drops the essence :)