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Growl of the Leopard clarification and opinion

Started by Gungagunga, June 24, 2005, 03:22:28 PM

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Looking at the DoN spell Growl of the Leopard:

1: Increase All Skills Damage Modifier by 15%
6: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 80 per tick
7: Increase Max Hitpoints by 850

For clarification i'm assuming since this is a pet targeted spell with a recourse effect it will affect not only my warder but me as well?

Also interested in input from any who have purchased the spell as to what they think of it as well as if it is something that they use often or just every now and then when they need a survivability.

Thanks in advance.


Yes, the spell hits your pet and then you get a recourse.  This means a few thing: you have to have a pet to cast it on, buff extention works on the buff for your pet (but not for your recourse), and the spell changes your target away from the mob.

There are a few ways I've seen it used.  Some will use it on a raid type settings to help with AE damage and give the extra hps.   Some I know cast it just before a fight almost like a dot and let it fade if the mob isn't dead by the end of it.  As usual it will vary a fair bit from bst to bst. 


Personaly I use this instead of dots when I figh, well unless I have to hold aggro =)


Also on the 69 version with the inc dmg and 1500hp increase, it lowers health percentage to account for 1500 hp change, then heals you for 150 for 10 ticks to make up for what it reduced, so it only heals over time the amount it increases.  The only way to make it work as a true heal where you are "gaining" hp from it, would be to recast it on yourself before the 1 min duration fades, then it would actually heal you over the next 1min while maintaining hp at 1.5k higher limit.


It does work as a true heal though.  If I had 8000 HP naturally, but have taken damage so that I am down to 6500, then I pop this spell on.

Then my max HP goes up to 9500 HP, but I am still being healed 150 HP/tick for a by the time the spell is done, I have 8000/9500 HP, instead of the 6500/9500 I had originally.

Then the spell wears off, and I am sitting pretty on 8000/8000 HP.  Sounds like a heal to me!



I cannot yet cast either of these spells myself.  However, if I understand the spell description correctly, it's even better than a regular heal.  Because your max HP is also increased, you can cast it while undamaged and, if you take damage *any time* during the spells duration it will be healed away by the end of the spell!  It's also better than a rune, since even if you take no damage, it heals you.  The healing is only useless if you start undamaged and don't get hurt. 

For example, you start with 6k HP.  You cast the level 69 spell, you're now at 6k/7.5k.  On tick 4, when you're at 6.6k/7.5k, you take 1500 damage, going to 5.1k/7.5k.  After 6 more ticks, you're back up to 6k/7.5k, then the spell ends, and you're at 100%.  If this were a regular HoT, like our regen line, the first 4 ticks that you spent undamaged would be "wasted" healing.  Or do I not understand this correctly? 

The spells are NOT functionally max HP buffs, like the Talisman line.  At least, not unless you have an obscene mana battery to help you afford to keep them up.  :)  Hmm... The 61 spell costs 500 mana, for 1 minute, or 50/tick.  With KEI (+14), the 59 Spiritual Purity (+7), assume Ornate Boots and Solstice earring (+4), you can afford to keep this up half the time, if you throw no other spells (DoT, nuke, slow, whatever).  Maybe you could do it, if you also had a bard and max FT, but it would be close.  It isn't really burst damage, like a nuke, but it looks like a nice buff for a named/boss fight or dealing with an occasional add or three.  I would probably reserve it for emergencies, big fights or a full mana bar. 


I only use it for a burst dsp measure when in groups. If solo I use it at the beginning of a pull just in case a slow does not land right away.


I only use it on raids or in places where my spells don't land.  It's annoying to have to keep retargeting mobs since it targets your pet for you.  Also I am a lazy beast :P

maril jr.

 I have the 61st level version of this spell and LOVE it! It adds alot of dps for me and pet. My 68th level pet focused with minion of darkness hits for 101 max wile this spell is up. :evil: I also find this spell rocks for tanking and keep it up at all times wile im in combat tanking. Bacialy adds 850 to my max hp's + 80 per tick regen.
Maril Visheveran
70 th level beastlord of terrew marr( yup i still call it that)


I had a question regarding the 15% dmg, does that stack with Beastial Fury discipline?
Anyone know for sure?
68 Ogre Feral Lord


It does NOT stack with the Bestial Fury will take hold on your pet, but the recourse will not land on you


The trick to targeting is as soon as it lands just /assist your pet :) of course this only works if your pet is attacking the right mob

Arch Animist of Bertox (Saryrn (Mithaniel Marr))


Glad I read this thread. Am back to the game after DoN coming out. I take it this is worth the purchase price? Any others I should hone in on? Am 65.

<a href="">Taiglin[/url] 70 Iksar Beastlord
Nameless - <a href="">Fools Republic[/url]


I usually use Panther for the DPS portion between discs on a long tough fight, or inlull of not wanting to waste discs on more of the minor boss encounters such as straight melee minis.

In AoE fights I like it for both the regen effect and the damage add it brings. With the MGB AoE's and etc it usually keeps me way ahead of the curve of everyone else.

The one downside I have is that it isn't a insta cast effect. The cast time isn't so bad, but would be worlds better if it was a quick cast spell. I really have no problem with it targeting pet, a simple assist can reset your target.

Though this spell has alot on it as well, it isn't huge increase in the one area we are hurting higher up . Though I think this might be a step in the direction our class might see more of in the future.


the casting time on this (and the upgraded 69 version) compared to the duration and the dps increase it effects.
all in all it adds very little dps compared to the huge amount of mana it consumes, specially now with the DoD 69 spell which is veeery nice dps for high mana.  the real use for this as buzak see it is when tanking. always using it in RS when tanking, the extra 1500HP does wonders. popping it just before mob is inc, and then bein ready to grab aggro. the duration usually lasts long enough for a single fight.
even this strategic use of it requires good mana regen thou.

Buzak Ubertroll & fluffy ubergater