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Suggestion for 68 beast / 68 shammy / 70 sk?

Started by Unapuma, January 23, 2007, 07:12:55 AM

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No DoDH, PoR, or TSS expansion so keep those in mind Upgrading all the accounts to be up to date is over $150  :-o  Beside my brother thinks high end TSS mob hits too hard to deal with when having no cleric around.

The group of 3 have been doing Sol Ro since it's still decent xp but it's hard to split the mobs and my brother wants to find someplace new.

WOS easy side doesn't have good xp, and the hard side is a bit hard without cleric.  Defiantly can't do MPG without cleric and some more dps.

Not QVIC, EP or Time flagged, no VP or VT key but can use most other zones.  One of the possibility is the Nest but the caster mob (about 75% of total population) would make single pulling rather hard.

So any suggestion or idea for zone that offers decent or great xp, can be trio'ed if my brother's not around, and is fairly easy to handle?  Trying to get the beast and shammy to 70 so they could start using DoN augs and some gears as those are 70 required.


well i think MPG should not be to bad of a prob if Sk or even the beasty is abouklt 10kish (buffed) hp witch now days is easy to get.

and then u can move to RSs i will include a detialed bit aboult RSS camp i do i think you would like after they both ding 69.

But MPG is very do abule i think for you the shammy should be fine to main heal your Sk bst slow/dps might be a little slow untill you find a good camp(area by Mind trail) Fear is not 1/2 bad plus 2 CAKE named 1 being caster hardly even melees for me. bot can drop 69/70 ruens as well and an ok 1hb offf named right at mind NPC just need snare from Sk they run your kinda SOL. as at any camp you know this tho. can invis to this camp i camp right right after miss named goign to the trial there is an outlet  safe spot b4 more see ivnis  just got to hug tunnle wall coming from Xroads left and the dog mob will nto argo and your fine. =-) can even train aweay with Sk if you dont trush it . but exp there is nto 1/2 bad at all i soloed here form 70 to 72 in aboult 16 hours yes i know i have no life.. and i could not sleep that day but any ways i picked up a fair amount of ruines and /ooc'ed alot of 69/70 a fewe rotted Even so yuo can get them there But here is a bit of info on nest/rss i personley would do the mpg router overe nest.. (nest is harder then mpg).
But othere way its your call as it's not me playing your toons (also in MPG) just remebered there is a named Drops legs not bad at all  for your SK i dont know if he has betetr i think they are like  47ac 175hp mana effect? i forget sk can single the named its 1st tunnle left off of Xroads down in  kidna moves left then hard right(only 3-4 mobs at this point) 1st room on your right  the Big  DOG wolf thingy is the PH like 3 othere mobs in room  so thats a little mroe info you you hope you can use any of it ehres a bit aboult nest/rss(when time)

ok well if your talking aboult hitting up the nest, this is one of my old farm zones. so ehre a little info on this

Black wing mission(one i did alot of)

Depeneding ont he spawns on the mission you get u can have commonly up to 8-15 pulls all single as i pull with slow... so ya singles are not to hard. you get semi ok loot MDS and hides. i farmed the hell out of nest back when they was 30k a pop to day them days are overe.

at level 70 i was getting 18% a kill(exp update for you)
new sym might f that up tho

you got the box's to open the mission that used to be the hard part ofr me. get a fewe guildys to afk and not log is what i used to do.
new place i been soloing is rss the mobs DPS dam clsoe to the same. exp i think is better 8-9% solo a kill at 75

i Do what i claims the camp to be as Zone-in loop theres a loop 1/2 ice 1/2 fire mobs you will want to stay with the fire the ices ones are a tad harder .

camp area

thjwere are aboult 5-7 mobs (fire) in the big room you zone into aso there is 2 tunnles leading into a loop  it loops back into the zone in room(3 roamers 100% avoidible) what i do is clean all the mobs on the outside then start my pulls in the tunnle next to the ramp UP will be 3 mobs in there all single pulls) leads into 2 rooms Go Straight not left(ice ones) again 2-3 mobs single np( note the tunnle in this room(right side) is roamer 1 so just keep an eye out when pulling  kill thizs room wait for roamer to come by Gamk him

ok now you will be going right BIG long tunnle with 2 staic mobs single again kill them in place or pull back to room your call i kill in place. opening into a room with 2-3 i forget i think 3 tho looks Clsoe but it is single just gots be carful it is a small room i pull right to left i think here. kill room again long tunlle same thing 2 staic in tunnle and 1 roamer the rest of the camp is as i have send here all but getting back intop the  zone in room.  i kinda sis this ass backwarps  but i know i can sinfgle it all this way cuz now u have 2 seeinvis mobs on the door way out 1 each side i just trun around in tunlle wait for pop kill it and carfuly go back killing it all again the same way as b4.

this is a  safe camp to solo i think with  like i said 8-9% aa a kill at 75  i bring a boxed cleric in now and then for it just so it's faster when i used my LoD. but its not to hard of a camp without one i just gank like 5-7(caster/melee) make a diff in that number warp med and start th Lopp raping again if you got any  Q's aboult opthere camp Nest/rss let me know PM or via here be safe and happy hunting.


I can easily 2 box WoS Murks, Sol Ro, NC Drunt camp and RCoD with my 70 Beastlord and 66 Druid.  WoS Murks are all level 65 just like Sol Ro mobs and NC Dragorns.  RCoD mobs range from 64-68.

Even though Sol Ro only has 2 mobs that come single my slow is 100% effective as they don't mitigate slow at all.  The mobs max hits are pretty light and my Druid can easily heal me here.  I also got some EP, SP and Ornate drops here.

WoS Murks.  The third pull brings 2, your sk can split where i can't, but are pretty easy.  Max hit is around 700.  They do mitigate slow but still aren't too bad.  At about 20% they run unlike Sol Ro mobs but my Druid has no problme snaring em and your sk shouldn't either.  Since they are all level 65 they will be DB to all 3 of your characters.

Nobles Causeway Drunt camp has 6 level 65 mobs and several around low 60 as well as 2 named.  The Dragorns are all level 65 and don't hit too hard but they do have spikes where ill take 3 or 4 max hits in a round.  Your SK will mitigate better then me.  The murks are all real easy.  The Aggressive Murklider and Ridgerunner Drunt are both pretty easy and drop 66-68 spell runes and some low level gear which I use for guild tribute.

RCoD mobs are pretty easy and give nice experience.  I haven't killed any named here yet as I have been unlucky when it comes to getting them to spawn.  The majority will be DB at 70 and some will be DB till 73.  I originally came here when my Beastlord was only 68 and had no problems.


While it's true the trio can handle MPG, the problem is in the dps.  It would take much too long to bring down a mob in mpg to make the xp gained worthwhile.

We did try the drunt camp in NC and the xp is slightly worse than the easy side of WOS.  So that is out.

My brother and I aren't familiar with any camp in RCoD and when we checked the other day, 2 different epic mobs were up making the zone a bit dangerous for us.

I finally dinged 69.  Shammy still hasn't but we 3 defiantly can't handle rss without cleric and additional dps.

Thanks for some suggestion but it looks like it'll be sol ro for a while longer.