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Pet Names

Started by Kitana, February 05, 2004, 05:20:11 AM

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Howlena Damoon

I'd love to be able to name my pet.  As for buffs, I've never had anyone in my raid actually try to click on my pet.  I always have my pet targetted and the buffer does an assist.  Much simpler that way.  In groups, it's a double function key.

Hah!  Bloom country rules (ack, phtth).
Howlena Damoon and Lunatic
Feral-LADY of 65 Gut-wrenching Howls">Browse my Bags o' Beastie Bootie

Illinther Sarantiel

poor bill...I remember that song and I'm not even that old..
Wildcaller Illinther Sarantiel
(aka the Kitty Blender and the InsomniaKitty)
75 Vah Shir Wildblood of 622 AA's
Member of Keepers of the Elements
Luclin Server


I think it's stupid personally.  I do call mine Ben and everyone in the guild knows it, but I still wouldnt change his name if I were able.  It's just too confusing to people.  That and I have to agree with a previous poster, think of the names some of these morons would come up with.  I see enough morons in RL and when I'm on, I don't need further evidence that there are even bigger ones here.


if i could name my pet i would want it so i could rename him  so i could change his name over time i would probly name my warder "demonwings"
server-cazic thule
name - rippertiger
surname - demonblood
race-vah shir


Names would be nice like static in no matter how many warders you went through, it was always summoned with the assigned name.

I think I would like the option of coloring our warders better though. Would love to have a Black panther or a Snow Panther or a Leopard or far as Vah Shir pets goes that is. :-))


I'm all for Iggles (de wondur gator) getting his own name, infact I'd be for the naming of all pets, of course with usual naming policies (assuming they might actually enforce 'em. However I'd use the tool for good and a small sparkle of  "Role Playing" in this godless age of names like Cattzorz Clawzinatorlololol.  :cry:

Turning EQ into a "Computer game" has ruined it far more than anything else, period.


Quote from: Skog
Turning EQ into a "Computer game" has ruined it far more than anything else, period.

It always has been, except for a golden age of 30 seconds about 20 minutes after production opened.  Just occasionally when the moon is blue and the sun rises from the south the day name ends with u, and Pluto and Venus are aligned EQ is a role playing game for ... oh ... two seconds.">">

No bounce, no play.


I'm sort of against a permanent name. My scaled wolf's name is Godzillette Mobcruncher, Zilla for short. A typical session goes like:

Me: <summon pet>
Guildmate: Zilla! Hiya babe
Me: She says hi
Guildmate: Doh...I'm not deaf
random_groupmate: ????

Part of the fun is that her name isn't set in stone somewhere. It's a shared fantasy, an inside joke. Every time a friend uses her name I know they are playing along with a gag of mine, not just reciting the obvious. A name above her head would be LESS fun, I think.

The other issue is individuality. The title above her head, "Bryc's Warder" is accurate, unique and constant, if somewhat anonymous. Everytime I summon her, she's the same wolf, not to be confused with any other. With changable names, you'd have situations like:

XXXX has been slain by Killer
Guild: "Who's Killer?"
BST #1: "That's my pet's name"
BST #2: "Mine too"
Guild: "I thought BST #3's pet was Killer??"
BST #3: "Nah, I got tired of it"
Bryc ~ 65 Feral Lord of Fennin Ro
Barid ~ 59 Templar
Bric ~ 60 Heirophant (ret.)


Naming you pet aint a good idea.. Think about why you want it, to be diff from everyone else.. so i name my kitty "killer" whats stopping anyone else haveing the name killer?? now what we do need is to change the skin color of the pet just like armor, that will be nice....
* Catnip Sniffer *[/color]


My bear is named George, I will love him and hug him annnnd.
Venerable Kromjr - 66 - Ogre Beastlord - Stromm


what i like about the pet names now is, all you have to do is say buff my pet and its done.. with names youll have to say buff whatshisname pls.. just think its harded on other to know whos pet is whos.. even mag and all othe pet classes should have ther name on him..
* Catnip Sniffer *[/color]


I'm willing to put up with all that stuff to put Rakshasa's name above him. :p I already modded my health window to say his name instead of Kivuli's Warder


Name rules could be:

    Max of 10 letters[/list:u]

      Includes character 's warder on tag[/list:u]
    IE...Killar, Jagze's Warder[/i][/list:u]

      No one else can use the given name[/list:u]

      Just some thoughts.


I would probably care, if I could ever get those @#$%! preserved chokidai vocal cords to drop.  As it is, my croc will go on being referred to as the "Newt of DOOM!"
Grimgrey Dorfeater
Troll Wildblood
Undivided Faith


Maybe Mittens the scale wolf, would finally come when I call her dammit.