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Copper Medal

Started by kattana, April 02, 2004, 01:34:48 PM

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Last night we did the copper medal quest had a 59 paladin, 65 cleric, 55 cleric, 65 mage, 48 druid and myself 50 Bl. First 2 camps cleared fine. The third camp and no exageration. We fougth for 2 hours straight and could never clear the camp. This one had clerics in it. Everytime we killed a cleric automatic pop back in spot. Then 8 or 9 grunts would rush out of the fire.

Two questions:

One what did we do wrong at this camp?

Two I hear there is a messanger route that I could solo that would get me the medal. Any help on finding this quest and how it is done?

Thanks for your help.


That's not the third camp, that is the fourth.

And you can't kill the clerics until all the other grims in camp are dead. (OK you can kill them, but they just pop right back...)

Don't agro the clerics and they will just try and heal grims you are killing. Once all the others are dead the clreic become unrooted and will aggro you. I thought a named popped after the 4 clerics, but one never did for us.

As far as I can tell the CMoW only drops in camps 1,2, and 3. We did 4,5,6,8 in one night and no medal drop.

also as a 50 Beastlord you should be able to solo the first two camps. Named on camp 1 drops CMoW and the grunts in fire at camp 2 drop it as well. (Had three drop the other day)
Swamprat and Croczilla
57 Beastlord on Xev, BBSCO
My Really Bad Gear


I've soloed camps 7 8 9 and 10 and got more then 1 metal from each.  For each camp, there are named Grimlings that spawn. Kill the named and get the metal.  Camp 9 is saving the Traitor and has always yielded the metal.  Best thing to do when the traitor spawns, is leave him alone and kill everything around him.  Just kill everything until named spawns.  If the traitor dies, good!  This resets the camp, run back to the quest giver and repeat the same quest.  

With any camp, once you clear it correctly, you can no longer do that camp. If you think you are about to win, stop lose and let the camp reset.


Woot, did camp 1 solo and got the medal. I guess the easies part of the quest is done.   It was fun to tell my group of 65's that I did by my self the next morning. hee.


Is there a way to choose which camp you want or are you pretty much stuck with whichever camp the vet or scout takes you to?  And is there a difference between the scouts and veterans for which camp they take you to?

Thanx in advance :)
Rekcah - 58 - Beastlord - Morell-Thule


There are a few different Scouts/Veterans, each one has different camps that he goes to.  Some go to up to 3, others only have 1.  If you don't like the camp you have to go to (i.e., #4 with the damn healers) you can wait for him to run back and I remember that once he gave me #5 the next tiime.  It might be random, I can't remember for sure.

Game on,
EQ: Predator Jaede Antemanx -- 68 Vah Shir Beastlord on Kane Bayle, Retired
EQ2: Lenon Cartney -- 23 Half-Elf Troubador on Befallen, Retired
WoW: Grishnakh -- 60 Orc Hunter on Malygos, Retired


Don't know if this happens everytime but from my experience last night the scouts take you to the lower camps and veterans to the higher.  Maybe just a coincidence but dunno  :?
I got my CMoW but don't know if the camps were buggy or we were doing something wrong. We cleared camp one no Named spawn, cleared 2 no Name spawned cleared 3 and Named Spawned got medal  :D  After I got the medal I went back to general and he confirmed camp 3 cleared but not the other 2. Anyway our group was 62 ranger, 55 druid and 51 beast (me) and it was cake. Now on to the spirits  :D
Rekcah - 58 - Beastlord - Morell-Thule


If you talk to the scouts at the bank they will take you to camp 1 or 2. The copper medal dropped the first time.  This is like an instanced quest. Once you get there tell him your ready and the camp will pop. All of these were green to me at 51.


What is the time period for the camps to be poppable again? Every scout and veteran I spoke to told me the "grimlings had been pushed back" so I couldnt do any of them. I cleared one of the bandit camps for 3 hours, 7 coin currier pops and zero copper medals. Is it on server up after a patch? Or is it 24-72 hours like the scouts?


Scouts take you to camp 2 then camp 1; veterans to higher camps (4, then 3, then I forget after that); and the captain to higher camps still.

Grimling Forest does not reset on server reset.  I think it currently takes 1 week for reset (it used to take longer, but a couple of months ago I retried, arriving just as someone finished camp 2 after a patch, and that was how long it took).

Any of the named grimlings stand a good chance of dropping the medal, but the best drop rate is from the mini-grimlings in camp 2.However, recently I cleared camps 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 without getting a medal, as well as 100-200 coin couriers.  This took me a week, 4-6 hours per day at least.  Killing the named in most camps locks out that camp, apart from camp 2 - so do a fellow beastlord a favor and leave camp 2 open if you can.


Got my medal today, off the first coin currier to pop, so its on to the scouts!