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DOD exp

Started by felinefury, October 26, 2005, 09:17:10 AM

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On the 27th there will be a patch, I hear that they are nerfing dod missions hardcore.  Less exp and harder missions.  That really sucks cuz it was nice change from grinding in WOS and MPG.  I think I'm gonna try to hit up MPG trials with guild, cant resist drops there.  Also DOD spell missions and I still need to work on DON progression.


For some reason I am under the impression the DoD MM are going to be harder and give less exp. but the spell missions are being made either easier or to give better rewards.
Blacknose Crackedfang 71st season of The Nameless


rumor that I've heard that I am quite angry about (I am a packrat & keep an incredibly full bank) is that they are upgrading the rewards that you get from doing those missions.  I've, of course, destroyed all the items by now, and, having done them 2, 3 times, I can say that they don't reward you a second time once you have beaten a progression mission.  So yeah, i'm a lil ticked there, since, sadly, the cloak reward wasn't too incredibly poorer than my own cloak.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar


I am extremely happy about the monster missions less xp/harder. Someone made a 70 shm 60aa from the missions, and doesnt have any spells, spell skills, knowledge of a shammy.  That's plain sick and a good reason to group with people you know.
I am also kind of aggrivated, depending on the loot change for spell missions.  Was hoping they would attempt to give you the new piece (pending you dont have it atm) and it can tell because of being lore.
~Predator Skratz Nsniff º¿º
75 Beastlord of Vazaelle(Troll Power!)
Now residing in Maelin Starpyre


I like the fact that they are nerfing the MM and lowering the difficulty of the spell progression.  To be honest I took advantage of the MM to get to 70 while I could.  But I was at my keyboard for all of them, and actually taking part.  Being able to solo and get exp for 5 others (even selling the exp) while being logged on in bazaar, or even off soloing gaining more exp, I found repulsive.  I have joined groups for the DoDH spell progression, and honestly if they don't get lowered, most non-raiding/casual beasts won't see these spells.  I have yet to succeed in any of my attempts.  I understand that the spells aren't as required by the casuals... my slows still bounce, and I could use more dps.  Maybe next expansion or two (should only be around a year) they will make new content so I can get those spells then, like they did with OoW spells.  Still working on those too :)
Lvl 70 Beastlord
Steel and Honor
Saryn server


Sort of off-topic, but...

I've done all of the level 68 spell progression missions, and all but the last level 69 one.  They are all doable by a full group of low-EP/DoN geared players.  Now, I can't imagine doing it with a lower level of gear then that, but seriously they are possible to do.  We did 68.5 with an 11.5k buffed paladin for a tank.  You can look at my magelo for a gear comparison, and I was similarly equipped to the rest of my group.

The thing about them is, you have to build your groups carefully.  I compare it to doing Tipt, or making a RSS group, or MPG trials with casualish gear.  Yes, you can be successful but you need a team of people that know each other and work well together, and you need certain classes.  Going to the /lfg window doesn't work well unless it's a non-critical slot.

As a side note, the mobs in the spell missions were easy to slow.  I'd get a resistant one every now and again, but I was main slower and had no problems at all landing it.  I  mainly used the 65 slow, though I did have the 70 loaded in case of adds (can slow faster that way since you don't have to wait on the spell bubble to refresh).

But anyways, I just want to encourage people not to give up.  I didn't think I would get the spells but I have the 68 one and am close to the 69.  The loot in the missions needs to be adjusted, but I am not sure that the difficulty should be lowered.  The pet spell is just that good.    I no longer nuke at all unless it's a "kill the runner asap" situation.  Just growl + pet spell is rocking for me atm.


Shiera's actually got a very good point.  I think I was at her level when I finally got thru tipt.  I had to bang my head against that for a while before I finally got it.  Got it by getting good group design.

If you aren't pretty well geared, you have to approach these carefully, with plan & design in mind.  Talk to ur friends/guildies, line out who/what you need & get your crew set up together to take it down right.  This is pretty difficult 1 group content really.  The difficulty up to killing the bosses of these is low.  Then u get to the bosses.  This is where your group design will come in well.  Pretty much all of them were coming off stun immune or severely resistant, so my pally on last 68 arc was getting eaten relatively fast (think he might've been only a tidge bigger than yours Shiera.  One of our newer ones ;p).  So plan accordingly when u make up your group.  You might have to fail on em a time or two & change up your group design accordingly when you are able to evaluate the weaknesses of your group design.  I am not really well able to make these analysis at the power ratio involved,  (power ratio = quality of gear to difficulty of content here) but its sounding like its about the VT geared crew going after the sewer trials that I went through type ratio.
Kez's Magelo 85 "Arch Animist" of Final Empire on Povar