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9/11 documentary

Started by Fightclubx, January 24, 2007, 05:11:36 PM

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All I will say after watching the entire thing is WOW.


wow pretty much sums it up


There are numerous such Videos along with several papers done that pretty much prove well beyond any reasonable doubt that a small Cabal of Treasonous War Criminals have stolen 2 elections through election fraud and attacked this country in a false flag attack on 9/11.
The Laws of Physics do not lie, it is 100% impossible for those 3 buildings to have collapsed at near Free fall speed without the use of explosives.
Then don't forget the Anthrax the same criminals sent out to 2 Democratic Senators in order to scare them into signing & not stopping the clearly Unconstitutional so called "Patriot Act".
Currently approx. 40% of this country are aware of most of what these criminals have done, that is over 120 Million people so why in the hell they aren't in prison right now is beyond me. I also find it rather embarrassing that this 40+% of the population has not become so outraged that we all don't stand up and TAKE this country back.
Notice that the Mainstream Media flatly refuse to discuss anything concerning Election Fraud or the Facts about what happened on 9/11.
Notice also that the parent companies that own & operate all of these Media outlets in this country are all War Profiteers.
The Media is complicit in both the crimes and the cover up.

Everything concerning Iraq was a bald faced lie just to raise oil prices through the roof and for this small cabal to become insanely wealthy by draining the national treasury. We are currently 10 TRILLION in debt and most of the planet hates our guts.

I have been convinced of this since 2002.


A - I agree w/ much of the body of conspiracy theory.
B - You look like a raving lunatic (and idiot) when you capitalize so many words in your rant.
C - Nothing will change because Americans don't care.  Look at the upcoming election - the crappiest candidates are the front runners on both sides of the aisle.


A- good because anything else would make you look like the idiot.

B- I wont stoop so low as to comment

C- I agree, apparently most Americans could absolutely not care less that 2 elections were blatantly stolen and that we have a  treasonous war criminal in the oval office.
The media are whom is telling everyone what candidate to vote for, if you look at independent polls of each Democratic debate it is Dennis Kucinich that is in the lead on virtually everyone yet when you hear the mainstream media they spew Clinton/Obama as the front runners which is clearly BS.   Obviously they are lying but the majority of Americans have no idea.
As for the Rethuglicans my god they are all totally insane, most of them need to be institutionalized.
The only 2 that have a lick of sense is Kucinich & Gravel.

I might add the "official lie" is a conspiracy theory also, only difference is that their conspiracy theory has not one shred of evidence to back it up and most importantly its not just improbable its impossible.

Feel free to correct my spelling, grammar & punctuation I know some people get some perverted joy from that.


Lady Jillianna Silversoul and Cody
71.181 Halasian Feral Lady - Morell-Thule... erm, Erollisi Marr
Faveo Sulum Ipsemet Ascio


Quote from: Khauruk on December 05, 2007, 05:19:47 PM
A - I agree w/ much of the body of conspiracy theory.
B - You look like a raving lunatic (and idiot) when you capitalize so many words in your rant.
C - Nothing will change because Americans don't care.  Look at the upcoming election - the crappiest candidates are the front runners on both sides of the aisle.

Two capitalized words == lunatic/idiot?

Tough crowd...


Too bad I can't actually watch the video :(

Quote from: maxawesome on December 06, 2007, 07:07:01 PM
Two capitalized words == lunatic/idiot?
Tough crowd...
I count 22.
Quote from: NunnyaBiz on December 05, 2007, 12:47:30 PM
Videos Cabal Treasonous War Criminals Laws Physics Free Anthrax Senators Unconstitutional Million Mainstream Media Election Fraud Facts Media War Profiteers Media

I have found in the eons I've been alive, that the more unnecessary words capitalized in an argument, the less reliable the facts/sources/mental state of the arguer.  Unscientific?  Perhaps.  But, it sure works most of the time.

Quote from: NunnyaBiz on December 06, 2007, 01:50:32 AM
if you look at independent polls of each Democratic debate it is Dennis Kucinich that is in the lead on virtually everyone yet when you hear the mainstream media they spew Clinton/Obama as the front runners which is clearly BS.   
Hmm...using many alternate news sources, I haven't seen a single one w/ Kucinich in the lead.  I also know almost nobody who has a clue how Kucinich is, except that he's the little guy w/ the hot wife.  Hilary and Obama may be pathetic, but they have done an effective job of getting their names out there ($$).  I just hope that whoever gets the nomination chooses one of the good candidates as their VP.

As for the Rethuglicans my god they are all totally insane, most of them need to be institutionalized.
I like Romney...he makes me chuckle.  I also wish he was a char in game that I could squash, whenever I hear him speak.  Ron Paul's cool though.
The only 2 that have a lick of sense is Kucinich & Gravel.
I heard Gravel for the first time yesterday. an unstable zealot way.  Yeah, he made some sense...but, he's far too close to having a stroke at any point in time to get my vote.  He also thinks far too wide-scale (i.e. his "our policies beggar the world" speech in yesterday's debate) to have people vote for him.  Sounds almost...commie! /duck


Apparently you haven't researched this much.
I have researched the hell out of it for 5 years.

I have found the eons I've been alive that when the only thing someone can comment on is your spelling or grammar then they are clueless about the subject.

Every mainstream media channel has downplayed Kucinich or outright ignored him while constantly spewing Clinton Obama over & over because they know these 2 are the LEAST liked candidates but the ignorance of the average American shall always prevail and they will vote as they are told to.
Technically about 50% of all votes are thrown right in the trash anyway because of the way outdated electoral college which should have been abolished at least 75+ years ago.
If you live in a red state and vote for a democrat you may as well have voted for Mickey Mouse and visa versa if rethuglican living in a blue state.
This makes it painfully easy to steal elections especially with the electronic voting machines.

QuoteOn Monday afternoon, Congressman Kucinich took a significant lead in the ABC online poll: Who won the Democratic debate? About the time that he took that lead, ABC removed the poll from its prominent position on the ABC website. Then a new poll suddenly went up, "Who is winning the Democratic debate?"

Those events could be seen as technical glitches, but there was more to come. Kucinich took the lead in the second poll, also, and that poll, too, was dropped.

See if you can watch this video.


You guys are doing a good job bringing facts to support your arguments, but at times it is edging towards personal attacks. Lets keep those out, and keep the conversation civil amongst friends.
Lady Jillianna Silversoul and Cody
71.181 Halasian Feral Lady - Morell-Thule... erm, Erollisi Marr
Faveo Sulum Ipsemet Ascio


Sorry, I guess I took 'capitalized words' to mean ALL CAPS. Those are the ones that signify lunacy in my mind. But it usually takes more than 2, is why I was like "eeerrrr...."

I work with some folks who capitalize the first letter of damned near every word. Should I be afraid?

Demolition experts have agreed that you simply cannot make a skyscraper implode without a great deal of very carefully-planned detonations.

There are people who have spent years training to take down buildings as smoothly as the twin towers fell. I don't need any more proof than that. Either there were other al-quaida involved, or this is the most insidious case of conspiracy and perversion in politics that has ever occurred in our nation.

It makes you wonder if maybe the glorification of FDNY and NYPD was a way to buy their complicity in the plans. "Keep your mouth shut, and you'll be a hero. Blab and we'll make it so you never existed."

Skies the limit for speculation, but there is an awful lot of dirty laundry in this administration to outright dismiss a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies do happen, but the tricky thing is that if you do it right, no one finds out that it was a conspiracy. We already have evidence of other conspiracies in the White House (Valerie Plame, anyone?).


Actually the media refuses to talk to most anyone one the NYFD & NYPD because the vast majority of them KNOW that 9/11 had to be an inside job, they were there they saw & heard the massive explosions saw the enormous damage to the basements & 1st floors right as the planes hit.
There are also about 50,000 of them dying of lung disease because of the bald faced lies told by Christie Todd Whitman of the EPA spewing exactly what the white house told her to say so that Ghouliani could get the crime scene cleaned up ASAP.
There are several of them that follow Ghouliani around to every place he speaks to heckle him & tell the truth about what Ghouliani has done.

I went to NYC on 9/11/06 and was with several hundred firemen, police, national guard & EMTs all of which KNOW that 9/11 was an inside job.
I was at this gathering shown here.

This Resident (wont call him President because he was never elected) is a treasonous war criminal as are most of his administration.
All of them should be in prison.

The mainstream media has been complicit in the crimes and the cover ups.