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What droppable haste items are available?

Started by Beaneater, January 14, 2004, 09:43:52 PM

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Right now I am using SCHW.  I'm wanting to get a better haste item, but don't know what all options that Beastlords have.   Is it possible to compile a list of some of the better droppable items, including stats, haste rate, slot and approximate price?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Beaneater Riptastinky - 54 Vah Shir Beastlord
Sycik Sykotic - 65 Dwarf Cleric


I use a Silver Shiverback Hide Sash

31%haste and has about 35hp/mana, not sure on stats

Soulscream Belt

31% haste sta and HP

Cloak of flames

36% haste -- Stats

Cloak of Crystalline Waters

36%haste  -- Stats

Sorry I dont have the stats off hand, or all the droppable items, but this is a listing of what I can remember

Elyias Steelfang

RBB - 31% haste
RBG - 27% haste
SBC - 27% haste I think. might be 26 but better then SCHW.


Go to this link. The only thing this does not tell you is if it is dropable or not. At least it gives you a place to start.

Edit* - the -ND at the end of the stats indicates that the item is not dropable.


Here is what magelo knows for beastlords (above SCHW - :P  means can be traded):

Shroud of Survival WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  46%
Cord of Temporal Weavings WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  45%
Band of Swirling Air ALL 41%
Belt of the Destroyer ALL 41%
Cloak of the Black Wind ALL 41%
Cord of Midnight WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Dark Wind Shroud ALL 41%
Double Woven Kelp Cord WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Earring of Endless Speed WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Envenomed Moccasins WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
:P  Fearsome Girdle ALL 41%
Feeliux's Cord of Velocity WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Fist of Lightning MNK BST  41%
Flame Gilded Cloak ALL 41%
Flowing Moss Mantle ALL 41%
Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying ALL 41%
Geomancer's Crown of Reformation DRU MNK BST  41%
Girdle of the Storm Giant WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Grey Suede Boots ALL 41%
Jade Hoop of Speed ALL 41%
Serrated Dragon Tooth WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Shadow Footpads WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Shiny Trinket of Speed WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Silver Bracelet of Speed ALL 41%
Valdoon's Immortal Blood Gem ALL 41%
Valiant Belt of Fallen Heroes ALL 41%
Woven Shim Choker WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  41%
Wristband of the Rathe DRU MNK BST  41%
Yelinak's Talisman ALL 41%
Claw of the Savage Spirit BST  40%
Cloak of the Fire Storm WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  40%
Earring of Corporeal Essence WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  40%
Experimental Gem of Haste ALL 40%
Synarcana's Jewel of Timeless Alacrity ALL 40%
Windraider's Belt ALL 40%
Lungi of the Forbidden MNK BST  39%
Belt of Virility ALL 37%
Turban of Spiritual Focus ROG BST  37%
:P  Belt of Raging Nature WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  36%
Bone-Forged Trinket WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  36%
Cape of Broken Enchantments ALL 36%
:P  Cloak of Crystalline Waters ALL 36%
:P  Cloak of Flames ALL 36%
Cord of Fin`Wen ALL 36%
:P  Cowl of Mortality ALL 36%
:P  Custom Cowl of Mortality ALL 36%
Dreadscale Cloak WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  36%
:P  Flame Etched Cloak ALL 36%
Gravestone Fragment of Flailing Dead WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  36%
Recherche` Belt of Curwin ALL 36%
:P  Broken Drivebelt WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  34%
Cloak of Piety ALL 34%
Shroud of the Dar Brood ALL 34%
:P  Spiked Seahorse Hide Belt ALL 34%
:P  Ring of Dreadful Dreams ALL 33%
Cord of Bek`Wen ALL 31%
:P  Enchanted Sash of Wonder WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  31%
:P  Mask of the Forgotten WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  31%
:P  Runed Bolster Belt ALL 31%
Silver Shiverback Hide Sash MNK BST  31%
Slippery Ore of Velocity ALL 31%
:P  Soulscream Belt ALL 31%
:P  Earring of Eternal Alacrity WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  27%
Ebony Dragon Figurine RNG MNK ROG BST  27%
:P  Nightmarish Girdle ALL 27%
:P  Runebranded Girdle ALL 27%
Cord of Nuj`Wen ALL 26%
:P  Siblisian Berserker Cloak ALL 26%
Drakespine Belt MNK BST  25%
Diffused Ore of Rapidity ALL 24%
Etched Zraxthril Mask WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  24%
:P  Sash of the Dragonborn ALL 24%
:P  Daring Sash of the Kin WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST  23%
:P  Silver Chitin Hand Wraps ALL 22%
Kylaz - Feral Troll
Main Entry:lizĀ·ard
Etymology:Middle English liserd, from Middle French laisarde, from Latin lacerta (Date:14th century)
1 : any of a suborder (Lacertilia) of reptiles distinguished from the snakes by a fused inseparable lower jaw, a single temporal opening, external ears, and eyes with movable lids; broadly : any relatively long-bodied reptile (as a crocodile or dinosaur) with legs and tapering tail