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Ssra Comms

Started by Vart Tehvisseeus, April 11, 2004, 11:25:57 PM

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I would suggest not trying this before level 62 solo.  You need the higher level pets.  Even slowed the Comms hit hard and pretty fast along with every other shissar up there.

The higher the better though since you can add the higher spells and levels.  I remembering soloing these two between 62 and 65 and it was alot easier at 65.  Especially with the higher slow. =)

As to invising up I usually hit the Comms on the right side.  I would buff up at the Ssra entrance and kill the one see invis mob at the door.  Normally I would then kill the two guards in the tube room which can usually be pulled single.  Then invis and go up the tube.  

I have managed a few times to just kill the first mob then invis up and dash past the two in the tube room.  To do it though you have to hit the dead center line between then and be invis.  The technically see you but I just got by before they realized from the smaller aggro ranges at 65.  Normally I just did this when a group was up at Comm 2 I was going to join. =P

Good Luck!
