The Beastlords' Den

Everquest 1 => Multi-Boxing Discussions => Topic started by: davebrose on August 31, 2006, 06:05:16 PM

Title: OK Need Some Advice!!!!!
Post by: davebrose on August 31, 2006, 06:05:16 PM
OK I need advice. I added a nice tank to my group. Now I have 70 pally 295aa will be my primary. I also Have 70 cleric, 70 Bst, 67 Ranger, 68 Mage. I would like to 3 box if possible but can 4 box in a pinch(dont enjoy as much). I seem to have trouble making up my mind. I can have great DPS but low tankadge (see adding Pally). 

If I 4 box It seems like a easy choise. Pally (tank) Bst (slow) Cleric (heal) and Mage (DPS utility)

But what if I 3 Box. What do I do.

Lose tank let beast handle that or am I missing a combo????


Chab Chab
70 Beasty Boy
Title: Re: OK Need Some Advice!!!!!
Post by: Inphared on August 31, 2006, 07:19:27 PM
For 3-boxing, I would recommend the Paladin, Beastlord, and Cleric. You'll likely have a difficult time with the Beastlord and Paladin, because they are both melee classes and our warders generate lots of push. If your Beastlord has the gear and AA's, I would drop the Paladin and add the Magician. The benefit of this would be only one melee character, and the Magician has more utility.