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Copper Medal of War Frustration

Started by Rakr Xine, January 23, 2004, 04:44:15 PM

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Monday I spent about 6 hours killing bandits trying to get a the medal off of a coin courier.  That didn't work but I did get about 2k plat tho.

Tuesday night I checked again, all bandits.  I said screw it, and talked to the scout anyway.  He replied, waited about 3 minutes and he ran to camp one. Lo and behold, the grimlings were there!  Smeared the camp, looted my medal and away I went.

I guess all you need to do is talk to a scout and he will spawn grimlings for ya.


Lol, you got extremly lucky or the camps are bugged on my server.  I talked to the scouts, captain, general and veterans multiple times with responses about the grimlings being pushed back and to check with the Vah Shir at the other camp to assist.
Rakr Xine

Guard well your fury lest the beast consume you.


Started camping the CMoW today. All camps had bandits, so I just started clearing camp 2. Killed 6 Cuoriers and no Medal yet, many kills to go, me thinks.

Oh CMoW how I hate thee...
Baron Whiptail "Mr Whippy" Warclaw
Iksar Savage Lord of 62 seasons.
Drinal server.
- Created: October 09, 2003.
Bringing ice-cream to the people of Norrath for the last 62 seasons...

"The only thing worse than one Beastlord, is six Beastlords, in a group, in the same zone as you... We'll try and leave you a few mobs."


I got my CMoW on the first attempt the other day, doing the quest to clear camp 1. A named shaman grimling spawned in the end and dropped it for me.

All of it green and a piece of cake for a 52 bst solo.


On the Rathe, this quest has been broken for a very long time. When I did find a camp available, it was the one to the NW, which requires a group to keep 6 huts cleared for a period of time. Unfortunately, I was solo at that moment. By the time I got a group of guildies to meet me, another group moved in and finished the quest.

SOOOOO in the meantime, after reading many boards, I started camping for coin couriers. I went to the second and third camps to the west and wiped them out several times. Had no luck with the coin couriers, then on a hunch went north of the kitty fort and found one in a camp there. After killing it, I returned to the two camps I was clearing, and in the third one two couriers had spawned in the same camp. The second one dropped the medal.">" WIDTH="137" HEIGHT="250" BORDER="0">


Hey everybody,

I have tried to get the medal to drop for more than a month. The last few weeks all camps have been cleared, and I had no intention to hunt couriers. Then last night I decided to try again, and this time all camps where available, so I decided to take out one of the first camps. Talked to Husman, and we ran to the camp. Got my first medal within the first three kills or so. Then suddenly more medals dropped, coming to a total of 13 medals during the ten minute fight. Needless to say I shouted "Wgdlfkgj".  :shock:

All I have to do now, is to get a good group together, and go kick some spirit butt.  :lol:

Good luck to everybody trying to get the medal.


As of this afternoon, all camps except for camp 7 need to be cleared on Mithaniel Marr.

I went to camp 2 (all green at 56, pet and I didn't break a sweat), and my CMoW (plus 2-3 more) dropped in the wave of tiny grimlings. After they were all dead, the spiritcallers despawned (they were never targettable) and the camp repopped.

Hope someone finds this info useful.">Hetfield
Retired Savage Lord of the Tribunal
Mithaniel Marr

Gnomish Warrior Princess">The Returners


I have been camping Coin Courriers for the better part of 10 days. I killed countless courries and all have the same Grimling document 1.


The General tells me all Grimlings have been pushed back  :(

On a plus note, I went from barely into lvl 44 to a bit into 48 hunting bandits in GF only. Slow xp for sure, but atleast I am getting XP while trying to aquire my CMoW  :)

Hoping for a re-pop of the grimlngs soon.


I got my medal before the revamp.  I helped a guildie get his medal after the revamp.  So I've done both...  anyway, my experience helping someone last night.

A 54 Beasty sends me a tell asking the difficulty in obtaining the medal and killing the camps.  Being as I've done it twice before without too much hassel, I told him I'd help him out.  So me 61 and him 54 go get a mission that takes us to camp 2 or 3... not sure which one it was.  Think 2.  Anyway we had to clear the camp and then kill the casters around the fire.  We leveled the camp in no time and killed the objective.  No medals drop.  I tell him ok, lets go get another one.  

This time we get camp 1.  I think to myself, this will be easy.  Our mission is to clear the camp and then take out the Clerics.  Guess I should have read that before I killed a cleric 3 times and the dude just kept respawning...  oh well, I figure that out and switch to the mobs in the camp.  Now funny thing is that mobs spawn in the fire... a never ending stream of mobs.  Took me a bit, and a lot of mana, to figure that one out...  ok so leave the ones in the fire and kill all the rest.  No problemo...  except that every so often, 3 or 5 more come running in.  Ok finally all are gone except for the ones in the fire and the clerics.  Time to take out the ones in the fire...  doh, they keep repawning.  Ok back to the clerics...  but before we could drop a cleric more mobs come running in and guess what, the cleric respawns.  Also know that these clerics are green to me and are hitting for mid 200's.  We just couldn't keep the camp clear and take a cleric down before more arrived to see if that is how you finally kill a cleric.  We finally gave up after slaughtering at least 100 mobs.

Oh well.


Thats not camp 1 its camp 4 and its bugged. Though I did manage to clear the entire camp including the ones at the fire no boss spawned and no medal dropped.


Whew...finally got my CMoW.... After reading these posts, I see that I am not the only one with problems here. As many before me,  I was wiped by the Grims in No. 4.  Green con's layin the smack down in the 180's-200 range. Scuz me, please??? Camp 4 is bugged bad.

So myself (55) and a 61 Pally wiped out camp 3 three times and no named popped.  After the third time, thugs spawned. Ok, now what?? I get another camp. Camp 2, I think. This is where it gets even stranger. When we get to the camp, the Vet tells me that we must protect Greig the Traitor. I have never heard of this, unless it is something from the old way of doing it. Anyway, after killing wave after wave while keeping the "traitor" alive nothing happens. more wave and the "traitor" is killed, but just as he was dying the named popped and we laid the hurt on him. There was my medal.... It was PURE LUCK when he spawned, seeing how the NPC we were supposed to keep alive died at the same moment.... Go figure...... =/


Was getting the CMoW for some guildles last night and here is the results.

Camp 1 - We cleared. Named popped. CMoW dropped.

Camp 2 - Already cleared when we started.

Camp 3 - We cleared. Named popped. CMoW dropped.  (had a brain fart and tolled Pally to loot it and not second beastlord.)

Camp 4 - We tried and failed as half the group tried to kill one of the clerics. We pulled back and had bard train the city and watched the fun as the cats kicked some grimling ass.

Camp 5 - We cleared. No Named spawned. No CMoW.

Camp 4 (again) - We cleared by pulling the mobs over the hill so the clerics couldn't heal them. Cleared camp before first wave hit and then dropped clerics. No named spawned. No CMoW.

Camp 6 - We cleared. Had some thives pop in the middle then had one wave of grimlings show up as we killed the last guy in camp. Named popped but did not drop a CMoW. (A SK only 2hs w/ FT1 rotted....)

Camp 7 and 8 were already done.

Camp 9 was triggered by some silly durid who showed up. We only had 3 of us left then so we couldn't give it a go.

Best bet is that camps 1,2 and 3 drop the CMoW most times.  Are going back today to get the second beast his CMoW as camps will be reset.
Swamprat and Croczilla
57 Beastlord on Xev, BBSCO
My Really Bad Gear

The Kittenpeeler

Solo'd mine today. Went into Grimling, took camp 2, cleared a little trash, then pulled the 15 or so "Grimling Skullspirits" that spawned in the fire. They killed my pet fast, but not before he took a few out. One of them dropped the CMoW.

Yay me!">>

Cyphen Wilder

Just did it yesterday when War popped.  Soloed camp 2, no medal.  Tried to solo 4, got wasted by casters on platform.  Got corpse, got camp one, cleared and medal dropped on boss.


Do you guys bother looting all the mobs killed in a mission?  I distinctly remember helping someone get their medal a few months ago and the medal dropped from a regular grimling, not the named.  The particular camp was camp 2.  I remember being shocked, since I thought we had to go through the entire process of killing everything and then the named at the end.

Just a thought.