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Any wizzie boxxers?

Started by Rhak, April 01, 2004, 11:17:26 PM

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I just bought myself a second account and was considering creating a Wizard.  The added DPS, the ports, and the fact that my guild really needs Wizards right now led me to consider a Wizard.  But the more I think about it, the more I think that my needs will be better suited in making either a Druid or a Cleric.  I'm a 65 Beastlady with a few AAs under her belt, and can solo most tier 1 Planes self-buffed without breaking a sweat.

For those of you out there who 2-box a Wizard, how do you like it?  Would you rather have a healing class behind you when you're soloing?  Or do the added DPS of the Wizard kill the mob before you can be hurt too badly?

For those of you who 2-box a Druid or Cleric, do you miss the added DPS that a Wizard would bring?  Or can you and your pet put out enough DPS that the mana saved by healing lets you nuke more?

Thanks in advance.">Rhak Emup - 65 Beastlady of Stromm


Early on wizards sustain dmg for schit.  Seriously the only way I'd two-box a wizard with my beastlord is if I was raising it up just for guild.  Port/snare/damage a druid does and adds great healing/buffs/etc.  For two-boxing I'd easily take a clr/dru/shm/whatever over a wizard.  I've two-boxed and played.  With a druid or cleric you can hunt tier 2/3 stuff pretty easily.  *shrugs* it's a personal call will depend what you are really after.  A wizard can be boxed and adds dps, but not nearly as much as most think especially early on and giving up healing really lowers your targets later on.


That's kinda what I'm thinking.  Since my second account isn't "guild sponsored" I don't have the resources of the guild to back me up.  And by the time I get my wizard up to a high enough level, we'll probably have 4 or 5 recruit wizards who will do the job just fine.

I think I'll switch over to a Druid and get it PLed up.  It will help me in the long run and the guild can always use another porter and tracker.">Rhak Emup - 65 Beastlady of Stromm


I just 'rezzed' an account I had long time ago with a wiz on it, lvl 50.  Just for fun 2-boxed with my 62 BL while farming AAs.  Alot of resists with the wiz but when I hit 51 with him it got better (lvl difference between the two and the mob I was killing).

I have just been doing this for a week now,  but I can tell you I'm having a blast.  TPing is such a nice perk now!  Since this is the first time I have 2 boxed I can't tell you if they are good duo but so far my answer is YES.  Major DPS duo when farming AAs.  At one point I thought the wiz was out damaging the BL but after a couple test I  found out he was not by a long shot.  Can't wait until wiz is closer to BL's lvl so the xp is better for both.

Sanon - 62 Bristlebane


To duo box a wizzie, you are still limited to zones you can solo since the wizzie can't really help in sustaining your life.  Wizzie does add root, snare, DPS, and port.  But you get no buff or heal.

Furthermore, for wizzie to be efficient, you need to feed him/her C1/2/3/4/5 periodically.  Fight in outdoor zone preferrably so s/he can use a mount.  Its doable but not exactly an ideal combo.">Noriko .">Celestial Rising .">Xev .">BST65.80/Xv h++ 3khp 3km ft13 r9 G++<3 e++ o+ T+++ L++ H+++@ f g b- t++>++++ D- !X


I didn't see this thread until now because for some reason I never realised this forum existed even though I two-box all the time :oops:. So my reply may be completely irrelevant to the initial poster but to anyone else thinking about it, it may not.

Anyway I two-box with my wizard all the time. Both are 65. It's true, you're stuck with the healing power (or lack thereof) of your beastlord which limits your targets but there's still plenty of places to xp. In practice though, having a wizard doesn't really increase these options much it just makes everything you can solo go a lot quicker. It does allow you to take more risks so that boss mobs become a lot more doable with the added burst dps and evac on tap if things go wrong.

Mana regen on the wizzie I have not found to be a problem even using just regular SD + Paragon + FT7 + MC2. I never get KEI, because agro would become a problem if I tried to keep the wizard under full mana all the time.

I'll say one thing, getting fairly frequent 5.5k-6k crits and taking a mob down from 60% hp to virtually nothing is very nice. In addition having snare, root and ports are all very nice conveniences.
[65 Feral Lord]" >Feralize (Iksar) 163aa : [65 Arcanist]" >Kikagoki (Froglok) 39aa : [62 Warlock]" >Bonekasta (Erudite) 29aa : [62 Warder]" >Traku (Human) 6aa : [56 Troubador]" >Twotonic (Vah Shir) 3aa : [51 Crusader]" >Ubinusan (Erudite) : [51 Brawler]" >Drolthar (Dwarf) : [44 Shaman]" >Jikkorak (Iksar) : [40 Druid]" >Ceggan (Halfling)


"In addition having snare, root and ports are all very nice conveniences."

"It does allow you to take more risks so that boss mobs become a lot more doable with the added burst dps and evac on tap if things go wrong. "

This is the big thing about a wizard box.  You can do it and they do add, but just about anything you'd have a wizard box doing some other class could be doing better in conjuction with a bst.  The port/snare/nuke can be done by a druid.  The taking risks with a boss mob is easier with a cleric to rez if it goes bad or to just heal you so it doesn't go bad in the first place hehe.  I've boxed a wizard with my bst some and it's a very low maintance box that does some damage, but basically doesn't add a lot.  The snare is nice in spots and gates can be useful, but overall not very high up the "power" list for duo partners for a beastlord.


I agree with the majority here.

I 2-box a 65 druid with my BL and wouldn't have it any other way.  Once the druid is 58 he's more than capable to heal you.  He comes with great HP & AC buffs, snare, ports, DS, tracking, root, just about everything.

I'm currently bringing up a Wizard as well to box with my BL.  I already know that using him will be limited.  A wizard is great in zones that you can roll through easily solo.  With the extra dps exp grinding can be very fast and you maintain the use of ports, snare, and so on.  You can also use him in groups or raids if dps or other wizard abilities are in demand.  But when it comes to 2-boxing with no outside help and in moderate to tough zones....druids rock on the 2nd box.

Just my opinion.


I have a level 65 wizard next to myself. Why ? he is easy to dualbox (although I also triple box). I got an assist key setup (assist, pause, then hail) which allows me to blindly get him a target, if I see hail without NPC name, it means he has no line of sight and I need to move him. Otherwise I blindly press 1+2 or 4 for the nukes I use on him. Very easy to play.