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Duo + Healer merc ideas

Started by Khauruk, October 27, 2008, 10:41:36 PM

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I've been boxing a mage+tank merc +bst/clr merc, things have been pretty good going but occasional death.

Its a fairly solid make up, but I wanted to see how things would be with mag having a cleric merc, and tbh its a big improvement. Obviously 2 healers can keep 2 pets and 2 pc's alive muche easier than 1 healer vs 2 pets, 2 pc and a tank.

Keeping the mage alive keeps the pet alive and the 81 air is pretty hot - especially at offtanking adds.
I'm still getting the hang of CotH splitting in tight places, Kurns is a good challenge lol .. but overall, its a good combination.

Professional Mad Bastard.


   I dropped my cleric recently and have been running beast/sk. Beast tanking atm. However the sk will be tank soon and when he tanks my dps on beast is noticeably better.
   In addition they aren't to hard to gear up with some new essences, rots and bazu/LB's that are 1 groupable. I think he'll hit 4k ac in about the next month depending on my luck at spawning names.
   Beast/tank and two mercs can do just about any content now and with our new beastly aa's rarely have to med and have some pretty high sustained dps which makes up for sk's lower dps.


I returned to game recently and started boxing a drood with my beasty and what a difference it makes. I run a tank merc for extra dps on drood and cleric on bst. I know SOD stuff hits hard and havent done too much of it, but the things I am doing in SOF and before to catch up on spells, drops etc is easily handled by dru/bst. I bust out the cleric merc on names and have only rarely used the tank merc. I love the versatility of the drood to be healer or dps, and the evac/transport spells are like little pieces of heaven wrapped up in mana. Not to mention, snare, ds, mammoth, tracking,  etc...

bst is almost 81 with 700 aa's and druid is almost 79 with only 100 aa's


I been dropped my Cleric for a chanter. the biggest problem we have as Bst is the pulling. most mobs if I get them single I can tank them well in and out on named  to give mercs time to heal.

The chanter has been behind on AA. got to 82 before I started working on them and only have about 200. The things I got are not your normal aa but more so ones to help with my soloing for now. I picked up the Chanter summon AA. both of them. they are nice and tend to taunt the mobs reducing the hits on the bst. as well as extended my Mez to help with CC. I also got the punt aa and Love it. with all the chanter tricks I able to ether solo or lock down most things.

So t5 merc help a lot and both are clerics. most the time only have 1 out and pop the 2nd on named fights. I been working on Fos as returning after 3 year I was not very well geared so been trying to get 2 full sets of T3 and it coming along well.


I tried a tank / cleric merc combo but the problem is on named the timing and everything is hard for the single cleric to keep up. at least with 2 cleric I can back off and pet pet tank untill the heals land.  but with a tank merc  how do you get him to back off. just somthing AI  can't do.



I'm running my sk tanking and beast dpsing now. Between pulls on sk and slows on beast and some judicial merc clericaling I have been rolling over anything I want >.<

I just boxed FoS + Earth (all except murdunks) progression theme whiile a mage firend and my brother were mostly afk. Also been farming some tosk instances for medials and 600 hp/mana gear easily.

I can duo the trash in kuua theme easy and now that my sk is void e I will be looking into korafax.




I like your idea with the SK + Beast box. I am thinking of returning to EQ after hearing of the mercs and my GF is wanting to play with me. She being an animal lover and i love slows, so i naturally encouraged her to look into the beastlord class. I have always wanted to play an SK, and it seems to me that with 2 cleric mercs healing, her slows, dps, dots/dd, buffs, and backup heals, added to my SK's Tanking, dots, FD pulling, and snaring we should be golden.

We will more than likely take our time in leveling until she becomes comfortable with the game, but I do look forward to seeing some later content without having to worry about finding a group.