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Vamp Castle in TM

Started by Taiglin, May 18, 2004, 01:43:01 AM

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So have been hunting here off and on for a lvl or two now but am wondering if there is a more efficient way to do things. Am a two boxer with a lvl 54 Druid. Based on a post from the other site I have been pulling to just outside the castle itself. This is nice because I can leave the pet and the bot out there as I pull. The problem is by the time I get to Ren I am usually on the 3rd rotation of clearing my way to him.

Usually goes like this. Pull first 2, wait till fly boy leaves the ent and pull inside right. Pull named. Pull 2 by the stairs/ramp and since dinging 55 have been able to usually get the second named on this first run. That starts the cycle again till I get to the first general. Kill him, run back up and cast on Ren. At 55 this argos general #2 on Ren's far side as well. Running down the stairs I have only gotten the general to follow me all the way out which is a good thing IMO. That starts cycle #3 but can now get Ren single.

Couple of questions. Since you can't snare/root the named mobs is this the best way to do things? Also, once the first 3 named mobs are down does anyone have a spot they move to or would recommend inside the castle to set up camp? Had to camp out the other night quick like and did so between gen #2 and the vamp in the back corner of the second level. When I came back on I was ok as far as argo. The problem came when named #2 (Gor something I think - I don't pay enough attention) pathed through there before I could clear the back two mobs. Fight went well but eventually argoed the vamp in the back corner. Also was't sure which way he would path so ported out of there. Wish these guys could be rooted or something. The overall exp 2 boxing and at 55 is starting to slow as the regular types are about 35-40% lt blue. Does make for some quick xp but thinking killing the second and third floors with 4 generals would help that out a bit. Anyway, just looking for some tips.

<a href="">Taiglin[/url] 70 Iksar Beastlord
Nameless - <a href="">Fools Republic[/url]


With all the folks who have camped Ren for the Spirit of Flame spell there has to be someone who can comment....

<a href="">Taiglin[/url] 70 Iksar Beastlord
Nameless - <a href="">Fools Republic[/url]


This is not much but, the few times I camped there, I got to the second floor and stayed.  I pulled what I wanted from the third or first floors.  Like I said not much, but maybe this will help a bit.
75 Vah Shir BST
Clan McEye