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Spell issues...

Started by Tastian, March 24, 2006, 11:23:03 PM

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Focus of the Soul, and group haste.  Both would be next in line of the shammy hierarchy, and neither would be game breaking for us to get.  Fixed invis would be great as well, or innate invis AA like Ranger innate camo AA.  Fero and SA are big issues right now, that is probably going to take SOE way to long to look at and fix, and by then they will be out of date again.  I would still like to see our Warder familiar Idea I came up with a while ago too :-D
Lvl 70 Beastlord
Steel and Honor
Saryn server


 I plagerized several previous posts :)

55/70 aura
fixed-duration invis
Group IoS  (stat overcap) ( or group something! that is an upgrade and usefull)
heals fixed
fero needs mods
haste needs to be better than pot (group or duration)
alladnu (group or mods?)

( 2nd most of what jitathab posted )

auras -- Remember reading somewhere that originally beasts were going to be the only class without aura. Appears someone pointed this out, and after further thinking 2 other classes we also left out.. why is it if any class is going to left out of something beasts rise right to the top of that list? OK some classes aren't that happy with thiers, but at least they GOT AN AURA, and possibly later, as happens things get adjusted up or down, but to not get one at all, is just patently unfair.
PS: many including me have compared some of the new aura's to the fact that SEO would not upgrade our SA due to balance, but now appears willing to toss out 55 level spells that are just about as good as our level 69 SA. Then SEO gets defended by, whao now you can't compare omens spells with the last release; to some point, ok. but what else we got to compare it too? We can compare it to SA or to nothing, either way, it's just add up.
Maybe we could get an aura that doesn't infringe on other classes? maybe 'improve dodge by some percent' (5%? ) would not be overpowering, and not going to
challenge other classes, be something unique... or just give us something, anything, except nothing.

fixed-duration invis: most if not all classes that originally had invis now have at least a self-only fixed invis; here again we got left by the way side. many now have not just self, but single target, and even rangers get fix group invis.

heals fixed -- OK, SOE admitted our heals were outta whack, way back when; what's been done to correct them? doesn't appear much at all. some spells were changed only due to them being hand=me down's from other classes. should be quite simple to correct ours, so why the holdup.

Group IoS  (stat overcap) -- nuff said here; ok, ok I'll say more.
Shammy's got stat busting caps several releases ago. We're told over and over, beasts aren't a DPS class, we're a buffing class.... OK, then give us a buffing spell worth casting, once people ding past level 65.. now we're a buffing class with no buffs except very outdated "and hightly nerfed at release" SA. What was it again that makes us a 'buffing class' ??? I remember telling a few people I play in game with ( just for fun and to see thier reaction) that beasts weren't DPS but that we're a buffing class). They thought I'd either lost my mind of sold my account on ebay to some screwball..

Also for those of you in the upper end, IOS is called for on every raid I go to, by clerics... we just started GoD raids ( I only joined my current guild a few months ago, and missing most of the drops many seem to take for granted 'everyone' has from Time  "missed Elemental almost entirely, was on maybe 30 raids, lost out on the few usable drops, have one minor item only. ( have ED, a +5 mana regen neck item, and a P3 arm piece.. that's it; never even saw a mold drop ).

fero needs mods --  remember having some discussions on a different thread about fero, and again most of you that are at the very upper end, just don't get it still. I still get use out of fero, for the stats and resists, and is asked for by others. I remember just giving up the converstation, when someone replied.. stats that what your bard is for.. cool for you; most night we don't have a bard, so again that's one of the reasons I still keep it on as much as possible, still a long way to go on my equipment to get decent resists to where I might be able to do without... our spell issues shouldn't be just about the upper 2-3% of our ever shrinking class; if the class issues is just going to be about the upper 2-3%, what's the other 97% of us supposed to do?.
Not everyone can get into a Angusish or higher raiding guild. There is only room "as our class currently isin dps/utility, a place for 1 beast with possbibly one backup' in the upper guilds. We should be trying to get our class to where more of us are wanted instead of saying 'hey I'm that one beast, and I'm content for it to be that way'.

our spells need a major overhaul, some new spells, and something to make us unique & usefull. We were created as a hybird of several other classes, but over time, those other classes are being upgraded at a pace faster than us, and we tend to lose more with ever release, and patch. shaman have stat busting caps, many great upgrades post 65, monks got improved damage tables, unerfed defensive, some nice discs, etc. rangers got fixed group invis, triple attack, we're still trying to get double attack, and probably more I'm not aware of.

We've been waiting it seem like forever for this class reinvisioning thing to happen, but don't see any mention of that anymore, now that they're reinvisioned many of the other classes. STill waiting for it to be our turn. Many of our issues just seems to be ignored for the most part by SOE, hoping that whoever takes the new position, will finally do something for our class, but suspect, other classes issues will be building up, and when that person is finally hired, will not get around to us for quite sometime. Tastian has, in my opinion done a great job at presenting our issues, but there didn't appear to be an audience that wanted to listen.


I hate to say it but I am afraid I agree with a lot of the sentiment behind this. All I ask is that maybe we could have some sort of statement from someone at SOE that it IS being looked at and that wont wait another year before mentioning it again.
Tails high and walk away with pride

Mogtoth Venomclaw
75 Beastlord
Clan nan Dreolan - Prexus


I would like to see a version of the rangers sow/small atk buff on beastlords that turns them into the shape of their pets.  I think it would be tons of fun to run around as a tiger.


Like bestial alignment?


Quote from: Tastian on March 24, 2006, 11:23:03 PM
I'm re-collecting spell issues and although I have most of them I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.  I don't want this thread to be a long debate about specifics on fixing fero, but rather specific issues with spells we know are fubar.  Things like 65/67 heals, poison dots, etc.  If people would please post with specific spell name, level, what is wrong, possibly a suggested change I'll throw everything together and see where we are at. 
I wouldn't be able to answer this because I can't afford the price of the muramite runes  in the bazaar.  And I don't like grouping either.  How about you "fix" them by letting us buy the spells at a merchant.   I find it absurd that we have to get every single spell from a rune that sells for 12k or more in the bazaar.  You would think at least some would be spells we could buy after level 65.


Im afraid EQ is a group and raid type game these days, soloing is possible by some classes including us, but soloing will never reap the big rewards.

To get the spells solo you need to group first to get good enough gear to solo the named in rcod, wos and NC.

There have been arguments about spell V mellee power and spells being effectively "free" upgrade as only costing a few plats from a vendor was seen as "unbalncing". Mellee have to pay for every item of armour and pay a lot in bazaar, whereas mellee get a power upgrade for nothing.


I don't know if I believe that you can't acquire your spells (at least the droppable ones).

At level 65 I was making around 1.5 - 2k per night in Tier 1 PoHate.  I normally exped there solo in two hour sessions.  This was strictly from vendor drops and the armor turnin, though if you happen to get the ranger epic drop of one of the others you can make much better cash, even these days.  I was dressed entirely in bazaar gear with the exception of a couple pieces from pre-EP encounters.  I would imagine with gear from today you could clear more, gaining you much better cash.  It was also not uncommon for me to walk out of GE or Veksar with a couple thousand plat per session, though some of this was from bazaar sellables that would not be worth much today.

So depending on your play-time and gear you should have a rune within a week or two.  It's slowish going, but it is possible and does not require you to group.  Needless to say, if you group in places like WoS you should see them sooner.  Many people I know have been passing on runes in places like that when they find out someone is still missing spells.

Now 69/70 spells might be another matter.  I know a lot of people that still have problems getting them.  I do have mine with the exception of 70 fero, but it's because I led runs on the NC mobs like Menlo to get them.  I suspect for a person who doesn't have that option it would mean a lot of grouping in illsalin, RCoD, MPG and RSS, which does require a certain gear level.


This is a bit off topic, but if you need to make good steady cash, go to Acrylia Caverns.  The grimlings there drop bricks and blocks of acrylia very commonly.  Break up the blocks into large or small bricks depending on your baz market, but they should sell for at least 25-40pp each.  Destroy the bricks of black acrylia, they have few uses and neglible value compared to the acrylia ore.  They also drop various acrylia runes that are worth 1-5pp each....the stacks really add up quickly.  Also on their drop table are weapons that sell for 130pp each to venders.  Finally, although they don't sell like they used to, the 6 named there have drops with decent stats and have no level restrictions.  With venders and a bank right there in Grimling Forest it's a plat farm that is difficult to beat for steady income.  On top of all that, you even get xp.

Duoing with my mage (most classes can solo here at 65 without difficulty) and filling up all our bags I have routinely profitted 4k+ on a single run and that was without selling any acrylia ore at all because I use it for smithing, fletching and tailoring.  Go there with empty bags and you will not be sorry.
Savage Spirit Sharrien Dreamstalker
Primal Elementalist Ravingronn Blazewarden
Maelin Starpyre


Now I am the first who would think we would have gotten a big uprising with Rake, because in many essences it is a volley disc and one of the only discs any hybrids have that is substained.

Now to my surprise nothing really got said about this....a few zerklers tried to complain but where told to pretty much look at the differences and don't fret about it. which is pretty cool.

Now the one spell I didn't think we would have gotten any flack on is the 70 pet proc. The Paladins are now going off about this proc becuase of the level 72 stun component to the proc. Anyone else find this a little off kilter?


meh.. he just sounds like a whiny lil brat that's not worth attention.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


I wonder if he realizes we have had a stun component on every single one of our pet procs since level 51.


I don't understand the concern myself. Yes paladins do have to invest in AA's to get above 70 stuns, but this is a class that complains about a heavy influx of stun immune mobs. I have yet to see a mob stun for a signifgant period from my pet proc yet not have I seen it pull what hobbels does on immune to run speed mobs. So it seems to follow the same rules of other stuns casted from PC's.

Nor do I think some can of them will admit that the advantages that castable at will stuns compared to pet proc stuns can do. yes our pet procs a lot, but isn't at all reliable.

So ti goes 1 level above thier AA ones, it isn't a concern becuase of the other reasons stated above.


Mage air pet stun has capped at level 80 since forever, and I don't recall the paladins getting up in arms about it.
Savagespirit Bengali Grimmspirit, Scion of Shar Vahl

"My friend Mark said that he saw Bengali totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.
And that's what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


1. A resist modifier was added to our 70 slow spell to reflect our role as group slowers, the same consideration needs to be given to haste. The duration on Celerity is ridiculous for our final haste spell, and if we're the group slower, we're more than likely the group haster. It needs to last about an hour when focus and AAs are accounted for.

2.  Focus of Alladnu should be a group buff, not single target.

3. DOTs need a negative resist modifier or they will continue to be virtually useless.

4.Growl of the Panther and Empathic Fury need to stop targetting the pet. (EF isn't a spell per se but is treated as such on the back end as far as I can see)

5. Muada's mending needs to be as mana efficient as chloroblast.