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Stripped 64 beastlord regearing

Started by remmah, October 01, 2004, 10:42:32 PM

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Hi all

I stipped my beastlord about 3 months ago.  He is lvl 64 with all spells to 64.  He currently has his no drop stuff left

Has ornate tunic, legs, gloves, boots and helm.  Also has belt from madiens eye. and cabbage earring

I have 225k to spend maybe less depending if i buy something new for my main a sk.

I have a 66 sk on same account and a 65 cleric on a second account for camping gear.

Was thinking about the following stuff

arms grave diggers
face blazing eye mask
ear blood metal
range ruj attack one
wrists fungus smeared and the thriced threaded (i think thats what is called)
neck no clue maybe flame linked

I have 15k in tribute that i am planning on using for haste
may get a cof or something later but not sure

back sol ro cloak or pernicty cloak
rings valor
shoulders no clue

Weapons I only intend to get either 2hb or 2 1 handers.
I will be playing my beastlord mostly 2 boxed with my cleric.

So not sure if i should get vic or one of the new 2hb, likestick of fury or staff of eternal.

I am also considering waiting another month or 2 for oow prices to drop.  however there is always a chance that they will nerf drops hard like they did in hoh eg. windblade.

Also need to buy fero and sha's advanatage.  

So guess my question is do my ideas seem good (or am i missing some nice oow upgrades, what should i go for wep 2h or 1h and should i wait another month or 2 before doing this or go now. (what do you guys think will happen with prices)

Remmah Cm 64 bstlord
Mulleteer Combover 66 sk
Mulletess Combover 65 cleric