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Spell issues...

Started by Tastian, March 24, 2006, 11:23:03 PM

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Sariss Bloodscale

I would really, REALLY love to get a fixed-duration invis.  I think we're one of the only, if not the only, self-invising classes that doesn't know when invis can drop.  Also, would it be awful for us to get SoE/FoE?  It just feels wrong that I have to rely on a ranger to run faster.


meh abt soe/foe... i've not had sow on purposely since I got run5.  Yes, both of those are faster than run 5, but only 5 and 10% faster and in most cases, it doesn't really matter that much.

I would like shm version of the fixed invis tho, ie self only.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Add to the last a fixed slow. With a level 70 slow (Sha's Legacy) you would think it would often hit for full. However, that's not the case, as more often than not when I cast it, it is mitigated to partial.
Wildblood Kroshx - 75 - Beastlord - Drinal


all slows get treated this way.  That's a game design they're setting in and they won't change that one.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Yeah I would not expect slow mitigation to go away any time soon.  Also, I wouldn't hold my breath for fixed invis.

I actually am pretty much okay with spells right now.  I'd like to see heals looked at, changes to haste, and something done with dots.  For dots to become useful they are going to need some kind of resist mod for poison, and honestly they'd have to be more front-loaded with how fast things die these days.

As far as group IoS/Alladnu goes, I am not sweating it either way.  It lasts long enough that I don't mind single-target buffing those who need in a group, but I would not cry if it became a group buff. 

If we're talking wish-list, well, that's a different kettle of fish.


Well the mitagation is based on the level and resistance of the mob, so that is


All our buffs are dreadful, not a good one amongst them. Also outclassed by bottles.

Haste - Group or last much much longer. Takes too long to cast
IOS - never use it, same as all other stat buffs, obsolete.
Alladnu - 560 HP is ok, wont save anyone though these days. Group version be nice, just prefer it casted faster.
Spirit of O - works 50/50 of the time especially on boss mobs
Irionu - dreadful useless spell,
Dots - not really powerful enough to make worthwhile. Also just dont have the spell slots to heal myself, pet nuke and dot. So Dots will always loose out to nukes.

More than just an ice nuke be nice also. Poison /dis nuke?


Jit, i was confused when I looked at it initially..

irionu on ur list = ferocity of irionu, not spirit of irionu, the pet proc?

If so, definally agree with the list for the most part.

Its funny... the last few times I've gotten asked for IoS, it was by clerics.  Strangely nuff, one of em actually didn't have stam capped, so I did cast on em.  Always ask em to be sure they know its useless if stam is at cap ;p
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


Yeah the only time ios is useful in the least is for clerics who are casually geared (aka not maxed stamina). To the best of my knowledge theres some stacking reason behind this.

So, i probably cast the spell once every few months, if that.

I feel a little bad for the new spell guy, heh.  But this is what happens when you let issues build up for 5 years ~

"So, what beastlord spells do you think need looking at?"
"To be honest, pretty much all of em  :wink:"

Arch Animist of Bertox (Saryrn (Mithaniel Marr))


YEs i meant ferocity of irionu. The lvl 70 fero "re-grade"

Sariss Bloodscale

Most of the time I'm dungeon crawling and thus don't bother with SoW either, but when I'm travelling, having the combined benefit of a faster SoW and lev really makes things go faster and I don't have to muck around with a horse.

I guess offensively my request would be to have some spells that have a resist mod.  I don't need to go into the waste of time that are DoTs, but when I'm doing DoD hard missions and the like I rarely use my ice nukes because they're so often resisted.  Granted I have no ancient spells, but even as far back as Luclin bossmobs it's a complete crapshoot to see if my spells will land.


Suggestion version of Fero that lasts 10 mins but with a 1k? mana cost?


/chuckle ikko.. we've done a lot of fero suggestions so far ;p, near top of this forum ;p
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


IoS might be out of date for the high end player, but it is still used often by those of us who aren't maxed geared.  In groups (at least groups after midnight est)  i am constantly being asked for the buff to get those extra few pts of str/dex and sta, and not just by clerics. I would deffinately love to see a group version of this spell, and alladnu, though like other, would be happy to see healing looked at first.


I think group haste would be a good addition. While I would like group Ios and alladnu, I dont think it would be useful outside a group of casual players where no shaman was around to buff. I would like to see longer duration on our spells in general. I absolutely hate having to rebuff as often as I do and I know the people in my group typically make fun of me for the amount of time I spend buffing with spells that dont do all that much. If we cant get group haste, then I would really ask for increased duration on our haste spell. Single cast haste on 4--5 people every 22-23 mins is a pain in the ........

I would like to get set duration invis and would place that at the same priority as group haste or increased duration on our haste spell. I would like to see an endurance regen added to the SA line to actually make beastlords more desireable on raids and in groups. If they can put mobs in relic with dots that literally eat a whole yellow bar of endurance with one spellcast, then they can put in some improved line of endurance regen spells. Course they could also improve the mana regen on our SA lines given the increase in mana regen items in the game since DoN and the new chanter auras in PoR, but the logic in that is just too simple and therefore must be overlooked in favor SOE's favorite excuse for nerfing us by omission: that would be overpowering.