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Elidroth--Asked us to notify CL about new AA ideas

Started by Mordeb42, July 08, 2009, 10:31:33 AM

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Quote from: Selronis on July 13, 2009, 05:13:20 AM
So here are our ideas all in one spot:

1. AA slow
2. More levels of our aa dot, stun, and attack debuff.
3. More levels of triple attack.
4. I would like to see weapon specialization aas.  Like H2H, 1hb, 2hb, p etc that would increase damage or accuracy.
5. Passive AA for pets to stop attacking during enrage.
6. Passive AA to reduce Merc cost?
7. Passive AA to reduce power source drain.
8. AA to summon a power source.  
9. Would love a weak version of panther either as AA or spell.  
10. AA to position at max Melee range for pet and pc.
11. AA attack/disease/poison debuff - seperated or together or partial.
12. Maybe continue our incapcitate line through AA's, hasn't been increased since like level 56.
13. AA to make taste of blood passive? so it's not useless.
14. some sort of pulling/pacify aa (one of our parent classes is a monk right) make it long duration like 10min so not overpowering
15. Endurance regen
16. perhaps "fercious roar" pet only ability which freezes a mob with fear (mezz effect) any attack would break it
17. I like the idea of hastened nuke recast timers.
18. Some sort of pet immunity AA for enrage would be nice
19. Perhaps a flurry disc, or something, if we aren't geting another dps disc  maybe even some flurry AAs would be nice.
20. pet FD
21. Feral Senses: 5 ranks, increase avoidance by 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 for both pet and owner
22. Feral Spirit: 5 ranks, increase mitigation by 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 for both pet and owner
23. Double attack: would like to see 5 to 10 more ranks of this
24. Triple attack: would like to see 5 to 10 more ranks of this
25. Flurry: maybe 3 to 5 ranks
26. More crit aa's for both spells and melee
27. Also read on another post about an aa for summoning weapons/armor for pets, would like to see maybe just an aa ability that allows the pets to be fully equipped on cast of the pet.
28. AAs to shorten the cast time on yowl at the moon line.
29. Wu's Pity: Boosts dodge and block skill caps to that of a monks.

I'd say add

30) Pet health sharing disc
31) (my own idea >.<) a focus aa like manaflare


Pet health Sharing disc WOULD BE AMAZING! whoever is compiling the list PLEASE add that and maybe put high priority... it shouldbnt be too hard or unrealistic... pets already do the /shield command randomly dont they at times? So why cant the master of the pet be able to make the warder do the /shield when they want it to?


Fero aura  :-D

pet healt sharring would be very nice

new def disk


Well, don't mages already have "shared health" AA, activated AA that allows their pet to take half the damage from the pet owner a certain time...not sure how long, but according to lucy the top rank is for 60 seconds, and it's on a 15min reuse timer.
This could be copy-pasted to us pretty easily, huh  :-)
I think this could be useful...maybe slap the HoT spell on the warder, and take half the damage for a minute....should be more than enough as survivability for those times you really need it?


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a>


Quote from: Selronis on July 13, 2009, 05:13:20 AM
So here are our ideas all in one spot:

1. AA slow
(yes please)
2. More levels of our aa dot, stun, and attack debuff.
3. More levels of triple attack.
4. I would like to see weapon specialization aas.  Like H2H, 1hb, 2hb, p etc that would increase damage or accuracy.
(maybe not general weapon specialization aa but something that would make 2hb worth using)
5. Passive AA for pets to stop attacking during enrage.
(why? I nearly always have my pet behind a mob and if it gets hairy I click off her attack)
6. Passive AA to reduce Merc cost?
(good idea but I doubt that will come to pass)
7. Passive AA to reduce power source drain.
(same as merc)
8. AA to summon a power source. 
(again same as merc)
9. Would love a weak version of panther either as AA or spell. 
(aa would be better if this is what I think it is)(shaman proc buff?)
10. AA to position at max Melee range for pet and pc.
(doesn't our pets already attack at near max range anyway?)
11. AA attack/disease/poison debuff - seperated or together or partial.
(good idea)
12. Maybe continue our incapcitate line through AA's, hasn't been increased since like level 56.
(is that suggested above?)
13. AA to make taste of blood passive? so it's not useless.
(another good idea but minimum requirements at least 2 in the rank or something)
14. some sort of pulling/pacify aa (one of our parent classes is a monk right) make it long duration like 10min so not overpowering
(nice thought but I disagree with it)(as stated in a previous or subsequent post it's not in our class deffinition)
15. Endurance regen
(we used to have it until soe broke it across the board)
16. perhaps "fercious roar" pet only ability which freezes a mob with fear (mezz effect) any attack would break it
<listens to chanter/bards crying>(though a 12-18 second effect might not be too bad)
17. I like the idea of hastened nuke recast timers.
(good dps increasing idea but I see us running out of mana faster)
18. Some sort of pet immunity AA for enrage would be nice
(same as auto attack off for pet aa above)
19. Perhaps a flurry disc, or something, if we aren't geting another dps disc  maybe even some flurry AAs would be nice.
(agree with this one a lot. we are a ~feral~ class)
20. pet FD
(doesn't fit with our class deffinition)
21. Feral Senses: 5 ranks, increase avoidance by 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 for both pet and owner
(good idea)
22. Feral Spirit: 5 ranks, increase mitigation by 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 for both pet and owner
(another good idea)
23. Double attack: would like to see 5 to 10 more ranks of this
(yes please)
24. Triple attack: would like to see 5 to 10 more ranks of this
(yes please)
25. Flurry: maybe 3 to 5 ranks
(wasn't this asked for above?)
26. More crit aa's for both spells and melee
(yes please)
27. Also read on another post about an aa for summoning weapons/armor for pets, would like to see maybe just an aa ability that allows the pets to be fully equipped on cast of the pet.
(it's a stretch but not a bad idea as we are a feral class and rely on the wilds to provide for us)
28. AAs to shorten the cast time on yowl at the moon line.
(good idea. I hate the casting time on this but the long casting timer allows the tanks to gain more agro over us)
29. Wu's Pity: Boosts dodge and block skill caps to that of a monks.
(good idea bad reasoning)

Fero aa or aura would also be nice.

I think it would be a good idea for us as a community to sit down together (figuratively speaking) and figure out what we are as a class. Personally I see us as a dps/utility class.


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a>


I am not attacking anyone's idea about wanting Fero upgrade/aura but I know I have read a ton of posts on how this spell is basically useless, or return on dps is really insignificant.

Do we really want this in our list in it's current form?  I myself would want it too if it was useful.


As an AA aura with a new AA dev on the scene he may make it worthwhile, any further upgrades to the spell itself, despite this being an AA thread should be shot down at the first possible opportunity unless dev's do some significant work on its effects. As an aura with no need to be constantly casting it, it would be useful in as much as it would be a free attk boost we could forget about.

If you're going to suggest an increase to Taste of Blood or make it passive then make sure that they remove the stacking issues that it has / had with discs first, again boost its duration and maybe make it a recourse to us as well...


it has been shown that fero gives very poor return over the cap if any at all ,as for a power source aa why not just do a katta mission and buy a few. plz ask for stuff that will be of use for the love of god please i could go on at the list but i am just ranting . oh btw i see no pet defence disc on the wish list


Quote from: Codak on July 14, 2009, 11:52:25 PM
i would say more of a utility then dps tho

I view us as sustained dps as opposed to burst dps.


I agree, I think we're pretty solid sustained dps.  This is also where I would like us to stay.  I'm personally opposed to getting much more utility, unless it is something like the self only cure on Kumbaja (which I'm all for).  If it was targettable raids would just turn us into curebots so as to not sacrifice the healers.  Similar issue I see with trying to get endurance regen on paragon lines, I don't want to run around being an endurance pumping whore all night, that doesn't seem like a fun time to me.

Other ideas

Mend or Union of Spirits type AA - Really fast or instant cast heal (self only probably) fairly large heal component for those oh crap moments.  Both parent classes have something like this so adding a long recast time would make it not a gamebreaker, even if targettable.

This is more of a spell idea I wish I had thought of, but maybe someone could turn it into an AA.   I personally love the pet proc slow line, aside from two issues with it being #proc dependant and no notification of when the slow wears off.  Make the buff on the pet a defined time length, 10minutes say, and add a small mana drain to ourselves.   Mobs would be continually slowed thanks to the awesome resist check, we don't deal with slow agro so we can start dpsing hard right off the bat.
Beastlord Community Round Table representative.  Feel free to PM me or contact me in game (Drinal.Hzathz) about anything you think needs attention.


I really like the idea of a self heal AA like Hzath suggested.

Powersource/merc crap should be specified as General AA's if asked for at all.

Wouldn't mind more dot crits with the rest of crit stuff, unless it means losing something else.

Have there been any more recent parses of fero than Wycca's a few years(or whatever) ago?  I wouldn't mind an aura since I tend to keep a few people fero'd in most raids anyway, but would be neat to get something else added it it.


Quote from: Hzath on July 15, 2009, 03:33:35 PM
I agree, I think we're pretty solid sustained dps.  This is also where I would like us to stay.  I'm personally opposed to getting much more utility, unless it is something like the self only cure on Kumbaja (which I'm all for).

Mend or Union of Spirits type AA - Really fast or instant cast heal (self only probably) fairly large heal component for those oh crap moments.  Both parent classes have something like this so adding a long recast time would make it not a gamebreaker, even if targettable.

This is more of a spell idea I wish I had thought of, but maybe someone could turn it into an AA.   I personally love the pet proc slow line, aside from two issues with it being #proc dependant and no notification of when the slow wears off.  Make the buff on the pet a defined time length, 10minutes say, and add a small mana drain to ourselves.   Mobs would be continually slowed thanks to the awesome resist check, we don't deal with slow agro so we can start dpsing hard right off the bat.

These are good ideas. In fact I like the slow idea alot.

I too am against us gaining a bunch of utility for much of the same reason.

Quote from: kharthai on July 15, 2009, 04:07:41 PM
I really like the idea of a self heal AA like Hzath suggested.

Powersource/merc crap should be specified as General AA's if asked for at all.

Wouldn't mind more dot crits with the rest of crit stuff, unless it means losing something else.

I don't see us getting much in the way DoT crit stuff unless other classes do.

The way we are now is that we get alot of damage aa's across a lot of different aspects (dot, nuke, melee, pet). We aren't meant to be great at any of them but the result is that we have very solid cumulative dps. That is one of the things I like about our class actually.
Either way, we still should be several ranks behind on those aa's imo. The exception being perhaps certain melee abilities and pet lines.

Btw, I'm totally for a fero aura. That would be a geat boost to group dps even if fero wasn't modified much.  Even if each melee gains 10 dps over a sustained period for no mana that's a good boost for the group.


We are several ranks behind.  Necros and Shaman get 6 ranks of Blood tithe, i don't know about druids.  I don't know if they're getting additional ranks with Underfoot, but I would think so.  As far as being a few ranks behind, our spells are generally a lot weaker anyway.  In any case I'm just hoping for a truckload of new AA (like I said I wouldn't want it coming at the expense of something else) so thought I'd toss it in the pile.