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Gearing up Cleric box

Started by Blarp, March 14, 2007, 01:48:50 PM

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Heya all.  i Started a Cleric Bot like 5 days ago i got him to 65 all rdy . where would be a few places to gear him up should i Camp Ps's in TSS? or is there easyer for the same armor? he can heal ok low mana pool but i'm i am  geared well with most all of my aa's so i can do Valdeholm level mobs/named any place you all would say is best to gear the cleric? thanksf or the help.


Yeah...if you can handle all the camps and Vald w/ him, just start camping all the TSS visible armor slot camps.  You can pick up a few others slots at the same time...probably get cleric to at least 71 doing this, probably 73 by the time you have enough powersources.  That's assuming you don't stop for some AAs.


Damn how did you level a Cleric to 65 in 5 days?  The best I ever did, about 2-3 years ago, was level a Necro to 50 in 2 days 19 hours.  Are TSS newb zone that good for experience?  Did you shroud down your Beastlord?  Just curious.


i did 1-50 in 2 days 10 hours played 1-20 pc 20-37 TOFS 37-46 the Hole 46-50 PoJ with a 65 beasrlord kicking ass

how so fast used a lvl 75 cleric friend to use  the cleric DS 56 points + potions= 70 da at lvl 1 if i rmeber right and only gets stronger levery 10 lvls when i stoepd doing this it was 116 points DS i Got the cleric  7 items BP(hp) ear's rings(hp)  some gimpo shield and main hand( used Copper hammer) it is fast  tosed the low lvl HoT on cleric pull them single with clerics DS like 0 agrro  got it on lowbe toon pulled more 1 by on they auto agrro lowbe fighting one of there oun so always had 2-3 on him. from 50-65 i did wos Murks cave  gruoped with my beastlrod 1 Loop is aboult 25% Exp  at 64 i got him 1.3 lvls with LOTD(lowbe cleric)  in the 30 min at 61  took him to vald for 2 lvls in ther ei gta gruop invite on Blarp so i Slowed/dps pout of gruop he got vald exp(very ncie) picked up a few items to NO ps tho -/)

oks i gues i will Try the Vald Pit camp with Blerp(Cleric) and my self see if i can snag a few nameds for gearage thansk for the tips( 65 2 days played btw)


The first froglok to make 65 was a cleric w/in just over 2 days of release, iirc.  Had his epic the next day also, I think.  Granted, tha was a different scale of powerlevelling...


if your hardcore and have some major twinkage items, and some strong healage to back you up, dulak 1-30 in a few hours, dreadlands to 35, velks to 46, poi to 51, pod or what not to 55, then pov to 62 then bot


I would skip TSS and start working on TBS Katta Merchant faction.
Bham - Cleric - Mage - Wizard - Tentrix


i spent 5kpp on blerp when i made him it was good for him untill lvl 50 its all in what way u want to PL ya if i droped a good mill on him would of been faster but not by to much


The Necromancer I leveled was 95% solo and not powerleveled at all so I guess if I had a high level to powerlevel him it would have been faster.  I think I gave him between 5-10k between gear, spells and bazaar potions.  I never played him past 50.  It was just a test because I was bored.


Quote from: bham on March 15, 2007, 07:42:34 PM
I would skip TSS and start working on TBS Katta Merchant faction.

TBS ally gear with a Power source is anguish quality. I am currently working this with my boxes. My Beast has ally armor with power source and 55hp aug and bp is 365ish hp. The only down side to the TBS that I can think of is that the aug slots are slot 7 and 13. So all these anguish augs I have (3 lol) will have to go into other to farm slot 7 hp augs.

If your cleric is having no trouble keeping you alive then, IMO gear on your cleric isn't much to worry about unless you are a raiding boxer but still until this cleric is 75 I would be farming TBS faction and Orux to gear it up. I believe that with a fully geared cleric on TBS gear would easily break 10k unbuffed hp/mana. The faction is alot of work to do the group misions....not hard but you have to do alot of them and as the Expansion gets older and older it seems te easier missions are getting lower and lower faction hits and orux rewards. Also If you would rather not wait till 75 on the TBS gear...the alternate currency you recieve from them are selling like you wouldn't believe. On Druzzil Ro I have heard of them selling up to 200pp per orux bust most likely 130-140. I takes 700 Orux to buy BP. average mission yeilds about 50ish orux. I had about 3k orux which if i had sold would have made  a killing. This is basically like DoN except you have to have the faction to unlock the best gear and spells. Gear BTW you can sell back. I check yesterday on bp which I bought for 700 and merchant offerend me 490 so not a bad buy back.

Good Luck


I have been thinking of making a cleric box as i play on Tribunal and im on GMT time so sometimes getting a group together can be hard so im left with the crappy zones to solo  :cry:

atm my beastlord is heading into his 70's and im looking to get TBS this month. the equipment is great for what i can see!


Hey Tribunal hey. my  Home sever i happen to have a Cleric i started there on a diff account i Do not Use PM me.

i think i got her to 70  fyi good gear a qvic or 2 and a few othere thing not Uber but good


ahh fantastic! il shoot you a tell bro! if not my email is [email protected] as gettin hold of me is a problem due to time zone diffs.



Check out the magelo for my cleric in my Sig.

The primary and secondary and some of the augs are raid gear, but 90% of his gear is 1-group stuff. Definitely go TBS faction gear, then pick sweet non-visible stuff from allahkazam and go farm it.
Bham - Cleric - Mage - Wizard - Tentrix


Hey Kalnr who is your beast :) ? Tribunal here aswell
Must say that my beast is mostly retired now, but im on gmt aswell, so i know what you are going to when having to find a decent group. Let me know who you are, and ill send you a tell one of  these days :)