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What level should I start AA's?

Started by Inflictor, August 25, 2004, 04:11:37 AM

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Quote from: KromjrBe glad you guys arent on Stromm lol. I had to pay 30k for Revenge which was a steal at the time I caught someone oocing it . There was 3 copies on the bazaar from hoarder for 2 weeks at 50k.

On any given day Sha's can run to 30k on MT as well. I was LUCKY!!!! and got Sha's for 15kpp.
Lady Jillianna Silversoul and Cody
71.181 Halasian Feral Lady - Morell-Thule... erm, Erollisi Marr
Faveo Sulum Ipsemet Ascio


Got run 3 , regen3,  then 65 - I still believe levels are greater than all else.


Quote from: JillieMT
64 is worthless without SD and Sorsha, and 65 is worthless without Sha's.

I understand what you're trying to say here, and those spells are all very nice, but this is sooo untrue. By getting the extra level (no matter what level, and whether you have any spells or not), you will find your hps and stats increase, you are resisted less and you do more damage ...

The question becomes whether the AA's you are getting become more valuable than the increase in power (from spells AND from levelling) you get from merely levelling. This is why most guilds that raid will agree that levels > aa ...


The increase you get from those spells plus the level is vastly more than just the level alone.

The attitude of level > AA comes from a very specific environment, that of the guild raiding every night - their targets are of fixed level, so having higher relative level does indeed matter some, and relatively few are going to be landing spells on their targets anyway.

However, for an individual player mainly soloing and grouping, where you can choose what you fight, it is my considered opinion that AA >> levels.  There are specific combinations of levels and mobs that give better rewards than the same mobs with you one level higher, because the level alone won't improve your rate of getting exp, although the level + relevant spells sometimes will.


The biggest exception I would make to that is other player's philosophies.  On my server especially, it is damn hard to get a group in the 60's, especially LDoNs.  If I hadn't gone to 65, I would not have had nearly as much fun grouping as I did.  In addition, I have gotten many groups as main has been discussed many times, the level 65 slow is an important consideration too.

I used to be more strongly levels > I can see both sides more clearly...I would still recommend that someone already at 63 just push to 65, but now I think stopping earlier to AA for a while earlier on can be good.  I know that in OoW I'll be following the "level once, get the AAs, then level again" progression, even if other people are rushing to 70.  Will probably stop at 68 for a long time depending on spell drops (since the devs just said that the 69-70 spells are nodrop).

Game on,
EQ: Predator Jaede Antemanx -- 68 Vah Shir Beastlord on Kane Bayle, Retired
EQ2: Lenon Cartney -- 23 Half-Elf Troubador on Befallen, Retired
WoW: Grishnakh -- 60 Orc Hunter on Malygos, Retired


I would get 64 without SD its good to have and pretty plentiful on most servers I would imagine at least on mine it is.  BUT DO NOT get 65 without that slow Fero can wait and its plentiful as well but I can just never find Sha's Revenge on my server and it gets on my last nerve cause I am the type of person that buyes my spells well in advance so I dont have to waste stop lvling if I am in the zone ya know. Makaril Itzafish - 63 - Beastlord - Maelin