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Explorer Tower in LoIO

Started by Prelgor, June 25, 2004, 09:54:28 PM

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I've recently been spending time at the tower with the Explorers in the Lake of Ill Omen.  They've long since gone green to me at 29, but my troll is farming the knives to get in good with the Iksar for their new claw quest.  And I giggle at the faction hits with the elfs and dorfs. :)  

Usually, I clear the 3 spawns then hang around waiting for them to pop again.  However, I recently brought my bard by and found *seven* on track!  

I assume the extra four are on the upper floors of the tower.  Does anyone know how to get there?  I couldn't find a way to fly up, even while levitating, and the walls are too sheer to climb.

Thanks for any help!  

- Gordun, 29 beastlord, Bristlebane


Seven sounds about right, three is far too few.  I have bad news for you - they all spawn around the base of the the tower inside; I bet that the missing 4 are all under the ground.

Try running over them with a low level KoS character, or getting a druid/cleric/enchanter/etc to cast a PBAE nuke or stun standing over their spawn point.  All else failing, petition.  Or wait for the next server reset.


You could also use /pet attack an_explorer
With their changed they made, the mob should pop up onto the world...
or your pet might poof