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66 Druid, 66 Beast, &?

Started by Umok, May 26, 2009, 04:48:29 PM

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But do you have boxes or friends who are assisting you? For some people (especially returning players) it's very hard to find a group.


Hi Umok,

I don't know if you are still reading this thread, but if you are I can confirm some of what the the above posters are saying.  I 3-box myself and tried many combinations with a BST as my main.  Since the realease of merc's I dumped my cleric for a druid and also run a wizard.  This is the easiest setup for me to 3-box.  I did try a SK in stead of wiz and got him to 80 and about 300aa but my teir 5 merc could out tank him easily.  Gearing and leveling a tank is a major task, so i gave up on him.  He was useful as a puller though.

While progressing through SOD with my bst,dru,wiz and my tank/healer/healer setup the thing that held me back the most was a puller.  I typically had to rely on the schedule of one of my close Monk friends(thx Swami) to complete many of the tasks.  Since you are only playing 2 chars at once I would go bard, your life will be so much easier.  I have played a bard up too about 77 and if i didnt have to control all 3 chars I would get him back in the mix.

PS, I can kill named in Korafax pretty easily with this only issue is pulling certain areas.


You won't be able to do t5 nameds w/ only one healer merc and a tank merc though - 2 healer mercs are required.


Yes, I am still lurking around.  I went with me two boxing my beastlord and a rogue.  My wife plays the druid.  It's nice dps and easy to control at the moment, I just auto attack with beast after slowing and cast dots, then switch to rogue for backstabbing.

I still wish I had a bard instead of a rogue, I may end up changing - not sure yet.  Thanks for the info though.

I really think I am missing something on the rogue - just autoattack, mash backstab, and evade when necessary and pop a disc whenver they come up seems way too easy.  I must be missing some abilities or overlooking something.


The tricky part will be when you start using your rogue to pull.