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65 Beast PLing 56 or 57 Druid

Started by Dakat, July 13, 2004, 07:07:17 AM

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Basically this should probably be under "where to hunt".

My brother has left the country and is letting me use his account. It has 59 necro (which he said dont touch) and a 56 or 57 druid, which he said I could play with.

So far, I did Greigs End, PoInnovation, PoJustice "4 spawn & gauntlet". However, it just seems to be slow going no matter where I go.  

Perhaps I should do it ungrouped so it maximizes the druids exp.  Using my pet as a gheto root while the druid DoTs it to death.


Just group with it and kill stuff.  Either what you would normally kill, or 2box properly and use heals, snares and nukes/dots to let you do things you can't on your own.  Tougher camps in Droga, perhaps, or deeper into Veksar, some of the Nadox camps, etc.  Problem is that druids don't get CH until 58, so healing will suck until then.

The spots you mention are all good.

There is an alternative...

Run the druid as main box and charm.  PoN stalkers is the usual camp, but there is often competition for it.  You are stuck there until you get the next charm (at 62?, whatever).  Use beastlord slows and off tanking to boost exp rate, but as a druid can keep this camp clear, I am not sure if this really adds much.


I did almost the same thing. Picked up a 52 druid with my beast and cranked out some exp for the druid. My favorite spot remains Droga at either the food supplier or king camps. Basically, my druid was little more than a snare bot as I learned to 2 box.

You can also farm some great tribute point items here, so these camps are a double win.

Just group up and tear through these mobs. These camps actually give some good experience for duos and CRs are pretty easy if you mess up as nothing sees invis here.

For the record, the druid is now 65 with 62 AA. This will work.
Malus Imperium
Tholuxe Paells


I have it the other way around.
A 65 Druid and a 46 Bst.
we did the temple steps in Nadox last night. I used to use the druid as a beating post, but I noticed I could kill faster if I started to truely two-box.
Old system: DS up the druid, pull with no damage snares and debuffs, let mob beat on druid as I healed up and Bst attacked from behind. Problem was I was running oom a lot with the druid (FT15).
New System: Snare target, send pet on inc and start beating on it, when aggro switched to Bst, /sit on druid and med. Started using slow as well.
I went from 45 to 46 in about an hour and a half...maybe a little longer.

It's great to be 46, high end buffs and my SoD now procs. :D
Boge's Pussy

Zashir Swiftpaw

My druid is 52 and the bst is 62... it's easier just to group where I normally solo, and let the druid increase my kill rate with heals and nukes.  Right now, my normal spot is AC, and he's just shooting up in levels as a result.


I was off for a week and exclusively powered up my druid.

He is level 59 now.  I did what most suggested and just grouped them together and let my beast do all the work.

Most of the leveling was done in Plane of Innovation.  There would be level 50+ people pop in and beg me to let them join. I didn't care as long as my 2 characters were highest.  I would tell em, Im not responsible for you getting hit, so keep all agro on me.  Which worked out great, since the group exp kicked in.  I went from almost 57 to 1 yellow in 59 in a couple days.

There were a few days where I didnt feel like dealing with people in general so I would go off boxing in Greigs End. Which I would remind you guys is a great spot to level a boxer.  At 58, in the center court (near stairs going to Greigs) were mostly the same level as the druid.  I would pull in 2s, pet on one me on other, druid dot both. Worked great, constant pulls.  It was crappy aa exp for the beast in comparison to other places the beast could go.  When the druid hits 62, BoT CY will be my home.


I reactivated my old druid's account recently, he's still on there, a 45 druid that was my first ever toon on EQ.  I'm on a single machine and on dial-up but my druid's been doing fine staring at the wall in Greig's End.  I put Kei on him with my chanter and he is bound right near the zone.  I make him do all the healing, skin like diamond and thorns.  

Yeah exp is slow on my aa bar but it's nice seeing my little druid's exp bar move with each kill.  He's 2 yellows from 48 now  and I can hardly wait for 49.  I'm not sure if I can handle other zones over dial-up but this is working just fine so far.

Kitvear 66  Beastlord
Vearlis 67  Chanter


I am running my little bst/druid team in Nurga, getting faction, cash and xp at a decent rate make this a very nice place. Bst is about to ding 55, and druid dinged 52 today and I gotta say snare is pretty much a must have here, especially when you run into the occasional sow buffed goblin, they sure take off fast :)
Another thing I found out is that the best xp for both me and the druid is to take some mobs close to being light blue (but still dark blue), as opposed to fighting in the highest (level wise) part of the zone where the kills goes a lot slower.
65 Feral Lord
Antonius Bayle


I would sugest going to plane of nightmares at level 46 ...and start chain pulling ....set up by the river and pull with snare ....i am pretty much all defensive with my bl so i tank with him.My bl and pet take mob down pretty quick, so if keep the pulls steady its good xp. I posistion my beast just at melle range and have my pet behind the mob pushing toward me, once i posistion my beastlord for melle i switch back to the druid fire a couple of my weak 300hp heals get bl to 100% mob is about 20% health ....i  go pull another with my druid ....have had some good xp grinding this way cause usually as soon as old mob dies my druid has another one snared and in front of my beast or close i switch to beast send in warder cast scopion venom to get agro ...and then slow ....posistion my beastlord for mele and rinse and repeat. Has work very nice from 46 to 50 well let you guys know when xp slows down. but i figure its got to last untile atleast 55 and at that level theres always pov outer kite grps that are $$$$$ when mobs are  pulled and killed quickly.
Only drawback almost no cash ...mobs drop items that i have sold for 72pp but alot of mobs dont have anything at all on them.

                   Jaskorak Feral lord of the 65th season


My druid is 65 already and has gotten 20 aa's since I last posted.  If you want to know anything about how I did it, let me know.


I've tried several spots myself, my druid is currently 56.. but I'd like to hear where you went to see if you have any better ideas =) I've been doing GE mostly

Bst is 67/270.. some VT loot.. max buffed 7.5, but usually running around with self buffs; and druid is halfway through 56.


I found that the Plane of Valor was an excellent spot to group with my druid for good XP at level 65.  Either do the caves or the castle and pull the golems.  Should be relatively uncamped now days, I'd think, though I haven't been there in well over a month.
Predator Oiingo Boiingo (80 beasty) of <Triality> on Maelin Starpyre